Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.

Or maybe

Story time with Old Style...Where the bad guys are everyone, except cops. They are infallible

Nobody can he that hateful of someone they don't know unless they are racists
The cop's reaction is typical. If you're stupid enough to get confrontational with a police officer then you'd best not have outstanding warrants or speed or run stop signs because they WILL cite you and they will arrest you if you don't comply with their orders. Now you can whine about the injustice of this all you want, Closed but it doesn't change the fact that what Bland did that day was absolutely idiotic! She's got outstanding warrants pending in another State that if the authorities in Texas choose to look far enough...they're going to find! Who starts shit with a cop when they have outstanding warrants? I'll tell you who...MORONS!!!

Or people who've just gotten fed up with a racist police system that routinely pulls people over for "Driving While Black".

And the winner of today's "Most Clueless Statement of White Privilege Award" goes to Dog-Style, who has probably never had to deal with a cop abusing his authority for shits and grins in his life.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for White People.

"Driving While Black" is just one more myth perpetrated by naive fools. I used to give a woman I work with rides home because she didn't have a car. She lived in an area that was known for drugs. I was stopped by the police four different times after dropping her off for "weaving across a traffic lane" or not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. I understood that they were targeting me because of where I was and although it was a pain having to sit there on the side of the road waiting for them to run my information...I was civil with the officers who stopped me and they were civil with me in return. Once they knew WHO I was and what I was doing in that area...not only did they not stop me...they would return my wave of greeting as I drove past. The bottom line is that I appreciate what they were doing in that rather bad neighborhood...trying to keep it safe for nice people like my friend from work.

The Police are not your enemy unless you MAKE them your enemy!
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.

Or maybe

Story time with Old Style...Where the bad guys are everyone, except cops. They are infallible

Nobody can he that hateful of someone they don't know unless they are racists

Is it "hateful" to point out the truth? My bad...
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.

Or maybe

Story time with Old Style...Where the bad guys are everyone, except cops. They are infallible

Nobody can he that hateful of someone they don't know unless they are racists
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.

Or maybe

Story time with Old Style...Where the bad guys are everyone, except cops. They are infallible

Nobody can he that hateful of someone they don't know unless they are racists

Is it "hateful" to point out the truth? My bad...
Cop haters like Mike have either broken the law and had to deal with LE in the past. Or they are currently in trouble with LE. Or they know that sooner or later they will be caught doing something illegal and have to deal with LE.
No law abiding citizen is a 'cop hater'.
Calling American Police officers "Cossacks" is laughable! The average American cop does what they do because they want to make their community a safer place for their families and for yours! Unfortunately for them...they have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland who make a habit of breaking the law and then accuse anyone who calls them on it of being a racist.

Guy the problem here isn't the 90% of cops who are doing good work. It's the 10% who abuse their authority and a system that doesn't hold them to account.

Like the guy who shot the kid 16 times here in Chicago, and it took a year and a half to charge him. Even though they have him on tape shooting this guy ON THE GROUND.

These cops don't make the community safer. Nor is Sandra Bland giving them lip making them more dangerous.

If you commit traffic offenses you have no RIGHT to respond angrily towards the police officer who's job it is to enforce the traffic laws that politicians have decided should exist. If you have a problem with police writing you a ticket for speeding then get your local politician to change the speed limits. Stop blaming the people who get stuck enforcing all of the laws that the people you elected passed!

the problem with laws always is, who enforces them and how are they enforced.

When you find that blacks make up 13% of the population but get 50% of the traffic stops, you don't conclude blacks are just worse drivers than white people if you have a lick of sense.

Missouri traffic stop report reveals racial disparity

And when you see 12 year old Tamir Rice SHOT ON SIGHT playing with a toy gun while the Bundy Brothers openly point weapons at federal agents and everyone calls for calm, you can't pretend that the system isn't pretty fucking racist.
"Driving While Black" is just one more myth perpetrated by naive fools. I used to give a woman I work with rides home because she didn't have a car. She lived in an area that was known for drugs. I was stopped by the police four different times after dropping her off for "weaving across a traffic lane" or not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. I understood that they were targeting me because of where I was and although it was a pain having to sit there on the side of the road waiting for them to run my information...I was civil with the officers who stopped me and they were civil with me in return. Once they knew WHO I was and what I was doing in that area...not only did they not stop me...they would return my wave of greeting as I drove past. The bottom line is that I appreciate what they were doing in that rather bad neighborhood...trying to keep it safe for nice people like my friend from work.

The Police are not your enemy unless you MAKE them your enemy!

When they go around shooting 12 year old children, they kind of become the enemy.

But yeah, "Driving While Black" is a real thing.

Driving While Black: Racial Profiling On Our Nation's Highways

You really can get pulled over for driving while black, federal statistics show
Calling American Police officers "Cossacks" is laughable! The average American cop does what they do because they want to make their community a safer place for their families and for yours! Unfortunately for them...they have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland who make a habit of breaking the law and then accuse anyone who calls them on it of being a racist.

Guy the problem here isn't the 90% of cops who are doing good work. It's the 10% who abuse their authority and a system that doesn't hold them to account.

Like the guy who shot the kid 16 times here in Chicago, and it took a year and a half to charge him. Even though they have him on tape shooting this guy ON THE GROUND.

These cops don't make the community safer. Nor is Sandra Bland giving them lip making them more dangerous.

If you commit traffic offenses you have no RIGHT to respond angrily towards the police officer who's job it is to enforce the traffic laws that politicians have decided should exist. If you have a problem with police writing you a ticket for speeding then get your local politician to change the speed limits. Stop blaming the people who get stuck enforcing all of the laws that the people you elected passed!

the problem with laws always is, who enforces them and how are they enforced.

When you find that blacks make up 13% of the population but get 50% of the traffic stops, you don't conclude blacks are just worse drivers than white people if you have a lick of sense.

Missouri traffic stop report reveals racial disparity

And when you see 12 year old Tamir Rice SHOT ON SIGHT playing with a toy gun while the Bundy Brothers openly point weapons at federal agents and everyone calls for calm, you can't pretend that the system isn't pretty fucking racist.

What's laughable about that cite, Joey is that it pretends that Michael Brown was somehow unfairly targeted because he was black! Forget that he had just committed strong armed robbery of a convenience store. Forget that he was so brazen that he walked down the middle of the street after committing the robbery refusing to get out of the street for a police car. Forget that he then assaulted the police officer who realized that he matched the description of the robber. For idiots like the people who wrote that article...none of that matters because Brown was black and the police "target" black people! Michael Brown didn't die because he was black...he died because he was a thug.

Tamir Rice sat in a city park pointing an "air gun" replica pistol at passing people. Those come with an orange cap on the barrel so that you can tell they are not real guns but Tamir had taken that off. When the police showed up dumbass Tamir reached for the gun that he had in his waistband and was shot twice. Once again...idiots like the people who wrote the article you cited see that as a "hate" crime against blacks when all it really was is police officers fearing for their lives shooting a person they thought was pulling a gun on them.

In case you didn't read today's USA Today...there was yet another police officer shot while sitting in his squad car by a black man who simply ran up to the cruiser and opened fire. It's open season on uniformed police at the moment but THAT gets less air play in the media then the killings of idiots like Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.
...I was civil with the officers who stopped me and they were civil with me in return. Once they knew WHO I was and what I was doing in that area...not only did they not stop me...they would return my wave of greeting as I drove past.

LOL, man...the nievete is astounding. If you asked anyone else in that drug area their experiences I guarantee waves and letting you go about your business isn't part of it
...I was civil with the officers who stopped me and they were civil with me in return. Once they knew WHO I was and what I was doing in that area...not only did they not stop me...they would return my wave of greeting as I drove past.

LOL, man...the nievete is astounding. If you asked anyone else in that drug area their experiences I guarantee waves and letting you go about your business isn't part of it

If you have no record the cop isnt going to fuck with you, idiot.
...I was civil with the officers who stopped me and they were civil with me in return. Once they knew WHO I was and what I was doing in that area...not only did they not stop me...they would return my wave of greeting as I drove past.

LOL, man...the nievete is astounding. If you asked anyone else in that drug area their experiences I guarantee waves and letting you go about your business isn't part of it

Well since that area is drug infested...then you'd probably be right! Duh?

The police weren't there because they wanted to annoy law abiding citizens...they were there because the law abiding citizens that do have the misfortune to live there are usually begging them to clean up the crime in their neighborhood.

I guarantee you that if someone were stopped as I was and when their information was run...they had a long history of drug arrests then they WOULDN'T be getting a wave of greeting each time they drove by...they'd be getting pulled over and they'd be getting as much harassment as the police can legally employ. The idea is to send a message...that selling or buying drugs in that area will have a good probability of getting you arrested.
What's laughable about that cite, Joey is that it pretends that Michael Brown was somehow unfairly targeted because he was black! Forget that he had just committed strong armed robbery of a convenience store. Forget that he was so brazen that he walked down the middle of the street after committing the robbery refusing to get out of the street for a police car. Forget that he then assaulted the police officer who realized that he matched the description of the robber. For idiots like the people who wrote that article...none of that matters because Brown was black and the police "target" black people! Michael Brown didn't die because he was black...he died because he was a thug.

No, he died because a thug cop overreacted to a petty crime. Grand Theft Cigar was not worth killing someone over. Neither was "mouthing off to a cop", or "Playing with a toy gun" or "refusing to drop a knife because you were too stoned to understand instructions".

Now, you might be okay with cops who randomly shoot the darkies because they got it coming, but the Darkies aren't so cool with that for some reason.

Tamir Rice sat in a city park pointing an "air gun" replica pistol at passing people. Those come with an orange cap on the barrel so that you can tell they are not real guns but Tamir had taken that off. When the police showed up dumbass Tamir reached for the gun that he had in his waistband and was shot twice. Once again...idiots like the people who wrote the article you cited see that as a "hate" crime against blacks when all it really was is police officers fearing for their lives shooting a person they thought was pulling a gun on them.

The cop (who had been fired from a previous job for crying!) shot Tamir within a second of getting out of his car. that hardly seems like the careful calculation that you are trying to portray it as.

In case you didn't read today's USA Today...there was yet another police officer shot while sitting in his squad car by a black man who simply ran up to the cruiser and opened fire. It's open season on uniformed police at the moment but THAT gets less air play in the media then the killings of idiots like Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.

Well, first, that cop didn't die.

Second, it seems when a cop get killed (or when he kills himself and tries to blame it on a black guy) that gets plenty of play, too.

Third, you nuts insist that we all need guns to protect ourselves against an oppressive government. Since oppression is largely a subjective standard, what are you complaining about here, exactly?
His story is this: I drove threw a drug area regularly and was greeted fondly.

Womp womp

No, idiot child...my "story" is that I drove through a drug infested area regularly and until the police knew me by sight (which took four different stops by four different officers!) they stopped my car and checked me out just like everyone else. Once they did recognize me...then when I gave them a wave of greeting I got the same in return. Why? Because I treated them with respect and didn't cop an attitude. I understood that they were there in a dangerous neighborhood...doing a dangerous job...and they were doing it because they'd been ORDERED to do it!
Calling American Police officers "Cossacks" is laughable! The average American cop does what they do because they want to make their community a safer place for their families and for yours!
Hokey nonsense. Most do it for a paycheck and the benefits. Some do it for the paycheck, the benefits, and the perverse pleasure they derive from asserting their superimposed authority on the civilian population. This latter category are the cause of presently increasing public resentment of the police

Unfortunately for them...they have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland who make a habit of breaking the law and then accuse anyone who calls them on it of being a racist.
They don't "have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland." There are many jobs which involve no contact with the public. But if one wishes to make a living by issuing traffic summonses to other citizens one should be prepared to live with the naturally expected reaction -- which is not going to be polite.

If you commit traffic offenses you have no RIGHT to respond angrily towards the police officer who's job it is to enforce the traffic laws that politicians have decided should exist.
Yes, you do! And this issue has been officially settled many times in many courts. You don't have a right to assault the cop, or to personally abuse him, but you are not expected to react politely or pleasantly. And you absolutely have a right to express your feelings about the experience.

If you have a problem with police writing you a ticket for speeding then get your local politician to change the speed limits. Stop blaming the people who get stuck enforcing all of the laws that the people you elected passed!
It's not the speeding summonses that anger the vast majority of recipients, because speeding is dangerous. Most people know this and when they get caught they understand the necessity of the punishment they are facing. It's the little bullshit money-maker summonses that anger recipients -- like Sandra Bland.

Bland wasn't speeding. She was in the passing lane and when she saw Encinias patrol car behind her she crossed into a right lane to let him pass. Instead of passing he followed her, stopped her, and rather than consider her explanation he became aggressive when she expressed annoyance -- ordering her to put her cigarette out, which he had no justifiable reason to do. His purpose was to issue a summons and be on his way.

There is a psychological phenomenon known to behaviorists as the authoritarian/submissive personality, one very prominent manifestation of which is virtual worship of uniformed authority figures. You should understand that everyone does not manifest this behavioral characteristic but instead harbor a purely objective perception of police authority (not to be confused with criminal types who hate police for obvious reasons).

Here is an article that might be of interest to you: The Authoritarian Personality by Erich Fromm 1957
What's laughable about that cite, Joey is that it pretends that Michael Brown was somehow unfairly targeted because he was black! Forget that he had just committed strong armed robbery of a convenience store. Forget that he was so brazen that he walked down the middle of the street after committing the robbery refusing to get out of the street for a police car. Forget that he then assaulted the police officer who realized that he matched the description of the robber. For idiots like the people who wrote that article...none of that matters because Brown was black and the police "target" black people! Michael Brown didn't die because he was black...he died because he was a thug.

No, he died because a thug cop overreacted to a petty crime. Grand Theft Cigar was not worth killing someone over. Neither was "mouthing off to a cop", or "Playing with a toy gun" or "refusing to drop a knife because you were too stoned to understand instructions".

Now, you might be okay with cops who randomly shoot the darkies because they got it coming, but the Darkies aren't so cool with that for some reason.

Tamir Rice sat in a city park pointing an "air gun" replica pistol at passing people. Those come with an orange cap on the barrel so that you can tell they are not real guns but Tamir had taken that off. When the police showed up dumbass Tamir reached for the gun that he had in his waistband and was shot twice. Once again...idiots like the people who wrote the article you cited see that as a "hate" crime against blacks when all it really was is police officers fearing for their lives shooting a person they thought was pulling a gun on them.

The cop (who had been fired from a previous job for crying!) shot Tamir within a second of getting out of his car. that hardly seems like the careful calculation that you are trying to portray it as.

In case you didn't read today's USA Today...there was yet another police officer shot while sitting in his squad car by a black man who simply ran up to the cruiser and opened fire. It's open season on uniformed police at the moment but THAT gets less air play in the media then the killings of idiots like Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.

Well, first, that cop didn't die.

Second, it seems when a cop get killed (or when he kills himself and tries to blame it on a black guy) that gets plenty of play, too.

Third, you nuts insist that we all need guns to protect ourselves against an oppressive government. Since oppression is largely a subjective standard, what are you complaining about here, exactly?

So now strong armed robbery is "petty crime"? Assaulting a police officer is as well? Get a clue, Joey!

Oh, so because the cop is only in intensive care...riddled with bullets...it's no big deal because he didn't die? You're about as moronic as they come, Joey! You wonder why police "over react" but then when one of them gets shot for absolutely no reason you can't seem to grasp why the police in general are on edge!
Calling American Police officers "Cossacks" is laughable! The average American cop does what they do because they want to make their community a safer place for their families and for yours!
Hokey nonsense. Most do it for a paycheck and the benefits. Some do it for the paycheck, the benefits, and the perverse pleasure they derive from asserting their superimposed authority on the civilian population. This latter category are the cause of presently increasing public resentment of the police

Unfortunately for them...they have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland who make a habit of breaking the law and then accuse anyone who calls them on it of being a racist.
They don't "have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland." There are many jobs which involve no contact with the public. But if one wishes to make a living by issuing traffic summonses to other citizens one should be prepared to live with the naturally expected reaction -- which is not going to be polite.

If you commit traffic offenses you have no RIGHT to respond angrily towards the police officer who's job it is to enforce the traffic laws that politicians have decided should exist.
Yes, you do! And this issue has been officially settled many times in many courts. You don't have a right to assault the cop, or to personally abuse him, but you are not expected to react politely or pleasantly. And you absolutely have a right to express your feelings about the experience.

If you have a problem with police writing you a ticket for speeding then get your local politician to change the speed limits. Stop blaming the people who get stuck enforcing all of the laws that the people you elected passed!
It's not the speeding summonses that anger the vast majority of recipients, because speeding is dangerous. Most people know this and when they get caught they understand the necessity of the punishment they are facing. It's the little bullshit money-maker summonses that anger recipients -- like Sandra Bland.

Bland wasn't speeding. She was in the passing lane and when she saw Encinias patrol car behind her she crossed into a right lane to let him pass. Instead of passing he followed her, stopped her, and rather than consider her explanation he became aggressive when she expressed annoyance -- ordering her to put her cigarette out, which he had no justifiable reason to do. His purpose was to issue a summons and be on his way.

There is a psychological phenomenon known to behaviorists as the authoritarian/submissive personality, one very prominent manifestation of which is virtual worship of uniformed authority figures. You should understand that everyone does not manifest this behavioral characteristic but instead harbor a purely objective perception of police authority (not to be confused with criminal types who hate police for obvious reasons).

Here is an article that might be of interest to you: The Authoritarian Personality by Erich Fromm 1957

You think you have an "objective perception" of the police? Now THAT is some funny shit!
What's laughable about that cite, Joey is that it pretends that Michael Brown was somehow unfairly targeted because he was black! Forget that he had just committed strong armed robbery of a convenience store. Forget that he was so brazen that he walked down the middle of the street after committing the robbery refusing to get out of the street for a police car. Forget that he then assaulted the police officer who realized that he matched the description of the robber. For idiots like the people who wrote that article...none of that matters because Brown was black and the police "target" black people! Michael Brown didn't die because he was black...he died because he was a thug.

No, he died because a thug cop overreacted to a petty crime. Grand Theft Cigar was not worth killing someone over. Neither was "mouthing off to a cop", or "Playing with a toy gun" or "refusing to drop a knife because you were too stoned to understand instructions".

Now, you might be okay with cops who randomly shoot the darkies because they got it coming, but the Darkies aren't so cool with that for some reason.

Tamir Rice sat in a city park pointing an "air gun" replica pistol at passing people. Those come with an orange cap on the barrel so that you can tell they are not real guns but Tamir had taken that off. When the police showed up dumbass Tamir reached for the gun that he had in his waistband and was shot twice. Once again...idiots like the people who wrote the article you cited see that as a "hate" crime against blacks when all it really was is police officers fearing for their lives shooting a person they thought was pulling a gun on them.

The cop (who had been fired from a previous job for crying!) shot Tamir within a second of getting out of his car. that hardly seems like the careful calculation that you are trying to portray it as.

In case you didn't read today's USA Today...there was yet another police officer shot while sitting in his squad car by a black man who simply ran up to the cruiser and opened fire. It's open season on uniformed police at the moment but THAT gets less air play in the media then the killings of idiots like Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.

Well, first, that cop didn't die.

Second, it seems when a cop get killed (or when he kills himself and tries to blame it on a black guy) that gets plenty of play, too.

Third, you nuts insist that we all need guns to protect ourselves against an oppressive government. Since oppression is largely a subjective standard, what are you complaining about here, exactly?
On this issue we strongly disagree.

While my thoughts are not based on approval of the cop's actions the simple fact is Michael Brown was clearly shown to be a bullying punk who undoubtedly would have gone through a lifetime of hurting other people. So I find no fault with Patrolman Darren Wilson's killing of that vicious bastard. Michael Brown got exactly what he deserved.

(Sandra Bland did not!)

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