Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!
There's an old saying in legal circles that you could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, Jake! Getting an indictment from a grand jury really doesn't mean much since only the prosecution presents evidence and the defense isn't allowed to argue at all. It will be the DA's choice whether to go forward with this prosecution...trust me...the DA is VERY stressed having to make the call on this.

Yes, it's stressful actually conceding the Darkies have rights.

Point is, a young woman is dead. Someone needs to be held accountable.

This seems much more a civil issue than a criminal one.

The family has a civil case against him as well.
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Yeah I thought that too. The family didn't give a fuck about her until they saw $$$$$.
No, he started the shit by asking about her mood.
How is asking someone mood 'starting shit'?

You are so full of horse shit.

Professional police officers don't give a shit about your mood.

If they are trained properly and don't have large streaks of yellow up their back and tiny little dicks like yours, then they know that people who get traffic tickets aren't going to be happy.

He was out of line trying to provoke her. Watch the video or go back to watching cartoons.

Got it, yet?

Fucken a dude. lol
Doesn't matter. Maryland vs Wilson SCOTUS grants cops that right. As beligierant as she was acting....she may have been hiding something and being like that to try to get the cop to back off. That's a common thug tactic, especially in suburban areas where cops aren't as aggressive.

What he did was 100% legal. And he's not being charged for what they jury THINKS he might have been THINKING.

He's not being charged with making a wrongful arrest. He's charged with lying in his police report.

Sorry this concept confuses you.
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.
Anyway Karma bite in the ass. Don't mouth off and refuse to comply with a LEOs commands.
When a LEO stops anyone for any reason they never know who the person is. Do they have a loaded gun in their lap? Are they going to flee? Do they have a trunk full of heroin?

LEOs are trained to 'secure the scene'. That means removing anything that could be used as a weapon. A lit cigarette is considered to be a potential weapon.
Have a lit cigarette grond into your face and decide if it's a weapon.

So she was INSIDE her car and he felt threatened that she was going to:
1. Jump out of her car
2. Take him down
3. Pin him to the ground
4. Grind her cig into his face.

That is the most idiotic, illogical bullshit I've ever read on this board. Put your big boy pants on or else go back to your video games.
The LEO could tell immediately this negro bitch was going to be a problem by the way she was behaving.
When a LEO orders you to put out your cigarette you do it. Period.
Many years ago I had pulled someone over for a traffic violation. The person was smoking. I did not ask that he put the cigarette out. I asked for his paper work. When he handed them to me as I reached my hand through the open window to take the papers he took the cigarette out of his mouth and ground it into the top of my hand. Then he sped off. He was pursued and crashed and his trunk was full of cocaine.
I learned a lesson that day.

Turns out that she was a huge problem for him. Too bad he wasn't mature enough to see that before it came to this.
Anyway Karma bite in the ass. Don't mouth off and refuse to comply with a LEOs commands.
When a LEO stops anyone for any reason they never know who the person is. Do they have a loaded gun in their lap? Are they going to flee? Do they have a trunk full of heroin?

LEOs are trained to 'secure the scene'. That means removing anything that could be used as a weapon. A lit cigarette is considered to be a potential weapon.
Have a lit cigarette grond into your face and decide if it's a weapon.

So she was INSIDE her car and he felt threatened that she was going to:
1. Jump out of her car
2. Take him down
3. Pin him to the ground
4. Grind her cig into his face.

That is the most idiotic, illogical bullshit I've ever read on this board. Put your big boy pants on or else go back to your video games.
The LEO could tell immediately this negro bitch was going to be a problem by the way she was behaving.
When a LEO orders you to put out your cigarette you do it. Period.
Many years ago I had pulled someone over for a traffic violation. The person was smoking. I did not ask that he put the cigarette out. I asked for his paper work. When he handed them to me as I reached my hand through the open window to take the papers he took the cigarette out of his mouth and ground it into the top of my hand. Then he sped off. He was pursued and crashed and his trunk was full of cocaine.
I learned a lesson that day.

I had one on his cell phone. He had a suspended tag. No biggie, I was gonna write him a ticket and tell him to fix it before court. I DIDN'T KNOW he had a stolen gun and half pound of weed in the trunk.

As I sat the car writing the ticket...he was calling friends to come to the scene. He got out to come "ask me a question". As he did....friends ran into his car and sped off. He said "Oh shit you let somebody steal my car!!!" Brilliant criminal trick. Backup found the car abandoned 2 blocks away. Weed and gun in it but guess what....chain of custody is ruined and can't charge him for it.

After that I wouldn't let anyone talk on their phone during a stop and many got irate about it. Oh well.

You have no authority to stop someone from using their cellphone while parked. No wonder you are no longer among the LEO ranks.
I had a similar situation with a Texas cop many years ago after being in Houston for a few days. Still had PA license plates on my car. I was at the downtown P.O. and when I was leaving the drive-thru drop area there were 5 lanes to choose from and I didn't know which one to take. Evidently I took the wrong one and was pulled over by a motorcycle cop. Tall black boots, dark aviator shades, racer helmet...the whole over-compensation act.

I told him my situation and gave him my PA driver's license. He wouldn't cut me any slack. When I seemed "irritated" he actually threatened to arrest me for having a "bad attitude". His exact words.

If I had been a black woman instead of a white woman, I'm sure he would have Sandra Blanded me in a nanosecond.
Full Gestapo costume. I know the type. They take that job mainly for the pleasure they derive from asserting themselves.

Unfortunately, unless you have a credible witness (or a recording) the cop can fabricate or exaggerate some reason to arrest you, which is what the trooper did to Bland.

Cops should be made to understand they are not sacred cows and there is no law against a citizen expressing annoyance at being issued a summons, which is what Bland did. The trooper stepped over the line when he took exception to Bland's apparent irritation and unnecessarily escalated the situation.
Your cop-hating posts make me wonder how many times have you ended up in prison? Your mommy should have taught you to have respect for others. The only way anyone ends up in prison these days is when they have injured other people for whatever reason.
Too bad you and me never had an encounter pal. You'd still remember it in detail 30 years later.
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?
Doesn't matter. Maryland vs Wilson SCOTUS grants cops that right. As beligierant as she was acting....she may have been hiding something and being like that to try to get the cop to back off. That's a common thug tactic, especially in suburban areas where cops aren't as aggressive.

What he did was 100% legal. And he's not being charged for what they jury THINKS he might have been THINKING.

He's not being charged with making a wrongful arrest. He's charged with lying in his police report.

Sorry this concept confuses you.

Bucs be like: No one should lie but Cops are different, they have stressful jobs UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE. They are special! And if they need to lie in order to harass the public over turn signals then SO BE IT!

Then he literally licks a boot to make the point even clearer
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.

Or maybe they just didn't care because this wasn't Sandra's first "rodeo" with the Police! Maybe they all decided that spending a couple days in jail is what Sandra the family idiot needed! She showed them though...didn't she!
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.

None of that holds them responsible for anything that happened. Amazingly you find people who received phone calls more responsible than the arresting officer. Thats some magical responsibility that seems to jump from the parties involved to splatter everyone with responsibility except the officer in a responsibility free bubble somehow.

Oh yeah, thats right...its magic
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Or they had a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be killed by people who were supposed to be safeguarding her.

Or maybe they were too poor to get their hands on $500 that easily on a weekend.

Point is, the officer abused his authority and the people at the jail didn't safeguard her. Maybe after they get slapped around by the legal system, they will.

Or maybe

Story time with Old Style...Where the bad guys are everyone, except cops. They are infallible
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.
Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.
Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.

When he utilized his mind reading capabilities he learned at the Academy
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.
Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.

Then he probably should have been more careful not fall into her " trap". He got himself fired.
Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.

When he utilized his mind reading capabilities he learned at the Academy

He saw she was black. Don't you know that they all do that?
The LEO ran her taggs asshole. He knew her record before he approached her vehicle.
He was doing his job.
Like virtually every cop who has to deal with sub-humans he attempted to take legal actions to provide a safe place for him to give her a ticket.
The bitch refused to comply with the LEO's legal orders.
The LEO won the fucking lottery the moment he was fired. The City will settle out of court for four million.

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