Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.

When he utilized his mind reading capabilities he learned at the Academy

He saw she was black. Don't you know that they all do that?
The LEO ran her taggs asshole. He knew her record before he approached her vehicle.
He was doing his job.
Like virtually every cop who has to deal with sub-humans he attempted to take legal actions to provide a safe place for him to give her a ticket.
The bitch refused to comply with the LEO's legal orders.
The LEO won the fucking lottery the moment he was fired. The City will settle out of court for four million.

So he knew her record and still fell for her trap getting himself fired? Man, that chick outsmarted the police? He should be fired then
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.

None of that holds them responsible for anything that happened. Amazingly you find people who received phone calls more responsible than the arresting officer. Thats some magical responsibility that seems to jump from the parties involved to splatter everyone with responsibility except the officer in a responsibility free bubble somehow.

Oh yeah, thats right...its magic

Listen to the testimony of her cell mate, Closed. Bland became increasingly despondent as the weekend went by because her repeated calls to friends and family had been ignored. She wasn't suicidal because she'd been arrested...she was suicidal because her family and friends had turned their backs on her.
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.

None of that holds them responsible for anything that happened. Amazingly you find people who received phone calls more responsible than the arresting officer. Thats some magical responsibility that seems to jump from the parties involved to splatter everyone with responsibility except the officer in a responsibility free bubble somehow.

Oh yeah, thats right...its magic

Listen to the testimony of her cell mate, Closed. Bland became increasingly despondent as the weekend went by because her repeated calls to friends and family had been ignored. She wasn't suicidal because she'd been arrested...she was suicidal because her family and friends had turned their backs on her.

I dont have to listen to an inmate about Sandra, she wouldntve been there without the actions of the officer. Oops, sorry I forgot the rules that everyone is responsible and officers are exempt. He lied, who's responsibility should that fall too? Sandra's Relatives?
You know who ELSE is "accountable"? Her family and friends who didn't do a damn thing to get her out of jail! But then again getting put in jail was getting to be a habit for Sandra so perhaps I should cut them some slack for not rushing to free the family idiot!

Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.

None of that holds them responsible for anything that happened. Amazingly you find people who received phone calls more responsible than the arresting officer. Thats some magical responsibility that seems to jump from the parties involved to splatter everyone with responsibility except the officer in a responsibility free bubble somehow.

Oh yeah, thats right...its magic

Listen to the testimony of her cell mate, Closed. Bland became increasingly despondent as the weekend went by because her repeated calls to friends and family had been ignored. She wasn't suicidal because she'd been arrested...she was suicidal because her family and friends had turned their backs on her.

I dont have to listen to an inmate about Sandra, she wouldntve been there without the actions of the officer. Oops, sorry I forgot the rules that everyone is responsible and officers are exempt. He lied, who's responsibility should that fall too? Sandra's Relatives?

She wouldn't have been there at all if she hadn't decided to bust the cop's balls. He would have given her a ticket and been on his way. But oh no...Sandra had to give him a piece of her mind! Quite the intelligent move considering that she had outstanding warrants for other traffic offenses!
Everyone is accountable EXCEPT the officer, Right Oldstyle? Even the parents who had dick to do with it. How about her High School Teacher too?

She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.

None of that holds them responsible for anything that happened. Amazingly you find people who received phone calls more responsible than the arresting officer. Thats some magical responsibility that seems to jump from the parties involved to splatter everyone with responsibility except the officer in a responsibility free bubble somehow.

Oh yeah, thats right...its magic

Listen to the testimony of her cell mate, Closed. Bland became increasingly despondent as the weekend went by because her repeated calls to friends and family had been ignored. She wasn't suicidal because she'd been arrested...she was suicidal because her family and friends had turned their backs on her.

I dont have to listen to an inmate about Sandra, she wouldntve been there without the actions of the officer. Oops, sorry I forgot the rules that everyone is responsible and officers are exempt. He lied, who's responsibility should that fall too? Sandra's Relatives?

She wouldn't have been there at all if she hadn't decided to bust the cop's balls. He would have given her a ticket and been on his way. But oh no...Sandra had to give him a piece of her mind! Quite the intelligent move considering that she had outstanding warrants for other traffic offenses!

Even the cops reactions isnt his fault...this is amazing. What about his body fat index? Is that her fault too? I just want to know how far you're willing to go with this.
I had a similar situation with a Texas cop many years ago after being in Houston for a few days. Still had PA license plates on my car. I was at the downtown P.O. and when I was leaving the drive-thru drop area there were 5 lanes to choose from and I didn't know which one to take. Evidently I took the wrong one and was pulled over by a motorcycle cop. Tall black boots, dark aviator shades, racer helmet...the whole over-compensation act.

I told him my situation and gave him my PA driver's license. He wouldn't cut me any slack. When I seemed "irritated" he actually threatened to arrest me for having a "bad attitude". His exact words.

If I had been a black woman instead of a white woman, I'm sure he would have Sandra Blanded me in a nanosecond.
Full Gestapo costume. I know the type. They take that job mainly for the pleasure they derive from asserting themselves.

Unfortunately, unless you have a credible witness (or a recording) the cop can fabricate or exaggerate some reason to arrest you, which is what the trooper did to Bland.

Cops should be made to understand they are not sacred cows and there is no law against a citizen expressing annoyance at being issued a summons, which is what Bland did. The trooper stepped over the line when he took exception to Bland's apparent irritation and unnecessarily escalated the situation.
Your cop-hating posts make me wonder how many times have you ended up in prison? Your mommy should have taught you to have respect for others. The only way anyone ends up in prison these days is when they have injured other people for whatever reason.
Too bad you and me never had an encounter pal. You'd still remember it in detail 30 years later.
It appears my message has struck an especially sensitive nerve.
[...]The only way anyone ends up in prison these days is when they have injured other people for whatever reason.
Then you're saying no one has ever been imprisoned because some some scumbag cop like you has arrested them for selling or possessing a harmless substance like marijuana?
[...]The only way anyone ends up in prison these days is when they have injured other people for whatever reason.
Then you're saying no one has ever been imprisoned because some some scumbag cop like you has arrested them for selling or possessing a harmless substance like marijuana?
Read you fucking idiot! I said "these days". Google up how many people are in prison for possession dope.
Rolling Stone a fucking radical left magazine:
Myth: Prisons are full of people in for marijuana possession - Top 10 Marijuana Myths and Facts
Less than 1% fucking percent are in prison for possession and 99% of those assholes are in prison for addition charges related to the dope possession. Like assaulting a cop. Fleeing etc.
You REALLY need to get your stupid head out of your asshole pal. 'Selling' is another matter. People caught selling a fucking ton of dope get prison time. People selling a few ounces NEVER end up in prison!
You poor baby you broke the law.....again.......and again and finally a judge put you away. GOOD!
So I was a "scumbag" for enforcing the laws of the country?????
You're the scum-bag for breaking the law asshole!
Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.
You need to be more specific about "...getting into it." Are you saying she had warrants outstanding? Or are you saying she'd been cited in the past and didn't react to it with submissive gratitude?

Tell us some of the specifics which you seem to know about.
Before the LEO got out of his car he KNEW she had a long history of driving illegally. That she had a long history of 'getting into it' with LEOs.
You need to be more specific about "...getting into it." Are you saying she had warrants outstanding? Or are you saying she'd been cited in the past and didn't react to it with submissive gratitude?

Tell us some of the specifics which you seem to know about.
When a LEO officer stops a vehicle the first thing they do is run the tags.
Within seconds up comes on their computer screen the police record of the owner of the vehicle. Any outstanding warrants. There are codes that tell the LEO if the owner of the vehicle has ever been non-compliant/violent with attending LEOs during any encounter with the owner of the vehicle. This helps LEO know what they may encounter.
This negro bitch had a record of traffic violations as long as your fucking arm. She had outstanding warrants......which the LEO knew about before he approached her vehicle. And what does the stupid bitch do once again? Refuse to comply with the LEO orders.
She was such a sub-human piece of shit even her own family wouldn't bail her out b/c they KNEW they'd never get the money back.
Anyway. The sub-human is maggot food now. At least she did something worthwhile.
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She wouldn't have been there at all if she hadn't decided to bust the cop's balls. He would have given her a ticket and been on his way. But oh no...Sandra had to give him a piece of her mind! Quite the intelligent move considering that she had outstanding warrants for other traffic offenses!
There is no law requiring you to be nice to some costumed goon who has just initiated a punitive action against you for some minor traffic or civic offense -- regardless of how consciously culpable you are. These goons are glorified hallway monitors who have no right to expect one to respond politely to their aggressive action. You are required to produce the necessary documents and accept the summons and provided you do not assault or personally abuse the cop your emotional reaction to his action is none of his business. This is not Imperial Russia and cops are not Cossacks.
She called her family and friends repeatedly and nobody would come bail her ass out of jail. Why? Probably because Sandra was the family fuck up and they were tired of getting her out of trouble. So what did Sandra do when her family and friends turned their backs on her? She killed herself. The ultimate selfish act.

None of that holds them responsible for anything that happened. Amazingly you find people who received phone calls more responsible than the arresting officer. Thats some magical responsibility that seems to jump from the parties involved to splatter everyone with responsibility except the officer in a responsibility free bubble somehow.

Oh yeah, thats right...its magic

Listen to the testimony of her cell mate, Closed. Bland became increasingly despondent as the weekend went by because her repeated calls to friends and family had been ignored. She wasn't suicidal because she'd been arrested...she was suicidal because her family and friends had turned their backs on her.

I dont have to listen to an inmate about Sandra, she wouldntve been there without the actions of the officer. Oops, sorry I forgot the rules that everyone is responsible and officers are exempt. He lied, who's responsibility should that fall too? Sandra's Relatives?

She wouldn't have been there at all if she hadn't decided to bust the cop's balls. He would have given her a ticket and been on his way. But oh no...Sandra had to give him a piece of her mind! Quite the intelligent move considering that she had outstanding warrants for other traffic offenses!

Even the cops reactions isnt his fault...this is amazing. What about his body fat index? Is that her fault too? I just want to know how far you're willing to go with this.

The cop's reaction is typical. If you're stupid enough to get confrontational with a police officer then you'd best not have outstanding warrants or speed or run stop signs because they WILL cite you and they will arrest you if you don't comply with their orders. Now you can whine about the injustice of this all you want, Closed but it doesn't change the fact that what Bland did that day was absolutely idiotic! She's got outstanding warrants pending in another State that if the authorities in Texas choose to look far enough...they're going to find! Who starts shit with a cop when they have outstanding warrants? I'll tell you who...MORONS!!!
She wouldn't have been there at all if she hadn't decided to bust the cop's balls. He would have given her a ticket and been on his way. But oh no...Sandra had to give him a piece of her mind! Quite the intelligent move considering that she had outstanding warrants for other traffic offenses!
There is no law requiring you to be nice to some costumed goon who has just initiated a punitive action against you for some minor traffic or civic offense -- regardless of how consciously culpable you are. These goons are glorified hallway monitors who have no right to expect one to respond politely to their aggressive action. You are required to produce the necessary documents and accept the summons and provided you do not assault or personally abuse the cop your emotional reaction to his action is none of his business. This is not Imperial Russia and cops are not Cossacks.

You're an idiot as well, Mike. The Police can make your life miserable if you make theirs miserable. Why bother? Don't be a dick...treat them with respect...and you will most likely be treated the same in return. Be a dick...treat them with contempt...and they will almost certainly find some law that you've broken. You liberals have passed so many laws on so many things...that's it's not exactly HARD to find something illegal that just about anyone's done.
[...]The only way anyone ends up in prison these days is when they have injured other people for whatever reason.
Then you're saying no one has ever been imprisoned because some some scumbag cop like you has arrested them for selling or possessing a harmless substance like marijuana?
Read you fucking idiot! I said "these days". Google up how many people are in prison for possession dope.
Rolling Stone a fucking radical left magazine:
Myth: Prisons are full of people in for marijuana possession - Top 10 Marijuana Myths and Facts
Less than 1% fucking percent are in prison for possession and 99% of those assholes are in prison for addition charges related to the dope possession. Like assaulting a cop. Fleeing etc.
You REALLY need to get your stupid head out of your asshole pal. 'Selling' is another matter. People caught selling a fucking ton of dope get prison time. People selling a few ounces NEVER end up in prison!
You poor baby you broke the law.....again.......and again and finally a judge put you away. GOOD!
So I was a "scumbag" for enforcing the laws of the country?????
You're the scum-bag for breaking the law asshole!
That's because you started with a straw man that prisons are FULL of people for weed possession.

Here's a tip, if someone says prisons are full of one type of criminal you can ignore them.

When a LEO officer stops a vehicle the first thing they do is run the tags.
Within seconds up comes on their computer screen the police record of the owner of the vehicle. Any outstanding warrants. There are codes that tell the LEO if the owner of the vehicle has ever been non-compliant/violent with attending LEOs during any encounter with the owner of the vehicle. This helps LEO know what they may encounter.

If Bland had been "non-compliant" or violent during a past encounter the fact that she now has a valid driver license means the issue has been resolved. So with that in mind, exactly how was Bland non-compliant or violent with this cop?

This negro bitch had a record of traffic violations as long as your fucking arm. She had outstanding warrants......which the LEO knew about before he approached her vehicle. And what does the stupid bitch do once again? Refuse to comply with the LEO orders.
I watched the video and I've read every news article posted on this subject and nowhere have I seen or heard anything to substantiate what you've said here. Encinia charged Bland with "Assaulting A Public Servant." Nothing else. There is not a word about any outstanding warrants or anything else that would justify her being subject to any further action than a traffic summons. Can you point to some credible source of support for your accusations?

She was such a sub-human piece of shit even her own family wouldn't bail her out b/c they KNEW they'd never get the money back.

Anyway. The sub-human is maggot food now. At least she did something worthwhile.
Knowing absolutely nothing about Bland's private life, except that she's a negro who is not inclined to kiss a cop's ass, this conclusion of yours leaves some question about who the "sub-human piece of shit" is.
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You're an idiot as well, Mike. The Police can make your life miserable if you make theirs miserable. Why bother? Don't be a dick...treat them with respect...and you will most likely be treated the same in return. Be a dick...treat them with contempt...and they will almost certainly find some law that you've broken. You liberals have passed so many laws on so many things...that's it's not exactly HARD to find something illegal that just about anyone's done.
As long as there are authoritarian/submissive personalities who are willing to politely lick the ass of a cop who has given them a summons, cops will continue to expect that cringing conduct and there will continue to be incidents like the Encinia/Bland example.

Cops must be made to understand they are not Cossacks and there is no law that says a citizen must behave politely and respectfully toward them. If a cop has chosen to make his living by citing other citizens for traffic offenses he should be willing to ignore angry annoyance in response.

When a cop chooses to escalate a situation and fabricate charges against a citizen who does not respond submissively to him he is risking an outcome such as that which Trooper Encinia is now experiencing.
Or maybe they just didn't care because this wasn't Sandra's first "rodeo" with the Police! Maybe they all decided that spending a couple days in jail is what Sandra the family idiot needed! She showed them though...didn't she!

Kind of getting your jollies this poor girl is dead, aren't you? But you're not even a tiny bit racist.
She wouldn't have been there at all if she hadn't decided to bust the cop's balls. He would have given her a ticket and been on his way. But oh no...Sandra had to give him a piece of her mind! Quite the intelligent move considering that she had outstanding warrants for other traffic offenses!

YOu don't have the right to arrest someone or abuse their authority because they 'bust your balls".

Keep in mind, you are the one who has incessantly whined Lois Lerner abused her authority with the Teabaggers by making them prove they were really non-profit groups.

But you think it's okay to use physical force on a 90 lb. woman because she gave the cop a little lip?
The cop's reaction is typical. If you're stupid enough to get confrontational with a police officer then you'd best not have outstanding warrants or speed or run stop signs because they WILL cite you and they will arrest you if you don't comply with their orders. Now you can whine about the injustice of this all you want, Closed but it doesn't change the fact that what Bland did that day was absolutely idiotic! She's got outstanding warrants pending in another State that if the authorities in Texas choose to look far enough...they're going to find! Who starts shit with a cop when they have outstanding warrants? I'll tell you who...MORONS!!!

Or people who've just gotten fed up with a racist police system that routinely pulls people over for "Driving While Black".

And the winner of today's "Most Clueless Statement of White Privilege Award" goes to Dog-Style, who has probably never had to deal with a cop abusing his authority for shits and grins in his life.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for White People.
You're an idiot as well, Mike. The Police can make your life miserable if you make theirs miserable. Why bother? Don't be a dick...treat them with respect...and you will most likely be treated the same in return. Be a dick...treat them with contempt...and they will almost certainly find some law that you've broken. You liberals have passed so many laws on so many things...that's it's not exactly HARD to find something illegal that just about anyone's done.
As long as there are authoritarian/submissive personalities who are willing to politely lick the ass of a cop who has given them a summons, cops will continue to expect that cringing conduct and there will continue to be incidents like the Encinia/Bland example.

Cops must be made to understand they are not Cossacks and there is no law that says a citizen must behave politely and respectfully toward them. If a cop has chosen to make his living by citing other citizens for traffic offenses he should be willing to ignore angry annoyance in response.

When a cop chooses to escalate a situation and fabricate charges against a citizen who does not respond submissively to him he is risking an outcome such as that which Trooper Encinia is now experiencing.

Calling American Police officers "Cossacks" is laughable! The average American cop does what they do because they want to make their community a safer place for their families and for yours! Unfortunately for them...they have to deal with assholes like Sandra Bland who make a habit of breaking the law and then accuse anyone who calls them on it of being a racist.

If you commit traffic offenses you have no RIGHT to respond angrily towards the police officer who's job it is to enforce the traffic laws that politicians have decided should exist. If you have a problem with police writing you a ticket for speeding then get your local politician to change the speed limits. Stop blaming the people who get stuck enforcing all of the laws that the people you elected passed!

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