Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

Taking someone out of their car for safety doesnt make sense unless we are supposed to believe the thoughts a cop gives automatically and cast aside reasoning and suspend disbelief. I think he'd have to explain why the stop wasnt safe to begin with but thats on video....cant lie about that champ

Well guess what....Supreme Court ruling Maryland vs Wilson grants cops that authority. All the other jibberish you've types is irrelevant because the LAW allows him to do what he did..

He has the authority just not the circumstances to back up his thinking. He already said it was to make it safer, not that he has the authority.

He should've led with that...but instead he lied and wont be able to back it up.

Big deal, I know

What PROOF is there that isn't his reason? Just because you don't believe it? Some criminals will act belligerent to get cops to back off and not discover what they're hiding. That's why Maryland vs Wilson granted this blanket authority to cops for safety to remove someone....because the cop CANNOT know what he doesn't know....whether the person is hiding something.

You can't prove what he was thinking. He doesn't have to prove it. The simple unknown in itself is enough to justify the safety concern.....and the SUPREME COURT agreed....because they made it legal to remove someone "for safety" even without any clear facts of what it is that is unsafe...because the cop cannot know what he doesn't know.

What PROOF is there that isn't his reason?

The video. It shows him quite clearly escalating from a simple stop to a full blown rage tantrum for no good reason. Escalation makes the situation less safe for all involved.
It's rather apparent in the video.
Bucs, no one is questioning whether he had the right to remove her from her car. He is indicted for lying. And the vids prove he is lying. It's perjury, son, and Wilson does not protect him. Why were you fired in Charleston area?
You all can drop the 'just because she was a Black" bullshit.
Every LEO in the country knows that you pull over a White guy and they are right away refusing to follow your instructions you have literally 100% of the time a SERIOUS problem that is going to require physical force 100% of the time.
You all can drop the 'just because she was a Black" bullshit.
Every LEO in the country knows that you pull over a White guy and they are right away refusing to follow your instructions you have literally 100% of the time a SERIOUS problem that is going to require physical force 100% of the time.
Not so funny when you've had to deal with these White thugs.
Anytime I ever stopped a White man who right away started refusing to follow my instructions I called back-up. I'd go sit in the patrol car until another patrol car arrived. We had a code for a White man who was acting in a belligerent manner. When the other car arrived we all knew what could happen......and did sometimes.
I wish the officer in the Bland case had done the same as you, dannyboys.
Pennsylvania v. Mimms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even before Wilson......

1977 Pennsylvania vs Mimms, SCOTUS ruling.

The court said just for general safety, such as vehicles approaching the stop or possible hidden weapons in the car....the cop can remove a driver for "officer safety" WITHOUT any clear articulable threat. Court ruled that this is only "minimally more invasive" and the balance of 4th Amendment and officer safety is reasonable by removing a driver for general safety.

So....you see.....TWO SCOTUS cases validate this cop. He doesn't need a specific reason. Just the blanket "officer safety" concern is enough.

You may not like it. We don't like homo marriage. But both are law. And you liberals should be against this obvious unlawful prosecution.

No one disputes this is a law, he needs a reason for the action. The reason cant be "Because I can"

YOU AREN'T GETTING IT. The "reason" is plainly just general safety. You can't know the unknown. The court clearly ruled this. He doesn't need a specified reason.

And shooting someone isn't the same. Graham vs Connor already ruled on that.

You simply don't get it or refuse to accept it. The Supreme Court had already ruled....twice....that cops can take you out of a car for the simple reason of general safety to defend against the unknown. It's law. Repeat...it's LAW.

You may not like it. Honestly....I think it grants a tad too much authority. But it DOES do it and it's law. The law literally does basically grant the "because I can".

Another SCOTUS rule also regulates how LONG he can keep you out of the car. The stop can only last an amount of time that is "reasonable". So the cop CAN make you get out of the car "Because I can"....but if it's a simple traffic ticket and NO OTHER suspicion or violation is present he can NOT keep you on the sidewalk for 2 hours just to be a dick. The rule of thumb for police trainers is that if all you have is a simple traffic violation...the stop should be over within 10 minutes.
Well, he's out of a job and facing fines and jail time. :mm:
Great, so take your elongated version of "Because I can" and run with it.

Oh I will. Because that's the law. 2 SCOTUS rulings say so.

I wonder....after this cops is cleared and sues the county prosecutors office for a million bucks or so....where will he new house be? I'd go for a mountain resort cabin myself. Or a beachfront condo. Guess he will decide.
Pennsylvania v. Mimms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even before Wilson......

1977 Pennsylvania vs Mimms, SCOTUS ruling.

The court said just for general safety, such as vehicles approaching the stop or possible hidden weapons in the car....the cop can remove a driver for "officer safety" WITHOUT any clear articulable threat. Court ruled that this is only "minimally more invasive" and the balance of 4th Amendment and officer safety is reasonable by removing a driver for general safety.

So....you see.....TWO SCOTUS cases validate this cop. He doesn't need a specific reason. Just the blanket "officer safety" concern is enough.

You may not like it. We don't like homo marriage. But both are law. And you liberals should be against this obvious unlawful prosecution.

No one disputes this is a law, he needs a reason for the action. The reason cant be "Because I can"

YOU AREN'T GETTING IT. The "reason" is plainly just general safety. You can't know the unknown. The court clearly ruled this. He doesn't need a specified reason.

And shooting someone isn't the same. Graham vs Connor already ruled on that.

You simply don't get it or refuse to accept it. The Supreme Court had already ruled....twice....that cops can take you out of a car for the simple reason of general safety to defend against the unknown. It's law. Repeat...it's LAW.

You may not like it. Honestly....I think it grants a tad too much authority. But it DOES do it and it's law. The law literally does basically grant the "because I can".

Another SCOTUS rule also regulates how LONG he can keep you out of the car. The stop can only last an amount of time that is "reasonable". So the cop CAN make you get out of the car "Because I can"....but if it's a simple traffic ticket and NO OTHER suspicion or violation is present he can NOT keep you on the sidewalk for 2 hours just to be a dick. The rule of thumb for police trainers is that if all you have is a simple traffic violation...the stop should be over within 10 minutes.
Well, he's out of a job and facing fines and jail time. :mm:

And there is about a 99.9999% chance he will not be found guilty. Because...ya know...SCOTUS ruled in 1977 and 1997 that his actions are legal. So...the prosecutor knows this. And is gonna arrest him anyway.

Hello lawsuit!!! He'll win a million or so....500k after taxes.
what contradicts what?

His story contradicts the tape. Its really simple.
Can you not elaborate? I mean, really...

On what? The information the Grand Jury knows?

No I cannot because I'd be making it up, like you did when you offered defenses that is not being presented
So you don't know HOW the story contradicts the tape, you just believe it does. Amirite?

There is no indication he needed to remove her for safety reasons from the video. He was pissed off.

Lets not pretend you are on some sort of fact based foundation either. You're entire defense consist of guesses unless you have something factual to present. Do you?
This WHOLE charge is based on GUESSING you big bag of dumbfuck!
what contradicts what?

His story contradicts the tape. Its really simple.
Can you not elaborate? I mean, really...

On what? The information the Grand Jury knows?

No I cannot because I'd be making it up, like you did when you offered defenses that is not being presented
So you don't know HOW the story contradicts the tape, you just believe it does. Amirite?

There is no indication he needed to remove her for safety reasons from the video. He was pissed off.

Lets not pretend you are on some sort of fact based foundation either. You're entire defense consist of guesses unless you have something factual to present. Do you?

Doesn't matter. Pennsylvania vs Mimms 1977 and Maryland vs Wilson 1997...SCOTUS has ruled he does not NEED a specific reason. "Officer safety", according to SCOTUS, is the reason. It's plain old case law.

Fact is....he didn't lie. You and the prosecutor can't give one FACT that he lied about. He cited officer safety as the reason to remove her....and that is EXACTLY what SCOTUS said was ample reason to remove someone.

Compared to this case....Baltimore looks like a slam dunk conviction.
Because I can is not a reason. He said for Safety reasons. He needs reasons why it was unsafe.
His story contradicts the tape. Its really simple.
Can you not elaborate? I mean, really...

On what? The information the Grand Jury knows?

No I cannot because I'd be making it up, like you did when you offered defenses that is not being presented
So you don't know HOW the story contradicts the tape, you just believe it does. Amirite?

There is no indication he needed to remove her for safety reasons from the video. He was pissed off.

Lets not pretend you are on some sort of fact based foundation either. You're entire defense consist of guesses unless you have something factual to present. Do you?
This WHOLE charge is based on GUESSING you big bag of dumbfuck!

Thats his defense also. See the problem?
Fact is . . . no one is saying that he did not have the power to remove her from the car.

Fact is . . . grand jury is saying that he lied, that he perjured himself, and Wilson has nothing to do with that.

Why were you kicked off the police force, Bucs? Was it brutality on your part?
SCOTUS has ruled he does not NEED a specific reason. "Officer safety", according to SCOTUS, is the reason.

He doesnt need one but a reason would help his defense that it was unsafe. From the video there was no indication it was unsafe to begin with. So he'll need to get creative and hope it flies.
Bucs, no one is questioning whether he had the right to remove her from her car. He is indicted for lying. And the vids prove he is lying. It's perjury, son, and Wilson does not protect him. Why were you fired in Charleston area?

What SPECIFICALLY does the video prove he lied about??? None of you can say. I want a specific "he said this, and THIS never happened". There's not one.

The cited quote in the affidavit that the charges are for are that he removed her for "safety". Pennsylvania vs Mimms 1977 states this is reason enough...and NO SPECIFIC threat needs to exist...just the unknown itself is enough to cite "officer safety". If you read the law you'd know this.

He's being charged for citing a reason for doing something and SCOTUS cites EXACTLY that reason as justification for doing what he did. Word for word.

You can't say specifically what he lied about that was disproved on camera.

Charleston? I worked in Atlanta dumbass. Zone 3. Google it.
SCOTUS has ruled he does not NEED a specific reason. "Officer safety", according to SCOTUS, is the reason.

He doesnt need one but a reason would help his defense that it was unsafe. From the video there was no indication it was unsafe to begin with. So he'll need to get creative and hope it flies.
So YOU should control when people feel unsafe?
For gawd sakes people LISTEN TO YOURSELVES
SCOTUS has ruled he does not NEED a specific reason. "Officer safety", according to SCOTUS, is the reason.

He doesnt need one but a reason would help his defense that it was unsafe. From the video there was no indication it was unsafe to begin with. So he'll need to get creative and hope it flies.

No he wont. SCOTUS clearly justifies him. The unknown of what's in the car IS the justification. SCOTUS has said this. Said it in 1977.

1- He intended to continue his investigation
2- He doesn't know what may be in the car
3- SCOTUS says that, because of 2, officers can remove you for safety due to that unknown
4- He cited this unknown safety as his reason, which is legal to use as a reason
5- The jury said "no we don't believe that's why you did it"

So....they're gonna have to prove he had some sort of malicious or revenge motive in his mind...thinking it...when he did it.

If he pleads the 5th and says "prove it".....HOW? They gonna bring a psychic or mind reader in????
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I don't know if lefties have ever sounded more retarded than on this thread.

SCOTUS clearly states you don't need a specific threat. Just the simple unknown of what may be in the car or the unknown of passing drivers (drunks, etc) is enough reason to remove the driver and move it to the side of the road.

The court is absolutely clear on this. And that's EXACTLY what the officer cited in his affidavit. And the jurors said "Nah...we just don't believe it."

This trial will be short.

Defense: "Folks....here is the affidavit. Here is the SCOTUS ruling. See where his stated reason is exactly what SCOTUS says is enough? We rest our case. PROVE he had something else going through his mind."
Because I can is not a reason. He said for Safety reasons. He needs reasons why it was unsafe.

NO he doesn't. You say he does. The Supreme Court says he doesnt. They said it TWICE.

Want reasons? Maybe she has a gun under the seat. Maybe she has warrants or drugs and that's why she's acting belligerent and may floor it any moment. Maybe she has a knife in the car. Maybe while he is standing next to the traffic lane a passing drunk driver hits him.

ANY of that could be possible. And NONE OF it can an officer know or forsee.

So....you see....THAT IS why SCOTUS ruled that officers don't need a specific reason. The wild card of the unknowns is enough to grant them the right to remove her without a reason.

For educated liberals....you all sure are fucking stupid about SCOTUS laws that don't involve gay sex.

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