Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

You're unbelievable! You actually think the store owner DESERVED to be robbed because he's an immigrant? That Michael Brown only did so because the store owner was a racist?

Yeah, I'm sure that tiny store owner called Michael Brown "******"! That's what you do to 300 pound giant black men in a mostly black neighborhood!

I think when you are selling over priced food with the expiration dates changed, you kind of don't have a good relationship with the neighborhood... which is why those places were the first ones that got burned down in the inevitable riot that followed the coverup.

But I'm sure you spend most of your life being scared of 300 pound giant black men.

Interesting...so the CVS store that got looted and torched in Ferguson following Michael Browns shooting was attacked because they were charging too much? Is that what you're claiming? The store that sold beauty supplies that was looted? I suppose that only happened because according to you they didn't have a good relationship with the neighborhood?

I don't spend time being scared of 300 lb giant black men who prey on others...I carry a concealed weapon because of scum bags like Michael Brown.
And robbing the store isn't what got Brown shot...assaulting a police officer is what made that happen! I suppose you think Wilson called Michael Brown the "N" word as well? Admit it, Joey...you excuse anything bad that a black man does because someone somewhere might have called them a bad name! At the same time you call the store owner "Apu"? You're the racist and you're too stupid to realize it!

Wilson can't hide his racism. Even with his lawyer sitting right next to him, he couldn't help but blurt it out. Read the New Yorker interview, where he complains about bad black mothers but forgets his own mom was convicted of passing bad checks.

Point was, the kid was 35 feet away from Wilson, probably with his hands up, when he was shot SIX TIMES. There was just no excuse for that, no matter how much whitewash the white DA put on it.

Gosh, Joey...now he's moved from 100 feet away with his hands up (probably singing Kumbaya?) to being 35 feet away and you're not so sure about him having his hands up? The "whitewash" taking place here is by idiots like yourself.
Interesting...so the CVS store that got looted and torched in Ferguson following Michael Browns shooting was attacked because they were charging too much? Is that what you're claiming? The store that sold beauty supplies that was looted? I suppose that only happened because according to you they didn't have a good relationship with the neighborhood?

I don't spend time being scared of 300 lb giant black men who prey on others...I carry a concealed weapon because of scum bags like Michael Brown.

yOu carry a gun because you have a tiny dick, but that's a different discussion, Tiny.

Point is, looting gets results. Riots get results. We are probably going to see a lot more of them until we start to address the problems.
Gosh, Joey...now he's moved from 100 feet away with his hands up (probably singing Kumbaya?) to being 35 feet away and you're not so sure about him having his hands up? The "whitewash" taking place here is by idiots like yourself.

unarmed- and nowhere near the cop and probably with his hands up trying to surrender.

Isn't it amazing how when we have tape on these cops, they always find them doing something wrong, but when there isn't any video, gosh darn, the system ignores all the evidence and declares them innocent.

Amazing how that works.
Interesting...so the CVS store that got looted and torched in Ferguson following Michael Browns shooting was attacked because they were charging too much? Is that what you're claiming? The store that sold beauty supplies that was looted? I suppose that only happened because according to you they didn't have a good relationship with the neighborhood?

I don't spend time being scared of 300 lb giant black men who prey on others...I carry a concealed weapon because of scum bags like Michael Brown.

yOu carry a gun because you have a tiny dick, but that's a different discussion, Tiny.

Point is, looting gets results. Riots get results. We are probably going to see a lot more of them until we start to address the problems.

Riots get results? That might the single stupidest thing I've heard on this board, Joey! The REASON that people in bad neighborhoods have to buy overpriced food from small corner stores instead of from a large supermarket is that the supermarket chains won't build in those neighborhoods BECAUSE of problems with theft and the very real possibility of riots and looting! The "result" of riots and looting is "business flight".
Gosh, Joey...now he's moved from 100 feet away with his hands up (probably singing Kumbaya?) to being 35 feet away and you're not so sure about him having his hands up? The "whitewash" taking place here is by idiots like yourself.

unarmed- and nowhere near the cop and probably with his hands up trying to surrender.

Isn't it amazing how when we have tape on these cops, they always find them doing something wrong, but when there isn't any video, gosh darn, the system ignores all the evidence and declares them innocent.

Amazing how that works.

How does Officer Wilson know Brown is unarmed? Did he pat him down while Brown was punching him in the head inside of that police cruiser? All Wilson knows is that he just got assaulted by someone who robbed a store. Eyewitness testimony and the autopsy reports indicate that Brown's hands were actually at his waist when he was shot by Officer Wilson who may have very well thought Brown was reaching for a weapon. Eyewitness testimony also has Brown moving towards Officer Wilson. Gee, Joey...when you're "surrendering" to someone do you move towards them?
Riots get results? That might the single stupidest thing I've heard on this board, Joey! The REASON that people in bad neighborhoods have to buy overpriced food from small corner stores instead of from a large supermarket is that the supermarket chains won't build in those neighborhoods BECAUSE of problems with theft and the very real possibility of riots and looting! The "result" of riots and looting is "business flight".

No, the real reason is that they can't make obscene profits in those neighborhoods, so those neighborhoods get exploited by operators like Apu who sell expired baby formula in roach infested stores. and they wonder why they get burned out when a riot comes.
How does Officer Wilson know Brown is unarmed? Did he pat him down while Brown was punching him in the head inside of that police cruiser? All Wilson knows is that he just got assaulted by someone who robbed a store. Eyewitness testimony and the autopsy reports indicate that Brown's hands were actually at his waist when he was shot by Officer Wilson who may have very well thought Brown was reaching for a weapon. Eyewitness testimony also has Brown moving towards Officer Wilson. Gee, Joey...when you're "surrendering" to someone do you move towards them?

Eyewitness testimony said he had his hands up. Anything else is lie by the DA who was trying to whitewash what obviously happened.
How does Officer Wilson know Brown is unarmed? Did he pat him down while Brown was punching him in the head inside of that police cruiser? All Wilson knows is that he just got assaulted by someone who robbed a store. Eyewitness testimony and the autopsy reports indicate that Brown's hands were actually at his waist when he was shot by Officer Wilson who may have very well thought Brown was reaching for a weapon. Eyewitness testimony also has Brown moving towards Officer Wilson. Gee, Joey...when you're "surrendering" to someone do you move towards them?

Eyewitness testimony said he had his hands up. Anything else is lie by the DA who was trying to whitewash what obviously happened.

Like the eyewitness testimony of his little buddy? The one who helped him rob the store? That POS lied his skinny ass off and the Main Stream Media ate it up with a spoon until the real facts started coming out. Once that happened Mike Brown's partner in crime suddenly disappeared!

The "whitewash" in that case was ALWAYS the attempt by the MSM and the Brown family to make Michael Brown something that he never was...a wonderful big hearted kid who was going to be starting college the next day only to have his life snuffed out by a racist white cop! Then the truth slowly started to come out that "Big Mike" had just robbed a convenience store and that he wasn't enrolled in any college! As a matter of fact the closest Michael Brown was to going to college was talking about MAYBE taking some classes in air conditioning repair from a local technical school!
Riots get results? That might the single stupidest thing I've heard on this board, Joey! The REASON that people in bad neighborhoods have to buy overpriced food from small corner stores instead of from a large supermarket is that the supermarket chains won't build in those neighborhoods BECAUSE of problems with theft and the very real possibility of riots and looting! The "result" of riots and looting is "business flight".

No, the real reason is that they can't make obscene profits in those neighborhoods, so those neighborhoods get exploited by operators like Apu who sell expired baby formula in roach infested stores. and they wonder why they get burned out when a riot comes.

The reason grocery chains can't make a profit in those neighborhoods is because theft is such a problem they have to spend big bucks on security. Then there is the ever present danger of looting in the event of a natural disaster or a protest gone violent.
Like the eyewitness testimony of his little buddy? The one who helped him rob the store? That POS lied his skinny ass off and the Main Stream Media ate it up with a spoon until the real facts started coming out. Once that happened Mike Brown's partner in crime suddenly disappeared!

Or here's an alternate theory. DA Whitewash sat this kid down and told him what he was going to say, or he was going to be charged with that robbery. But there was no whitewash here, right?

The "whitewash" in that case was ALWAYS the attempt by the MSM and the Brown family to make Michael Brown something that he never was...a wonderful big hearted kid who was going to be starting college the next day only to have his life snuffed out by a racist white cop!

Um, yeah, you mean things that were actually true. Except he was already in college, but never m ind. Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

Then the truth slowly started to come out that "Big Mike" had just robbed a convenience store and that he wasn't enrolled in any college! As a matter of fact the closest Michael Brown was to going to college was talking about MAYBE taking some classes in air conditioning repair from a local technical school!

So essentially, it's okay for a cop to kill you if you are a less than perfect person? No, really.
The reason grocery chains can't make a profit in those neighborhoods is because theft is such a problem they have to spend big bucks on security. Then there is the ever present danger of looting in the event of a natural disaster or a protest gone violent.

Well, if they paid their employees more than minimum wage, they might care if there was theft going on...

but, no, better to just let Apu sell expired baby formula.
You poor baby. You have a SERIOUS problem with authority figures.
Normal well adjusted peaceful law abiding people do not. They understand that in our society there are times and places were authority figures like LEOs and judges are vital tp protect themselves from criminals who prey on innocent people for whatever reasons.
You are obviously either just out of prison, about to go to prison or know you be soon caught then be sentenced to prison........again.
'Authority figures' keep asshole predators like you away from ordinary peace loving people. And YOU don't like it!
Hope you enjoy the fucking cat food sandwiches in prison.
You constantly referenced watching some fucking TV show about cops.
The life of a LEO isn't summed up on the fucking TV show you're obsessing on.
Your fixation is obviously a serious emotional issue.
You might consider getting some mental health treatment.
I'm guessing someone in a uniform who was a authority figure touched your 'pee-pee' when you were little.
Could have been a member of the clergy, and Boy Scout leader.
Were you ever a Boy Scout? A choir boy?
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys therein are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.
Like the eyewitness testimony of his little buddy? The one who helped him rob the store? That POS lied his skinny ass off and the Main Stream Media ate it up with a spoon until the real facts started coming out. Once that happened Mike Brown's partner in crime suddenly disappeared!

Or here's an alternate theory. DA Whitewash sat this kid down and told him what he was going to say, or he was going to be charged with that robbery. But there was no whitewash here, right?

The "whitewash" in that case was ALWAYS the attempt by the MSM and the Brown family to make Michael Brown something that he never was...a wonderful big hearted kid who was going to be starting college the next day only to have his life snuffed out by a racist white cop!

Um, yeah, you mean things that were actually true. Except he was already in college, but never m ind. Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

Then the truth slowly started to come out that "Big Mike" had just robbed a convenience store and that he wasn't enrolled in any college! As a matter of fact the closest Michael Brown was to going to college was talking about MAYBE taking some classes in air conditioning repair from a local technical school!

So essentially, it's okay for a cop to kill you if you are a less than perfect person? No, really.

Michael Brown was in college? Which one, Joey? Did you not get the memo that whole narrative was total bullshit put out by the Brown family to make Michael Brown look like an innocent victim? He wasn't going to college! He wasn't even taking classes at a technical school! He was THINKING about taking some classes to become an air conditioning tech! THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm THINKING about writing a best selling novel, Joey! Does that make me an author? Duh?
The reason grocery chains can't make a profit in those neighborhoods is because theft is such a problem they have to spend big bucks on security. Then there is the ever present danger of looting in the event of a natural disaster or a protest gone violent.

Well, if they paid their employees more than minimum wage, they might care if there was theft going on...

but, no, better to just let Apu sell expired baby formula.

Do you have any proof whatsoever that the owner of the convenience store even SELLS baby formula...let alone sells expired baby formula? Or is that just part and parcel of your racism?

You constantly referenced watching some fucking TV show about cops.
The life of a LEO isn't summed up on the fucking TV show you're obsessing on.

The tv documentary series which I frequently reference (and recommend) is called, COPS. It is a "ride-along" reality series in which a tv camera crew rides in patrol cars of various police departments all over the U.S., from average communities to major cities, and they film certain segments of the actions the police officers engage in. This series is ongoing and its content can range from occasionally moderate entertainment for the casual viewer to a unique and extremely educational reference source for anyone with an academic interest in the currently emerging public concern with misconduct and malfeasance on the part of American police.

While the segments which are released for public viewing are presumably censored and selectively approved by their respective police agencies a wealth of insight into the police mentality and general disposition is readily available by consistently viewing the various segments and observing the conduct of individual officers. The value of this series is manifest in the opportunity it affords one to closely examine the critical nuances of police behavior under a variety of circumstances.
Do you have any proof whatsoever that the owner of the convenience store even SELLS baby formula...let alone sells expired baby formula? Or is that just part and parcel of your racism?

The folks burned his store to the ground. He must have been doing lots of shifty stuff.

Michael Brown was in college? Which one, Joey? Did you not get the memo that whole narrative was total bullshit put out by the Brown family to make Michael Brown look like an innocent victim? He wasn't going to college! He wasn't even taking classes at a technical school! He was THINKING about taking some classes to become an air conditioning tech! THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm THINKING about writing a best selling novel, Joey! Does that make me an author? Duh?

Naw, man, all your StormFront quality writings do not make you an author.

They make you a RACIST. Happy to have cleared that up for you.
Do you have any proof whatsoever that the owner of the convenience store even SELLS baby formula...let alone sells expired baby formula? Or is that just part and parcel of your racism?

The folks burned his store to the ground. He must have been doing lots of shifty stuff.

Michael Brown was in college? Which one, Joey? Did you not get the memo that whole narrative was total bullshit put out by the Brown family to make Michael Brown look like an innocent victim? He wasn't going to college! He wasn't even taking classes at a technical school! He was THINKING about taking some classes to become an air conditioning tech! THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm THINKING about writing a best selling novel, Joey! Does that make me an author? Duh?

Naw, man, all your StormFront quality writings do not make you an author.

They make you a RACIST. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

So were they doing "shifty" things at the beauty shop that got burned? At the CVS that got looted?

The truth, Joey is that the real racist here is you...you stereotype the owner of the convenience store and then you make pathetic attempts to do the same with me. Storm Front? Seriously? I'm about as far from a Nazi skin head as you could possibly get. I grew up in Amherst, Massachusetts...which is probably about as liberal a town as you could find in the whole country. So save your nonsense for someone that deserves it!

You constantly referenced watching some fucking TV show about cops.
The life of a LEO isn't summed up on the fucking TV show you're obsessing on.

The tv documentary series which I frequently reference (and recommend) is called, COPS. It is a "ride-along" reality series in which a tv camera crew rides in patrol cars of various police departments all over the U.S., from average communities to major cities, and they film certain segments of the actions the police officers engage in. This series is ongoing and its content can range from occasionally moderate entertainment for the casual viewer to a unique and extremely educational reference source for anyone with an academic interest in the currently emerging public concern with misconduct and malfeasance on the part of American police.

While the segments which are released for public viewing are presumably censored and selectively approved by their respective police agencies a wealth of insight into the police mentality and general disposition is readily available by consistently viewing the various segments and observing the conduct of individual officers. The value of this series is manifest in the opportunity it affords one to closely examine the critical nuances of police behavior under a variety of circumstances.

A friend of mine did a COPS segment for Fort Myers, Florida, Mike. You get to see some of the shit they deal with watching that show but what you don't really get a sense of is what it's like to police a dangerous area day after day dealing with people who have no moral compass. One of the Fort Myers police was killed a few years back by someone who just walked up to him on the street and shot him in the head while he was trying to calm down a domestic dispute. Totally unprovoked. Things like that make cops on the beat jumpy. If someone wants to know why police seem to overreact at times ask yourself what your state of mind would be if you were the person sitting alone in a police cruiser in a bad neighborhood not knowing if YOU are going to be the next police officer that someone tries to assassinate?

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