Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants

You obviously don't understand how fucked up the demented Repug Nazi Party has become.
I know everything I need to know about the Democrat Regime and their useful idiots. The border was completely blown up by the Democrats. Period. You are a know nothing spammer.
I know everything I need to know about the Democrat Regime and their useful idiots. The border was completely blown up by the Democrats. Period. You are a know nothing spammer.
No "Period", fuckwad. The border has been open for decades...during both Republican and Democratic administrations.

And now Biden is trying to pass a border protection bill that Trump won't allow his Repug lap dogs in Congress to support.
No "Period", fuckwad. The border has been open for decades...during both Republican and Democratic administrations.

And now Biden is trying to pass a border protection bill that Trump won't allow his Repug lap dogs in Congress to support.

Why is Joe doing a much, much worse job than Trump?
Not that you really give a shit about ANY of this.....you're just a MAGA troll.

I live in Chicago, you should hear all the blacks complaining about Joe's border failures.

The illegals are using resources the blacks wanted.
Ignoramus the number one draw for illegals into this country is not border policy, but JOBS.

When unemplyment hits historic lows demand for labor blows up our borders.

In 2019, 2 years into Trump presidency we had a big spike of illegals crossing the border...because unemployment hit lows.
In 2020 pandemic shot the unemployment way up and border quieted down.
In 2021-2023 we again had strong demand for labor, this time excerbated by violence south of Mexico.

And they outwork the Americans who were born here.
Actually Biden is doing the hard work of actually haviny a working immigration system. He understands the truth. We need these immigrants as much , if not more , than they need US.

How hard has it been for him to stop enforcing the law at the border?

We need these immigrants as much , if not more , than they need US.

We don't need a bunch of unskilled, illiterate welfare recipients.
We have plenty of homegrown ones already.

If we really need workers, we can set up a temporary visa program,
instead of letting millions flood in with zero vetting.
LOL...I seriously doubt a MAGA nut job like you talks to many black people.

It's in all the papers.
They're putting illegal aliens in Park District facilities in black neighborhoods.
Hilarious! Betrayed by our black commie mayor.
It doesn't make you any less of a scumbag.
You're more upset with a message board poster than you are about Texas officials drowning children.

Not only are you a Meathead, you're also anti-American and evil.
You're more upset with a message board poster than you are about Texas officials drowning children.

Not only are you a Meathead, you're also anti-American and evil.
Stop lying.... That's not what happened. And this is why nobody listens anymore.

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