Texas vs Gay Sex Marriage. Are Behaviors The Same As Race?

Will this boil down to the difference between actions/verb (gay sex) vs noun (race)

  • Yes, since gay sex is a verb, it isn't the same as static race. Christians cannot participate.

  • No, it doesn't matter whether gay sex is a noun or verb, it's a right!

  • Maybe. This is going to be a very dissecting Hearing this time and not just generalizations.

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Procreation isn't a prerequisite of marriage. It's an expectation. It's what states are betting on when they lose money in tax breaks for marrieds. Whether it's a natural mother and father, adoptive mother and father or adoptive or natural grandfather & grandmother, the words "father/mother" are THE definition of marriage. The reason of course is because states in anticipating and enticing this arrangement via perks, want to insure that children have both vital role models as they grow up.

Fatherless boys or motherless girls are a very bad bet as it turns out in the "product" a state is after: a well-adjusted non-burden on the state, ultimately.

More on that here: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Young men with no male role models in their lives and women without a mother figure struggle to keep their lives on track, a hard-hitting report warns today. The Prince’s Trust youth index, the largest survey of its kind, found that....67 per cent more likely to be unemployed than their counterparts. They are also significantly more likely to stay unemployed for longer than their peers, the report suggests....It found that young men with no male role model are 50 per cent more likely to abuse drugs and young females in the corresponding position are significantly more likely to drink to excess.. Teens without parent role model are 67 per cent less likely to get a job Daily Mail Online
Young men with no male role model to look up to were twice as likely to turn or consider turning to crime as a result of being unemployed...The report, which was based on interviews with 2,170 16 to 25-year-olds...These young men are also three times more likely to feel down or depressed all of the time and significantly more likely to admit that they cannot remember the last time they felt proud...They are also significantly less likely to feel happy and confident than those with male role models, according to the figures....The Prince’s Trust report, which was carried out by YouGov, suggests young people without male role models are more than twice as likely to lack a sense of belonging.

The State has an interest in children. It also have an interest in marriage. Often, for the young, they coincide. The State likes that as well but marriage is not about children. They are, at best, a byproduct.
Why not ask the states if you are correct about that or not? Or would you rather be their spokesperson with a gag around their mouths?
It's very relevant. If homosexuality is a behavior instead of a genetic issue such as race or sex, it has no business being lumped in with constitutional protections of race and gender. Period.

If homosexuality is a behavior- then it is a behavior- just like religion is behavior.

Rights in the Constitution are not based upon genetics.

Every thought that might be the reason religion is protected under a separate amendment?

The framers of the Constitution were smarter than people think they are. The First Amendment both protects and disallows religion.

Oh the Founders were in possession of intellects beyond anything present today...

Of course, few people on this board could pass an 8th grade Civics Test from 1895. So... well... you know.

But the 1st amendment in no way disallows religion.

What the First Amendment does it to preclude the Federal Government from establishing a law that in any way effects the means of the individual to freely exercise their religion.

Which the SCOTUS just did, in SPADES.

No laws that any way effect the means of the individual to freely exercise their religion? I'm pretty sure the Mormon polygamists and the Rastafarians could probably point out a couple examples of how you are wrong. American Indians are limited in the way they celebrate their sacraments as well.

There is no right to demand the culture at large to license your deviancy.
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Poor Keys. His hissy over queers getting married continues to grow. Too bad, so sad.
The bigots do seem obsessed...

The coolest thing about the word bigot is that the use of the word is a demonstration of bigotry.

Does that make you a bigot?
How would it? I haven't promoted the irrational intolerance of anyone or anything.

If you'd like to present evidence that I have, I'll be happy to consider what Ya have to say.

You used some fucked up logic about how anyone who uses the word bigot is a bigot so that you could label them a bigot. By your logic that makes you a bigot.
You used some fucked up logic about how anyone who uses the word bigot is a bigot so that you could label them a bigot. By your logic that makes you a bigot.


I used the definition of the word.

And usage of the word is not demonstrated by merely stating it...

You should get yourself a dictionary... And use it.

That way you may be able to avoid these little humiliations that you're so prone to heap upon yourself.
You used some fucked up logic about how anyone who uses the word bigot is a bigot so that you could label them a bigot. By your logic that makes you a bigot.


I used the definition of the word.

And usage of the word is not demonstrated by merely stating it...

You should get yourself a dictionary... And use it.

That way you may be able to avoid these little humiliations that you're so prone to heap upon yourself.

You were attempting to call someone a bigot because they used the word bigot and to you that somehow made sense.
You used some fucked up logic about how anyone who uses the word bigot is a bigot so that you could label them a bigot. By your logic that makes you a bigot.


I used the definition of the word.

And usage of the word is not demonstrated by merely stating it...

You should get yourself a dictionary... And use it.

That way you may be able to avoid these little humiliations that you're so prone to heap upon yourself.

You were attempting to call someone a bigot because they used the word bigot and to you that somehow made sense.

Uh no. I pointed out that the use of the word bigot, is by definition: bigotry.

Reader, what you're witnessing in the above cited drivel, is a species of reasoning to which the scriptures refers to as 'babble'.

In this instance it is simply ignoring the laws of reason and substituting whatever it's subjective needs require.

On the bright side... It never fails to be hysterical, on one level or another.
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?
Yes those are two different types of discrimination.
So...is discrimination based on gender different than discrimination based on race?

No... Because gender and race are identical. No one really knows why two words were created to refer tot the same thing.

To hear the Left tell it, it's just like Degeneracy and Black people...
Is discriminating against someone based on race any different than discrimination based on sexual preference?
Yes those are two different types of discrimination.
So...is discrimination based on gender different than discrimination based on race?

No... Because gender and race are identical. No one really knows why two words were created to refer tot the same thing.

To hear the Left tell it, it's just like Degeneracy and Black people...
Wait....you are trying to say that gender and race are identical? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: No wonder you are so confused.

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