Texas White Supremacist Admits He Traveled To Minnesota During George Floyd Uprising To Sew Chaos

Texas White Supremacist Admits He Traveled To Minnesota During George Floyd Uprising To Sew Chaos​

What thread did he use?

So Black Lives Matter and White Supremists have teamed together to change society into something new because they have the same goals.


Seems to me that with gasoline and food prices skyrocketing, and US citizens still left in Afghanistan, and diseased illegals crossing our southern border and flown to cities and lost, and ships anchored off the coast of California, the people dont give a shit about white supremacists. But only retarded OCD prog slaves seem to have this shit on their mind and just cant move on. Or is it you dont try to diver the issues away from the failings of the Democrat party?
When white supremacy is literally a threat to ones survival, gas and food prices are irrelevant. You repeat right wing crap.

I voted for Biden and scored over 140. Obviously below 20 applies to trump supporters.
That's your own opinion, Marc, I'm not going to change that.
But, most won't agree with you, and please don't insult me
with a, "Yeah, but they're most white".
Marc is right. It's easy for somebody white to claim its not so because you don't face it.
What do you think is the biggest problem the country faces today?

Wanna know our BIGGEST problem? CORRUPT, BIG GOVERNMENT OVERREACH fueled by a dishonest media projecting and protecting dishonest, anti-American political agendas. Heavy taxation, control of the flow of information, and scurrilous spending in obscure matters leading to a loss of opportunity for many leading to crime and a reduced standard of living while fat pigs like Biddum, Pelosi and others get filthy rich off of the rest of us!
Yep, that's right, Ivan Harrison Hunter, 24, admitted he traveled from the San Antonio area to Minneapolis after Floyd’s death and fired 13 shots from an AK-47 style semiautomatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct building on May 28, 2020.

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What did he sew the chaos to? His jean jacket?
The Black Panther Party represents the best of America.

That must be why America is going to hell. The sure way to ruin any neighborhood or nation is to fill it up with Blacks putting them in charge. Historical FACT that cannot be denied.

Show me ONE upscale, affluent, clean, model-community that is mostly Black?

Racism is largely an EXCUSE invented by Blacks to deflect blame on why so many of them don't want to work or get good jobs or participate constructively in society.
Yep, that's right, Ivan Harrison Hunter, 24, admitted he traveled from the San Antonio area to Minneapolis after Floyd’s death and fired 13 shots from an AK-47 style semiautomatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct building on May 28, 2020.

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What did he do different than the locals .........

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