Texas Woman accuses President George H.W. Bush of groping her when she was 16

Why not? All the Gloria Alred recruits are gittin paid, you have to strike while the iron is hot.
I wonder how any other names were added to his victims list thanks to her silence.

God bless you always!!!

HW Bush apologized for being a nasty pig. Found a link:

George H. W. Bush apologizes after woman accuses him of groping her when she was 16

From the article:

In a statement provided to USA TODAY, Bush spokesman Jim McGrath said, "George Bush simply does not have it in his heart to knowingly cause anyone distress, and he again apologizes to anyone he offended during a photo op."

This is the sixth woman to accust old HW Bush of groping them. Maybe he needs to be put in a straight jacket to help him keep his filthy hands to himself.

Of course trump has SIXTEEN women accusing him of being a pig and sexually harrassing them. But he's such a weak piece of shit, and so lacking in character, that he will never admit doing it, much less apologize to his many victims. But every thinking person knows the Posse Grabber did what the women have accused him of. He's not fit to be president.
I groped a 16 year old gurl once. She was AWESOME and had a drivers permit.
I was 14 !
Kinda hard to find the diddle in the haystack back in those days. Like a raspberry bush but thornless ( gracias a Dios). Now ya just powder it a bit and look for the wet spot. Technology. Gotta love it !
gracie knew those women lied about bill cosby too....she is more than willing to side with the sexual predator...

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