Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

So she was in a car ride and heard Trump express what he would like to do. Speculation about what you would like to see is not criminal
The Bombshell is Bumsmell

She had to hurry her testimony… she had to step out of the hearing room to check her bank account to make sure the money from the democrats was in her account.
Cross examined? This is about making up something, anything, that will allow a democrat party prosecutor to make up a phony baloney criminal charge to go through the 2024 election cycle…..

Cross examined? Please…….
Hopefully when we get the house back. We can stop it and review everyone that are committing perjury and lock them up. The democrats are proving what crooks they are.
Yes, he failed at it. That doesn't mean it wasn't a popular goal, dumbass.

And, yes, Trump didn't not stomp it out entirely, but it was 1/10th what it is now.
There are terrorists being caught crossing the Mexican border so that means some are successfully entering our nation.

Therefore at sometime in the future there will be terrorist attacks in our nation and people will die.

If this is a large number of people and there is proof the terrorists crossed our Mexican border, I would not want to be running for office as a Democrat

That, of course, is the cultist excuse for shielding themselves from the hearings.
Would you watch a football game where only one team was on the field?

Would you be interested in watching a court case where the was a judge, a jury but only the prosecution and no defense?

I can waste my time in many other ways. If Pelosi would have wanted people like me to watch she would have allowed real Republicans on the committee. That would have been interesting.
Wow. It's all fake news.

Amazing, but not a surprise.

Was today's episode of your Reality Show for Idiots the "bombshell"??? An anecdote from a person who may or may not have ridden in a car with Trump?

LOL, they bamboozled you again, mac. Again! When will you ever learn...?

The Feb. 7 headline of an article from the Epoch Times, a media outlet backed by the Falun Gong religious movement, said: "Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered."

"Of the 22 cases that have been heard by the courts and decided on their merits, Trump and Republicans have prevailed in 15," the site wrote. "This means Trump has won two-thirds of the cases fully adjudicated by the courts."


None of the lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters have proved there was fraud, and judges across the political spectrum have rejected their cases. But we wanted to take a closer look at the claim that the challenges were more successful than they appear.


In a statement on his website, Droz conceded that the majority of the cases he logged have nothing to do with allegations of voter fraud. The Epoch Times also included that disclaimer in its article.

Awwwwwww. Too bad. So sad.
That link is garbage. Fact checkers have been exposed as opinion checkers and nothing more that that. Try something with actual substance.

You rightards crack me up. Now you demonstrate you're too ignorant to know what hearsay is.

Retard, hearsay is claiming someone told you something about someone else.

She didn't do that in regards to demonstrating Trump knew there were armed members in that crowd.

Did you not watch the hearing??

She didn't say someone told her Trump knew people were armed. She said she herself heard Trump say that.

So NOW what's your next pathetic excuse for why Trump summoned an armed mob to the Capitol?
So she says she heard Trump say he knew people were armed during a car ride
The people who did not hear that are prohibited from testifying
Kangaroo hoax farce
Claiming that a whirlwind had been released?

These are all the things the Trumpy-led Neo-GOP doesn't want the country to hear. They surely don't want the flock to hear it.
No, that he will pay. But you're a liberal and you don't hear that coming from one of your own.
Before anyone gets carried away with the revelations in the latest hearing, just remember that all evidence needs to be supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by evidence that is supported by, so on and so forth.
Cross examined? This is about making up something, anything, that will allow a democrat party prosecutor to make up a phony baloney criminal charge to go through the 2024 election cycle…..

Cross examined? Please…….

I think Cassidy put the nail in the coffin today. All of these people testifying are......REPUBLICANS. So because you still want to believe the Big Lie, they are all RINOs now. You Trump assholes are just that.
Just what I thought... the BOMBSHELL was Trump yelled and got angry and said some stuff.

Geraldo Rivera again

DUD: A piece of ordinance that fails to explode (operate correctly)

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