Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack


The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

Trump was right, you stole the election. You know that too, which is why you're working so hard to deflect
Seems scheduled pretty sudden… apparently the Jan 6 Committee is excited to present something to your open minds. I bet it’s a pretty big bombshell… any takers?

January 6 committee adds new hearing for Tuesday - CNNPolitics
Num nuts didn't care that the Jan 6 demonstrators were armed, that "they aren't going to hurt me." Then he and his Fox News allies blamed the insurrection on Antifa and non-Trump people. If that is true, and they were armed, surely they would have taken care of num nuts sorry ass. Guess he blaimed them falsely. Hard to believe. Bigly!!!
I saw them in a news clip... if I saw them Trump may have too... don't be such a sucker... of course many people here and around the world celebrated that day.... probably even you tard....

More ramblies. There were none in or around NYC shown on TV that day.
She isn't a witness to anything. She was probably at Kavanaughs's beer party back in the 80's also, hot tub time machine!
Have you noticed that Trump is no longer President? I ask because you apparently failed to notice ANY of his criminal behaviour while in office. The two impeachments, multiple investigations of wrong doing, criminal charges and guilty pleas from his associates, or the insurrection on January 6th - after he LOST the election.

Thank God Trump was convicted and put in jail....:lol:
You are losing another debate I see... That's three days in a row....


Lying to yourself only makes you look delusional. Again, there was no video that day of what you're claiming you watched. Your idiocy exposes your lies.

Did you watch the hearing today? Now we know, a) members of that mob were armed; and b) Trump knew members of that mob were armed; and c) Trump summoned them to the Capitol.
Meh? Recordings of Trumps conversation with Satan when he sold his soul wouldn't be enough for the MAGANUTS.

Sorry to say....
It's all hearsay, I heard some woman talking about she heard Trump wanted to go to the Capitol and the guy said no. She heard that Trump lunged in the front trying to grab the steering wheel. Lol, I'm pretty sure there would be a partition in between them. This is nothing but a circus. Hopefully when we take over the democrat party will have to give the American people back the hundreds of millions they have spent on Trump.
More rambtrolling. :icon_rolleyes:

Did you watch the hearing today? Now we know, a) members of that mob were armed; and b) Trump knew members of that mob were armed; and c) Trump summoned them to the Capitol.
I hear Peroxide removes blood.....

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