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Thank conservatives, the middle class is still getting squeezed

Higher food prices... Obama's RFS program diverting 39 million acres of farmland to ethanol production. Not Obama's program? Well fuck, he can end it can't he?

Growing income gap... rather than enact economic policies that actually foster job growth, Obama throws 58 billion of our dollars onto the market each month while record numbers of Americans enroll in food stamps, unemployment benefits, and disability. Wrong on soooo many levels.

March of the jobs... Bring 'em back, Barry. You know what you have to do. Quit sitting with your thumb up your ass. Do nothing mo fo.

Restored payroll tax... WTF it's bring more money into the U.S. Treasury. What the fuck you bitching about? As if 2% of anyone's income is going to make a difference anyway?

Hard to get home loans... Oh yeah, let's go back to the days of the sub-prime "loan to anyone who's not horizontal" program. Fuck that shit.

Missed market gains... Of households making $35,000 and $75,000 a year, only 50% are invested in stocks? I'd say that's pretty damn decent. Since when is 50% of anything a mandate?

401K shortcomings... fee? OMG there are FEES? What kind of lame shit is this anyway?

Syrocketing cost of college... What the fuck ISN'T skyrocketing under this sorry as excuse for a President? We should send everyone to college for free? Fuck it-why not.

High gas prices... Don't even fucking get me started.

Low interest rates... "Punishes savers"? :lol: Oh - you mean the savers that are putting their money in a savings account and NOT the stock market? God damn this shit is rich.

Page 12... "what do you think". I think this is boorish bullshit brought to us by someone with a $164 million dollar portfolio. And BLAMING it on the GOP.
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Higher food prices... Obama's RFS program diverting 39 million acres of farmland to ethanol production. Not Obama's program? Well fuck, he can end it can't he?

We're having a food shortage?

Growing income gap... rather than enact economic policies that actually foster job growth, Obama throws 58 billion of our dollars onto the market each month while record numbers of Americans enroll in food stamps, unemployment benefits, and disability. Wrong on soooo many levels.

March of the jobs... Bring 'em back, Barry. You know what you have to do. Quit sitting with your thumb up your ass. Do nothing mo fo.

Yeah, helping people is wrong on soooo many levels. No subsidies to throw at American corporations like during the Bush economic disaster.

Restored payroll tax... WTF it's bring more money into the U.S. Treasury. What the fuck you bitching about? As if 2% of anyone's income is going to make a difference anyway?

Didn't it have an end date?

Hard to get home loans... Oh yeah, let's go back to the days of the sub-prime "loan to anyone who's not horizontal" program. Fuck that shit.

Sub-prime mess is from not policing the industry. That would be BushCo.

Missed market gains... Of households making $35,000 and $75,000 a year, only 50% are invested in stocks? I'd say that's pretty damn decent. Since when is 50% of anything a mandate?

I made so much $$$$ in the market I couldn't take profit until January 2nd.

401K shortcomings... fee? OMG there are FEES? What kind of lame shit is this anyway?

FYI: There is a fee in almost any kind of financial device.

Syrocketing cost of college... What the fuck ISN'T skyrocketing under this sorry as excuse for a President? We should send everyone to college for free? Fuck it-why not.

To bring the cost down would be Socialist!

High gas prices... Don't even fucking get me started.

Regulation of commodities would take care of high gasoline prices.

Low interest rates... "Punishes savers"? :lol: Oh - you mean the savers that are putting their money in a savings account and NOT the stock market? God damn this shit is rich.

Anyone with a varied portfolio did VERY WELL in the past 18 month.

Page 12... "what do you think". I think this is boorish bullshit brought to us by someone with a $164 million dollar portfolio. And BLAMING it on the GOP.

I don't blame the GOP for the monies I've made. What I can't believe is that any middle-class person would support the GOP, Kochbaggers, or the looney Libertarians, when there's so much evidence that none have your back.
'A thriving middle class is the sign of a healthy national economy' - Something I've been writing for years.

10 ways the middle class is still getting squeezed- MSN Money

The middle class is getting squeezed because companies have been relying on untrained labor to perform menial tasks, and have been paying a premium over and above the value of the actual value of the work. That balance is shifting, With the development of automation, and new ways to manufacture, and transport, goods, companies are shifting away from a labor intensive process, and paying people less while getting more at the end of the process.

This is not an indication that each individual is working harder, anyone that has ever shoveled coal into a boiler for 8 hours a day would scoff at the notion that an assembly line worker is working hard, so there has to be another explanation in the increase in productivity. Technology is probably going to eliminate the middle class as the backbone of the economy in the future, just like it eliminated the farmer as the backbone of the economy in the past. There will still be a middle class, but they won't be what keeps the economy alive, they will be the young adults that haven't established themselves, or the people who choose to live a simpler life.

Believe it or not, society will not fall down around your ears as a result. The only people that will suffer are the ones that refuse to adapt. You claim to be a progressive, embrace change. You are reacting out of fear, recognize it, adapt, and grow. Stop fighting, there is no reason to be afraid.
The far left has done more damage to the middle class across many nations and yet they want to blame others for their failed policies.
'A thriving middle class is the sign of a healthy national economy' - Something I've been writing for years.

10 ways the middle class is still getting squeezed- MSN Money

The middle class is getting squeezed because companies have been relying on untrained labor to perform menial tasks, and have been paying a premium over and above the value of the actual value of the work. That balance is shifting, With the development of automation, and new ways to manufacture, and transport, goods, companies are shifting away from a labor intensive process, and paying people less while getting more at the end of the process.

This is not an indication that each individual is working harder, anyone that has ever shoveled coal into a boiler for 8 hours a day would scoff at the notion that an assembly line worker is working hard, so there has to be another explanation in the increase in productivity. Technology is probably going to eliminate the middle class as the backbone of the economy in the future, just like it eliminated the farmer as the backbone of the economy in the past. There will still be a middle class, but they won't be what keeps the economy alive, they will be the young adults that haven't established themselves, or the people who choose to live a simpler life.

Believe it or not, society will not fall down around your ears as a result. The only people that will suffer are the ones that refuse to adapt. You claim to be a progressive, embrace change. You are reacting out of fear, recognize it, adapt, and grow. Stop fighting, there is no reason to be afraid.

There is not a thing wrong with a declining standard of living for most of us. It is what we deserve for being so stupid and gullible.
Obama, Democrat/commies are in charge for the last five years, yet it's all conservatives fault

can you imagine if this was going under a Republican President?

some liberals are nothing but sheep
why is this in the cdz? it's hyper partisan started by one of the boards most hyper partisan. Just look at how the thread is going, who wouldn't have guessed it?

Not to mention Dems have been in control of things for 7 years and counting.... If they can't get anything done with all 3 branches and at least 2 for the past 7 years what's the point of electing them at all?
Conservative policies and and ideas generated through corporate supported so called think tanks are creating a mindset that is counter to the American dream and America's values. Money manages America today and the money is about anti tax, anti worker, anti government, anti unions, etc. America's best years for all the people may be behind us as we transition to a third world nation of no manufacturing and outsourced work. Nafta and now the TPP are putting another nail in the coffin of the working class. While conservatives are primarily to blame, blame must also go all segments of our society. Libertarian nonsense is also at fault with its fantasy of free markets and individualism as solutions to complex global issues.


"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')
'A thriving middle class is the sign of a healthy national economy' - Something I've been writing for years.

10 ways the middle class is still getting squeezed- MSN Money

Obamacare is hurting the middle class, the printing of more and more money is hurting the middle class, higher taxes and fees are hurting the middle class.

Obama has done nothing to help the middle class.

Add to all this the rising energy prices, has any of this helped the middle class, it there no doubt that the Democrats are hurting the middle class.
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Um, look around. Conservatives don't run the Country. What's his name, the socialist is still president isn't he? When are lefties going to stop whining about only controlling 2/3 of the federal government?
Conservative policies and and ideas generated through corporate supported so called think tanks are creating a mindset that is counter to the American dream and America's values. Money manages America today and the money is about anti tax, anti worker, anti government, anti unions, etc. America's best years for all the people may be behind us as we transition to a third world nation of no manufacturing and outsourced work. Nafta and now the TPP are putting another nail in the coffin of the working class. While conservatives are primarily to blame, blame must also go all segments of our society. Libertarian nonsense is also at fault with its fantasy of free markets and individualism as solutions to complex global issues.


"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

It is so sad that, despite your obvious willingness to read, you refuse to learn.
Conservative policies and and ideas generated through corporate supported so called think tanks are creating a mindset that is counter to the American dream and America's values. Money manages America today and the money is about anti tax, anti worker, anti government, anti unions, etc. America's best years for all the people may be behind us as we transition to a third world nation of no manufacturing and outsourced work. Nafta and now the TPP are putting another nail in the coffin of the working class. While conservatives are primarily to blame, blame must also go all segments of our society. Libertarian nonsense is also at fault with its fantasy of free markets and individualism as solutions to complex global issues.


"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

It is so sad that, despite your obvious willingness to read, you refuse to learn.

I don't think anybody ever accused Harry Truman of being conservative. Maybe Kim Phillips Fein confuses the anti-communist movement promoted by the Truman administration in the form of HUAC with non-existent conservatives. When it all went bad they blamed it on a republican senator. The rise of segregationist democrat racist agenda might have confused Phillips-Fein but the "invisible hands" of the KKK were no doubt registered democrat. The "apocalyptic fantasies" were expressed by the left wing radical anti-war people and domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers who became movers and shakers in the democrat party. There is no more "apocalyptic fantasy" than the radical environment movement which united with the socialist revolutionaries to create the extortion scheme of global warming. The point is that dumb assed alleged "experts like Phillips-Fein are nothing but propaganda for the socialist revolution. Obama is president and Harry Reid still leads the senate but somehow the left wing losers have convinced themselves that they are victims rather than the people who run the Country.
'A thriving middle class is the sign of a healthy national economy' - Something I've been writing for years.

10 ways the middle class is still getting squeezed- MSN Money

The middle class is getting squeezed because companies have been relying on untrained labor to perform menial tasks, and have been paying a premium over and above the value of the actual value of the work. That balance is shifting, With the development of automation, and new ways to manufacture, and transport, goods, companies are shifting away from a labor intensive process, and paying people less while getting more at the end of the process.

This is not an indication that each individual is working harder, anyone that has ever shoveled coal into a boiler for 8 hours a day would scoff at the notion that an assembly line worker is working hard, so there has to be another explanation in the increase in productivity. Technology is probably going to eliminate the middle class as the backbone of the economy in the future, just like it eliminated the farmer as the backbone of the economy in the past. There will still be a middle class, but they won't be what keeps the economy alive, they will be the young adults that haven't established themselves, or the people who choose to live a simpler life.

Believe it or not, society will not fall down around your ears as a result. The only people that will suffer are the ones that refuse to adapt. You claim to be a progressive, embrace change. You are reacting out of fear, recognize it, adapt, and grow. Stop fighting, there is no reason to be afraid.

But without the menial tasks being completed the company would have made nothing, thus making the employees worth 100% of the revenue.

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