Thank God for Donald Trump!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It’s 1955; I’m in a long line of tiny students snaking down a corridor at Symonds elementary school-I hear screams in the distance. The angst I feel is otherworldly while I wait for my turn to get “the shot”. How could my mother allow this to happen? Did she even know it was happening? I want to run away but I am shuffled down the corridor by teachers, nurses and school staff.

Mr. Thomas is there; a robust ex-Marine turned school principal that no one messes with. He’s hovering over the procession like a drill Sargent. Even the playground bullies are crying and he’s having none of it. Then I see the end of the line; a doctor is sitting in a chair accompanied by a large portly nurse wearing a dress patterned after a 55-gallon oil drum.

The color drains from my face as I watch the linebacker version of Florence Nightingale grab a struggling classmate and shove his head into her bosom in a bear hug. The doctor produces an instrument about the size of a Roman dagger filled with a red liquid-its red like blood! The screams of my poor recess buddy are muffled, and he is kicking like a fish on a hook. The barb finds its target, then silence as he walks away whimpering and holding his arm to see if it’s still there. I’m next!

The world is unfair and just a few years later my wife, whom I wouldn’t meet for two decades, got to drink her cure from a paper cup. Thanks to Jonas Salk none of us got Polio and had to suffer a lifelong infirmity like Mr. Evans, a male teacher at the school, that had a permanent hitch in his get-along.

We also need to give a big shoutout to Alexander Fleming, a sloppy researcher who observed that fungus kills bacteria. These heroes never got rich like the US politicians that sold us out to China that has complete control of the lifesaving and life-extending drugs we take as we age.

Things started out so well, but aristocratic greed set in from our leaders who handed over our health and prosperity to a nation that hates us. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is the only one who can save us from the rats that betrayed us by bringing back the manufacturing of essential medicines we need to stay alive.
It’s 1955; I’m in a long line of tiny students snaking down a corridor at Symonds elementary school-I hear screams in the distance. The angst I feel is otherworldly while I wait for my turn to get “the shot”. How could my mother allow this to happen? Did she even know it was happening? I want to run away but I am shuffled down the corridor by teachers, nurses and school staff.

Mr. Thomas is there; a robust ex-Marine turned school principal that no one messes with. He’s hovering over the procession like a drill Sargent. Even the playground bullies are crying and he’s having none of it. Then I see the end of the line; a doctor is sitting in a chair accompanied by a large portly nurse wearing a dress patterned after a 55-gallon oil drum.

The color drains from my face as I watch the linebacker version of Florence Nightingale grab a struggling classmate and shove his head into her bosom in a bear hug. The doctor produces an instrument about the size of a Roman dagger filled with a red liquid-its red like blood! The screams of my poor recess buddy are muffled, and he is kicking like a fish on a hook. The barb finds its target, then silence as he walks away whimpering and holding his arm to see if it’s still there. I’m next!

The world is unfair and just a few years later my wife, whom I wouldn’t meet for two decades, got to drink her cure from a paper cup. Thanks to Jonas Salk none of us got Polio and had to suffer a lifelong infirmity like Mr. Evans, a male teacher at the school, that had a permanent hitch in his get-along.

We also need to give a big shoutout to Alexander Fleming, a sloppy researcher who observed that fungus kills bacteria. These heroes never got rich like the US politicians that sold us out to China that has complete control of the lifesaving and life-extending drugs we take as we age.

Things started out so well, but aristocratic greed set in from our leaders who handed over our health and prosperity to a nation that hates us. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is the only one who can save us from the rats that betrayed us by bringing back the manufacturing of essential medicines we need to stay alive.

Ok. Normally I don't respond to slavish Donald Trump loving, but this one almost made me spit my coffee out. Honestly, and I have to ask, what is it about this man that makes you think he is the second coming of Christ to deliver the United States back to the golden age of manufacturing? This country will never again be a powerhouse of manufacturing again. Those days are gone. Not unless you can get people to agree to let companies pay them slave wages, give them no healthcare, create lousy working conditions with no money spent on safety or compliance, and give these companies even more tax incentives than Republicans gave them in 2017. Let's not get started on obtaining land to build factories on or the matter of importing and obtaining materials for manufacturing.

And let's face it, do you really want to take business advice from a wrinkled old prune who was born into wealth and privilege? And then promptly squandered all his daddy's money in bad real estate investments, was accused of being a slumlord, built and bankrupted multiple businesses, and then finally had to go looking to Russians for money after the American banking system shunned him?....that guy? No, I wouldn't...and neither would you if you were being honest with yourself.
And let's face it, do you really want to take business advice from a wrinkled old prune who was born into wealth and privilege? And then promptly squandered all his daddy's money in bad real estate investments, was accused of being a slumlord, built and bankrupted multiple businesses, and then finally had to go looking to Russians for money after the American banking system shunned him?....that guy? No, I wouldn't...and neither would you if you were being honest with yourself.

Why do you folks keep parroting nonsense. How much did Trump inherit from this father? How much is he worth now? By all accounts, he is worth a lot more now that what he inherited. 1 billion is 1 thousand million, in case you didn't know.
It’s 1955; I’m in a long line of tiny students snaking down a corridor at Symonds elementary school-I hear screams in the distance. The angst I feel is otherworldly while I wait for my turn to get “the shot”. How could my mother allow this to happen? Did she even know it was happening? I want to run away but I am shuffled down the corridor by teachers, nurses and school staff.

Mr. Thomas is there; a robust ex-Marine turned school principal that no one messes with. He’s hovering over the procession like a drill Sargent. Even the playground bullies are crying and he’s having none of it. Then I see the end of the line; a doctor is sitting in a chair accompanied by a large portly nurse wearing a dress patterned after a 55-gallon oil drum.

The color drains from my face as I watch the linebacker version of Florence Nightingale grab a struggling classmate and shove his head into her bosom in a bear hug. The doctor produces an instrument about the size of a Roman dagger filled with a red liquid-its red like blood! The screams of my poor recess buddy are muffled, and he is kicking like a fish on a hook. The barb finds its target, then silence as he walks away whimpering and holding his arm to see if it’s still there. I’m next!

The world is unfair and just a few years later my wife, whom I wouldn’t meet for two decades, got to drink her cure from a paper cup. Thanks to Jonas Salk none of us got Polio and had to suffer a lifelong infirmity like Mr. Evans, a male teacher at the school, that had a permanent hitch in his get-along.

We also need to give a big shoutout to Alexander Fleming, a sloppy researcher who observed that fungus kills bacteria. These heroes never got rich like the US politicians that sold us out to China that has complete control of the lifesaving and life-extending drugs we take as we age.

Things started out so well, but aristocratic greed set in from our leaders who handed over our health and prosperity to a nation that hates us. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is the only one who can save us from the rats that betrayed us by bringing back the manufacturing of essential medicines we need to stay alive.

He’s one of the rats that betrayed you moron
Things started out so well, but aristocratic greed set in from our leaders who handed over our health and prosperity to a nation that hates us. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is the only one who can save us from the rats that betrayed us by bringing back the manufacturing of essential medicines we need to stay alive.
It's hard to imagine a more apt poster boy for "aristocratic greed" than Donald Trump. Jonas Salk sacrificed $7 billion when he refused to patent his vaccine; do you think Don the Con would have done likewise?
And let's face it, do you really want to take business advice from a wrinkled old prune who was born into wealth and privilege? And then promptly squandered all his daddy's money in bad real estate investments, was accused of being a slumlord, built and bankrupted multiple businesses, and then finally had to go looking to Russians for money after the American banking system shunned him?....that guy? No, I wouldn't...and neither would you if you were being honest with yourself.

Why do you folks keep parroting nonsense. How much did Trump inherit from this father? How much is he worth now? By all accounts, he is worth a lot more now that what he inherited. 1 billion is 1 thousand million, in case you didn't know.

Too far off the topic at hand. Google is your friend here. There are a myriad of publications that have covered this.

Tell me, how do you think this man made of smoke and mirrors is going to return this country to a golden era of manufacturing?
We're very fortunate that Trump wasn't beaten by some status quo establishment puppet. If the Democrats had won, I doubt our country would even resemble the country our founders envisioned. Trump is actually the only person from either party that could have got us through the last three years while accomplishing so much. When all is said and done, he will be one of our greatest Presidents ever.
Too far off the topic at hand. Google is your friend here. There are a myriad of publications that have covered this.

Yes, I have read all the conspiracy theories. No matter how the math is done, he is worth far more now than what he inherited.

Tell me, how do you think this man made of smoke and mirrors is going to return this country to a golden era of manufacturing?

I don't think anybody can get us back to the 1950-1970's in terms of manufacturing, however, we can be much more self-reliant than we are now and that does include bringing back some manufacturing. The Democrats are self-admitted globalists, without much thought for on repercussions of dependency, particularly for commodities and healthcare. They are shortsighted and believe in a big kumbaya one-world order. It is irrational and harmful to our way of life in the US. They almost seem offended by anyone stating that we should put the US first, which is why many of the right accuse them as being unpatriotic.

Trump and most Americans puts the US first and this means not being fully dependent on foreign countries, particularly for commodities, thus the rise if fracking. The rise of manufacturing jobs has been drastic as compared to other presidents in the last 40+ years. No "magic wand" needed, just deregulation and getting the government out of the way. More work needs to be done for sure, but we are on the right track. A Democrat will set us back on the wrong course.
We're very fortunate that Trump wasn't beaten by some status quo establishment puppet. If the Democrats had won, I doubt our country would even resemble the country our founders envisioned. Trump is actually the only person from either party that could have got us through the last three years while accomplishing so much. When all is said and done, he will be one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Picture the Bag Lady (or Sleepy Joe) in this situation.... or any of the other grifters in the marxist Dim cult.... "hmmm, how do I profit from this thing..."
The Clinton Cartel Foundation would be worth more than France now... or Hunted Biden would be in charge of some fake bio-pharm "studying the vaccine" at $60 million/month.

We're lucky.
Totally agree that we need to manufacture our own critical needs.
Trump is right, the globalists are wrong.

The 'globalists' offered the U.S. massive amount of COVID-19 testing kits. The orange idiot refused, and the result is that the U.S did not do sufficient testing early when it virus may have been stopped. Now we have a national pandemic, the economy is shutting down and the stock market has crashed.

Your Orange god has fucked up on a historical level. Nero would be ashamed!
Too far off the topic at hand. Google is your friend here. There are a myriad of publications that have covered this.

Yes, I have read all the conspiracy theories. No matter how the math is done, he is worth far more now than what he inherited.

Tell me, how do you think this man made of smoke and mirrors is going to return this country to a golden era of manufacturing?

I don't think anybody can get us back to the 1950-1970's in terms of manufacturing, however, we can be much more self-reliant than we are now and that does include bringing back some manufacturing. The Democrats are self-admitted globalists, without much thought for on repercussions of dependency, particularly for commodities and healthcare. They are shortsighted and believe in a big kumbaya one-world order. It is irrational and harmful to our way of life in the US. They almost seem offended by anyone stating that we should put the US first, which is why many of the right accuse them as being unpatriotic.

Trump and most Americans puts the US first and this means not being fully dependent on foreign countries, particularly for commodities, thus the rise if fracking. The rise of manufacturing jobs has been drastic as compared to other presidents in the last 40+ years. No "magic wand" needed, just deregulation and getting the government out of the way. More work needs to be done for sure, but we are on the right track. A Democrat will set us back on the wrong course.

We might be able to be more self-reliant in terms of manufacturing but I wouldn't count on it. We have been transitioning to a service based economy for years now. This article is a little old, but it was written by people who's job it is to be rosy in their outlook...and we already know that Trump's trade war has been a disaster and that the tax cut benefits never materialized.

5 Reasons Why America's Manufacturing Is Growing Again
We're very fortunate that Trump wasn't beaten by some status quo establishment puppet. If the Democrats had won, I doubt our country would even resemble the country our founders envisioned. Trump is actually the only person from either party that could have got us through the last three years while accomplishing so much. When all is said and done, he will be one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Picture the Bag Lady (or Sleepy Joe) in this situation.... or any of the other grifters in the marxist Dim cult.... "hmmm, how do I profit from this thing..."
The Clinton Cartel Foundation would be worth more than France now... or Hunted Biden would be in charge of some fake bio-pharm "studying the vaccine" at $60 million/month.

We're lucky.

Only an idiot would accuse anyone of being a Marxist and of only being concerned with their own profits.

Seriously, are you really that stupid?
We're very fortunate that Trump wasn't beaten by some status quo establishment puppet. If the Democrats had won, I doubt our country would even resemble the country our founders envisioned. Trump is actually the only person from either party that could have got us through the last three years while accomplishing so much. When all is said and done, he will be one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Against the establishment of each party and our own Government insiders.
He has literally been spectacular when given an honest assessment.
It’s 1955; I’m in a long line of tiny students snaking down a corridor at Symonds elementary school-I hear screams in the distance. The angst I feel is otherworldly while I wait for my turn to get “the shot”. How could my mother allow this to happen? Did she even know it was happening? I want to run away but I am shuffled down the corridor by teachers, nurses and school staff.

Mr. Thomas is there; a robust ex-Marine turned school principal that no one messes with. He’s hovering over the procession like a drill Sargent. Even the playground bullies are crying and he’s having none of it. Then I see the end of the line; a doctor is sitting in a chair accompanied by a large portly nurse wearing a dress patterned after a 55-gallon oil drum.

The color drains from my face as I watch the linebacker version of Florence Nightingale grab a struggling classmate and shove his head into her bosom in a bear hug. The doctor produces an instrument about the size of a Roman dagger filled with a red liquid-its red like blood! The screams of my poor recess buddy are muffled, and he is kicking like a fish on a hook. The barb finds its target, then silence as he walks away whimpering and holding his arm to see if it’s still there. I’m next!

The world is unfair and just a few years later my wife, whom I wouldn’t meet for two decades, got to drink her cure from a paper cup. Thanks to Jonas Salk none of us got Polio and had to suffer a lifelong infirmity like Mr. Evans, a male teacher at the school, that had a permanent hitch in his get-along.

We also need to give a big shoutout to Alexander Fleming, a sloppy researcher who observed that fungus kills bacteria. These heroes never got rich like the US politicians that sold us out to China that has complete control of the lifesaving and life-extending drugs we take as we age.

Things started out so well, but aristocratic greed set in from our leaders who handed over our health and prosperity to a nation that hates us. Thank God for Donald Trump. He is the only one who can save us from the rats that betrayed us by bringing back the manufacturing of essential medicines we need to stay alive.

Ok. Normally I don't respond to slavish Donald Trump loving, but this one almost made me spit my coffee out. Honestly, and I have to ask, what is it about this man that makes you think he is the second coming of Christ to deliver the United States back to the golden age of manufacturing? This country will never again be a powerhouse of manufacturing again. Those days are gone. Not unless you can get people to agree to let companies pay them slave wages, give them no healthcare, create lousy working conditions with no money spent on safety or compliance, and give these companies even more tax incentives than Republicans gave them in 2017. Let's not get started on obtaining land to build factories on or the matter of importing and obtaining materials for manufacturing.

And let's face it, do you really want to take business advice from a wrinkled old prune who was born into wealth and privilege? And then promptly squandered all his daddy's money in bad real estate investments, was accused of being a slumlord, built and bankrupted multiple businesses, and then finally had to go looking to Russians for money after the American banking system shunned him?....that guy? No, I wouldn't...and neither would you if you were being honest with yourself.

I have yet to see one single supporter think that he is the 2nd Coming.
While I suspect that it is hyperbole - it immediately removes the expectation that there will be rational thought to follow.
That starts you out in a hole and is a completely unforced error on your part.

Then, your description of the American Manufacturing Industry - reads like Crazy Bernie Hyperbole.

You follow that up with untrue, and hyperbolic personal attacks on The President.

While you may not have faith in the American Worker and the American System, millions do.
Those Millions took a chance with Candidate Trump.
President Trump has rewarded those that took a chance, by constantly working toward his campaign promises.
Totally agree that we need to manufacture our own critical needs.
Trump is right, the globalists are wrong.

The 'globalists' offered the U.S. massive amount of COVID-19 testing kits. The orange idiot refused, and the result is that the U.S did not do sufficient testing early when it virus may have been stopped. Now we have a national pandemic, the economy is shutting down and the stock market has crashed.

Your Orange god has fucked up on a historical level. Nero would be ashamed!

Do you know what the level of accuracy was on the tests offered?
...and we already know that Trump's trade war has been a disaster and that the tax cut benefits never materialized.

No, we don't all know this. The trade "war" was far from a disaster. The stock market reached a new all time high and the economy was humming along with very low inflation and high wages until this virus Black Swan event. The tax cuts also contributed to the great economy...all of this with the world economy not doing well, particularly in Europe.
We're very fortunate that Trump wasn't beaten by some status quo establishment puppet. If the Democrats had won, I doubt our country would even resemble the country our founders envisioned. Trump is actually the only person from either party that could have got us through the last three years while accomplishing so much. When all is said and done, he will be one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Picture the Bag Lady (or Sleepy Joe) in this situation.... or any of the other grifters in the marxist Dim cult.... "hmmm, how do I profit from this thing..."
The Clinton Cartel Foundation would be worth more than France now... or Hunted Biden would be in charge of some fake bio-pharm "studying the vaccine" at $60 million/month.

We're lucky.

Only an idiot would accuse anyone of being a Marxist and of only being concerned with their own profits.

Seriously, are you really that stupid?
Hey genius. It's a well known fact that 95% of the people who call other people idiots or stupid, fall into those categories themselves. Kindly pass that on.

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