Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Cheat? What do you mean by "cheat?" Please explain. :D
Are you sure? I thought the 2nd Amendment was a single sentence that began with "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State...". What 2nd Amendment are you using?

I am sure. It clearly states "the right of the people". The right belongs to the people. There is simply no denying it.
The right of the people is clearly defined as for the purpose of maintaining a well regulated Militia. That is why the Amendment starts out with the purpose of the Amendment. You do not understand the meaning of Militia and how the SCOTUS has judged and confirmed its meaning since the inception of the United States.
Every person 17 to 45 is a member of the militia there fore EVERY person 17 to 45 has the right to own possess and bear arms thanks for playing.
That is correct and that is why "well regulated" is the introduction to the Amendment is included. The State has the authority to impose regulations. As long as the regulations are followed every able bodied citizen is part of the militia and the right can not be infringed. The SCOTUS is the final arbiter of whether a regulation is an infringement of not.
Not sure about the age limitations. Is that a SCOTUS ruling?
The Supreme Court has ALREADY RULED and that ruling is that the 2nd Amendment conveys an INDIVIDUAL Right not a collective right. Perhaps you should actually catch up with the times?
And the Heller Court also reaffirmed the fact that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government, a fact far too many on the right try to ignore.

So many conservatives likewise need to catch up with the times.
Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

Your a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family?
No, but you don't need a gun for that, just like you don't need a nuclear or a biological weapon.

Then don't own a gun. Simple. Don't tell me what I do or do not need. That is not for you to decide for another person. Mind your business, busybody.
If you need a pipe bomb, you can't legally own one. You failed, again.

I can legally own a gun. You fail. :)
Country? How about year? I live in 2016, not 1816.

Yeah...I also live in 2016, not 1816, so you need to shut the hell up right now. After all, the Constitution never granted you 1st Amendment rights over the internet. :cuckoo:
That you got right. It doesn't.
So then wh don't you shut up? You just admitted to violating the law? Shut down your computer and don't you dare share your opinions over it ever again.
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Cheat? What do you mean by "cheat?" Please explain. :D
Self defense isn't carrying a gun on you so you 'feel' safe, dummy.
rott, losing the same argument on two threads
candy....upset she's been defeated on her same insane argument in two different threads. She wants to disarm women so that they are vulnerable to attacks :cuckoo:

Democrats want to disarm everybody so they are vulnerable to attacks.
And most conservatives are liars, this post is one of many examples.

This also fails as a straw man fallacy, as democrats seek to do no such thing.

Indeed, not only is no one seeking to ‘disarm everybody,’ but the notion is ignorant idiocy, as any jurisdiction that enactes a measure ‘authoring’ citizens being ‘disarmed’ would be enjoined and invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution.

Second Amendment: there exists an individual right of citizens to possess firearms pursuant to the right of self-defense.

Fourth Amendment: prohibiting government from the unwarranted search and seizure of private property, where a neutral magistrate would never issue a warrant authorizing government to search and seize firearms in violation of the Second Amendment.

Fifth Amendment – private property may not be taken absent due process and just compensation; the process of adjudicating each and every firearm taken and determining just compensation would be logistically far too burdensome to execute in a timely manner, rendering government in violation of the Fifth Amendment should it seek to ‘disarm everybody.’

It’s difficult to tell which is more pathetic: the propensity of most on the right to lie or the comprehensive ignorance of the law common to most conservatives.

And what if the "new" SC decides that firearms are not constitutionally protected for people not belonging to a militia? That gives states the right to ban firearms because you have no constitutional right to them.

No, the SC cannot make guns illegal or have them confiscated, but what they can do is not protect our rights which could be subject to liberal politicians who do want to take your guns away.
My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Cheat? What do you mean by "cheat?" Please explain. :D
Self defense isn't carrying a gun on you so you 'feel' safe, dummy.

Yes it is. According to the laws in my state, I can legally carry a gun for self defense. :)
And the Heller Court also reaffirmed the fact that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government, a fact far too many on the right try to ignore.

So many conservatives likewise need to catch up with the times.

As we've already endlessly established on USMB for you liberals, the Supreme Court has no power to decide what the U.S. Constitution means or to alter it in any way. Your inability to under stand that doesn't change it. Might I suggest a civics tutor for you?
My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Cheat? What do you mean by "cheat?" Please explain. :D
Self defense isn't carrying a gun on you so you 'feel' safe, dummy.

Goodness, you get even more ridiculous with every post. Seriously, you suck at this. :eusa_eh:
Country? How about year? I live in 2016, not 1816.

Yeah...I also live in 2016, not 1816, so you need to shut the hell up right now. After all, the Constitution never granted you 1st Amendment rights over the internet. :cuckoo:
That you got right. It doesn't.
So then wh don't you shut up? You just admitted to violating the law? Shut down your computer and don't you dare share your opinions over it ever again.
Puddles, you are a moron. The right to do something and the ability to are two different things. I can post here but I have no constitutional right to.
Country? How about year? I live in 2016, not 1816.

Yeah...I also live in 2016, not 1816, so you need to shut the hell up right now. After all, the Constitution never granted you 1st Amendment rights over the internet. :cuckoo:
That you got right. It doesn't.
So then wh don't you shut up? You just admitted to violating the law? Shut down your computer and don't you dare share your opinions over it ever again.

I'm willing to bet this jackass isn't even an American citizen. Lol. I hope our citizens are not that ignorant.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Cheat? What do you mean by "cheat?" Please explain. :D
Self defense isn't carrying a gun on you so you 'feel' safe, dummy.

Goodness, you get even more ridiculous with every post. Seriously, you suck at this. :eusa_eh:
Take a class. Be aware. Skip the gun, you wouldn't know when to use it anyway.
Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Go to a self-defense what????
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Go to a self-defense what????
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Bwahahahahahaha!!! Then why does law enforcement carry guns? Because they are paid to kill people? Because law enforcement is offensive?!? :lmao:

What a stupid thing to say.... :slap:
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

That's for me to decide, thanks.
No, it isn't actually. Society sets the rules, not you.
Country? How about year? I live in 2016, not 1816.

Yeah...I also live in 2016, not 1816, so you need to shut the hell up right now. After all, the Constitution never granted you 1st Amendment rights over the internet. :cuckoo:
That you got right. It doesn't.
So then wh don't you shut up? You just admitted to violating the law? Shut down your computer and don't you dare share your opinions over it ever again.
Puddles, you are a moron. The right to do something and the ability to are two different things. I can post here but I have no constitutional right to.

You are the moron here, since we actually DO have a constitutional right to own and even carry weapons. Lol.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

Bwahahahahahaha!!! Then why does law enforcement carry guns? Because they are paid to kill people? Because law enforcement is offensive?!? :lmao:

What a stupid thing to say.... :slap:
Law enforcement doesn't need guns, especially when no one has any.
My arguments make perfect sense in real world scenarios. You don't even HAVE an argument. It is weak sauce, like you. :D Like I said, if you are afraid of guns, don't like them, then don't have one. You have no right to tell other people who have not broken any laws that they cannot own them. They have a constitutional right to own them, like it or not. That is how it goes in OUR country.
I am not afraid of guns, you fear for your safety.

You are afraid of guns, obviously. Lol. You are also in fear of a woman like me defending myself.
A gun is not a defensive weapon. It never was.

Go to a self defense and stop trying to cheat by packing heat.

That's for me to decide, thanks.
No, it isn't actually. Society sets the rules, not you.

And the law states that I can legally own and carry a weapon. Now what?

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