Thank God GW Bush had health insurance

You assume wrong. No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance.



CLANCY: Burn your Obamacare card - Washington Times

That is only talking about not letting you statists force people into doing something they don't want to do.

It's amusing to me that you can read "If you’re uninsured — stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured — do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law." and say with a straight face "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance. "

Obviously they have. They've even written it down.

What is it with you people? You can't even begin from a position of acknowledging facts and only then launch into your bizarre tirades.

There's no opinion here--FreedomWorks very openly has launched a campaign to promote uninsurance. They are, in fact, suggesting people not buy insurance. Agree with their effort or don't, it's okay to use your eyes and see it.

Without health insurance most people don't have routine physical examinations that solve health issues BEFORE they become really-really expensive problems.

Better health outcomes, less cost - win-win.

"Without complications, former President George W. Bush had a stent implanted Tuesday morning to fix a blocked artery in his heart, which doctors discovered during a routine physical on Aug. 5."

Good thing that the politicians protected themselves from Obamacare so that they will have better healthcare than the rest of us.

Surely you know that's not true, right?
Poor Luddly thinks the peoples' U.S. congresscritters sit in line at the community health center waiting two or three hours for their "turn" and let all the senior citizens go first, too! :lmao:

That is only talking about not letting you statists force people into doing something they don't want to do.

It's amusing to me that you can read "If you’re uninsured — stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured — do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law." and say with a straight face "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance. "

Obviously they have. They've even written it down.

What is it with you people? You can't even begin from a position of acknowledging facts and only then launch into your bizarre tirades.

There's no opinion here--FreedomWorks very openly has launched a campaign to promote uninsurance. They are, in fact, suggesting people not buy insurance. Agree with their effort or don't, it's okay to use your eyes and see it.

It's sarcasm, you dolt---you know that shit that flies way over your head ?

That is only talking about not letting you statists force people into doing something they don't want to do.

It's amusing to me that you can read "If you’re uninsured — stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured — do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law." and say with a straight face "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance. "

Obviously they have. They've even written it down.

What is it with you people? You can't even begin from a position of acknowledging facts and only then launch into your bizarre tirades.

There's no opinion here--FreedomWorks very openly has launched a campaign to promote uninsurance. They are, in fact, suggesting people not buy insurance. Agree with their effort or don't, it's okay to use your eyes and see it.

They have very clearly launched a campaign against governmental oppression. There used to be a time when liberals such as yourself would have defended their right to do so, but my, how times have changed.

What facts? The out of context quote you displayed earlier? You have defended this piece of shit legislation for several years and I have always respected your opinion even though I do not agree with it, but for you to go to the point of attempting to deceive in this manner is disturbing. For you to take a call for resistance against oppression and then turn it into anything else is disgusting to say the least.

It is obvious that what they are promoting is resistance to an over reaching legislation. At one time, we as Americans were proud of our spirit to resist tyranny. Now people like you spit upon those who put up such resistance. Shame on you!

There was a time when we as Americans were free to choose, but that time is gone thanks to politicians like Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

Americans should rally behind this campaign to fight oppression. We all should "burn our Obamacare cards" in resistance to the tyrants in Washington.

That is only talking about not letting you statists force people into doing something they don't want to do.

It's amusing to me that you can read "If you’re uninsured — stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured — do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law." and say with a straight face "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance. "

Obviously they have. They've even written it down.

What is it with you people? You can't even begin from a position of acknowledging facts and only then launch into your bizarre tirades.

There's no opinion here--FreedomWorks very openly has launched a campaign to promote uninsurance. They are, in fact, suggesting people not buy insurance. Agree with their effort or don't, it's okay to use your eyes and see it.

It's sarcasm, you dolt---you know that shit that flies way over your head ?

I'm not reading that as sarcasm. I'm reading it as a great big F.U. to Obama, Reid and Pelosi. And, I have to admit, I like the sound of it.

Oh, and thank you Greenbeard for calling this group to my attention. I might just have to find a way to support them.


Without health insurance most people don't have routine physical examinations that solve health issues BEFORE they become really-really expensive problems.

Better health outcomes, less cost - win-win.

"Without complications, former President George W. Bush had a stent implanted Tuesday morning to fix a blocked artery in his heart, which doctors discovered during a routine physical on Aug. 5."

I think everyone agrees that its a good idea to have health insurance.

Some of us would rather have high quality care that we pay for on our own than a bankrupt, corrupt, inept government run version.
They have very clearly launched a campaign against governmental oppression. There used to be a time when liberals such as yourself would have defended their right to do so, but my, how times have changed.

They do have every right to be assholes, I haven't suggested otherwise. If they want to start a freeloader movement, they can give it their best shot.

It's unfortunate that they're lying to these kids and telling them they can essentially sign up for insurance in the ambulance after they get hit by a bus.

It is obvious that what they are promoting is resistance to an over reaching legislation.

Uh huh, by suggesting people drop insurance and shift their risk onto the backs of responsible people. "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance" is simply false, as that's their brilliant "strategy."

You clearly think tricking kids into going uninsured is a noble effort. Which leads me to wonder why you feel the need to lie about it.

Progressive Fascist <3 ObamaCare for the Control over the People
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1) health insurance should not be paying for routine upkeep.. This was yet another big government intrusion into your personal life.. health insurance never used to be this way.. and with your car insurance, you don't use it for tune ups, checking a clogged fuel injector, replacing windshield wipers, etc.. but you sure as fuck expect health insurance to do it now... :rolleyes:

Are there really people somewhere who believe the U.S. overspends on primary care? People who know things, I mean.

Yes.. as it should not be used for routine care like scrapes, sniffles, or broken noses...

Because it HAS been used for such things, nobody even questions how much a doctor charges for a tetanus shot or a cast or a throat culture or whatever else... thy just throw it on insurance and believe magically it is free.. when in reality it is nothing more than a pig in a poke

Again... when you buy other insurance, is it meant to pay for basic maintenance and minor upkeep?? No.. And health insurance never used to be like that and it should not be now
They have very clearly launched a campaign against governmental oppression. There used to be a time when liberals such as yourself would have defended their right to do so, but my, how times have changed.

They do have every right to be assholes, I haven't suggested otherwise. If they want to start a freeloader movement, they can give it their best shot.

It's unfortunate that they're lying to these kids and telling them they can essentially sign up for insurance in the ambulance after they get hit by a bus.

It is obvious that what they are promoting is resistance to an over reaching legislation.

Uh huh, by suggesting people drop insurance and shift their risk onto the backs of responsible people. "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance" is simply false, as that's their brilliant "strategy."

You clearly think tricking kids into going uninsured is a noble effort. Which leads me to wonder why you feel the need to lie about it.

I think standing against an oppressive regime is indeed a noble effort and clearly the powers that be in American politics today are an oppressive regime.

We all wonder why you feel the need to spit upon Americans who stand against oppression and tyranny. Do you treat U.S. Military personnel in the same manner?


That is only talking about not letting you statists force people into doing something they don't want to do.

It's amusing to me that you can read "If you’re uninsured — stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured — do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law." and say with a straight face "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance. "

Obviously they have. They've even written it down.

What is it with you people? You can't even begin from a position of acknowledging facts and only then launch into your bizarre tirades.

There's no opinion here--FreedomWorks very openly has launched a campaign to promote uninsurance. They are, in fact, suggesting people not buy insurance. Agree with their effort or don't, it's okay to use your eyes and see it.

Facts? Coming from Republicans -pewsh!- you gotta be kidding. Remember when a top Romney mouthpiece said something like "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by facts" or remember when another Republican candidate for POTUS said something like "I don't have facts to back this up, but..." Point is, if Republicans aren't lying, they have nothing to say.

The Big Lie Goes After Obamacare - Bloomberg

By Christopher Flavelle
Opponents of Obamacare are trying to persuade people who are eligible for subsidized health insurance not to sign up. Let's consider what makes that campaign so offensive.

The logic, explains Twila Brase, president of the Citizens' Council for Health Freedom, goes like this: Obamacare depends on state insurance exchanges to expand health coverage, and those exchanges in turn depend on a sufficient number of young and healthy people to buy coverage. So groups such as hers are telling people not to buy coverage on the exchanges, in an effort to bring the whole law tumbling down.

(For more about the campaign, which includes encouraging people to make "Obamacare draft cards" and burn them on camera, go read Sarah Kliff's article in the Washington Post.)

The problem with Brase's campaign isn't her goal -- in fact, I'm starting to admire people who continue to rail against Obamacare, defeat after defeat after defeat. Rather, it's how she hopes to accomplish it: On the backs of Americans with no health insurance, and no other options to obtain it. By seeking to exploit their ignorance about the law, the Citizens' Council is using deception to persuade them to defy their own interests.

I called Brase to ask what she would advise for a 22-year-old who can't afford insurance outside of the exchanges. She started by arguing that getting coverage on the exchanges doesn't guarantee access to care, and so may not be any better than going without insurance.
That claim is absurd on its face: Even if you believe that exchange-purchased insurance will offer fewer care options than other types of coverage, some insurance is leagues better than none. Forget about the penalty for not carrying insurance; what if that 22-year-old needs medical care? He can pay his doctors directly, Brase responded, or seek charity care.

Having dismissed the entire concept of insurance, Brase then tried a different argument: Thanks to the law's guarantee that nobody can be denied coverage, anyone who gets sick can simply sign up for insurance. But it isn't that simple. While you can't be denied coverage because you're sick, you still need to buy that coverage during the annual open enrollment period, as with employer-sponsored insurance. That ends March 31, 2014.

So Brase's advice that people who can't afford insurance outside the exchanges simply go without makes perfect sense -- but only if you're rich, you never get sick, or you only get sick during open enrollment. And how about access to preventive care to keep you from getting sick in the first place, you ask? Well, if you're worried about that, you'd better reconsider your commitment to freedom, my friend.


The right wing and Ted Kennedy's last days.

Hillary Clinton's concussion.

Obama's mother.

Documentary Claiming Obama?s Mom a Porn Star Sent to Voters (VIDEO) | Veracity Stew

Barack Obama’s dead mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, via a documentary full of unfounded claims that she starred in pornography. Not only has the filmmaker refused to say who funded his film, saying it was “privately funded,” but the film has been mailed to 1 Million voters in swing states.


And look at the Bush years. After 9/11, he was the most popular president in American history.


He let Bin Laden go
invaded Iraq
Republicans passed the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts
Deregulated Wall Street collapsed
Good job Brownie
Katrina survivors given carcinogenic trailers
No bid contracts
Thousand of Americans dead in Iraq
Tens of thousand of Americans maimed in Iraq
He put Bible School Graduates into the Dept of Justice
He tried to make his secretary a Supreme Court Justice

He was like Midas only everything HE touched turned to shit.

And some have said they wished his surgeons were armatures.

After all that, Republicans had the nerve to put up a billboard like this:


I just don't get it.
It's amusing to me that you can read "If you&#8217;re uninsured &#8212; stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured &#8212; do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law." and say with a straight face "No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance. "

Obviously they have. They've even written it down.

What is it with you people? You can't even begin from a position of acknowledging facts and only then launch into your bizarre tirades.

There's no opinion here--FreedomWorks very openly has launched a campaign to promote uninsurance. They are, in fact, suggesting people not buy insurance. Agree with their effort or don't, it's okay to use your eyes and see it.

Reminds me of when Mitzi Bachmann told people not to fill out their census forms and the idiots blindly followed her orders.

Later, they blamed the Dems for the inevitable results of their own stupidity.

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