Thank god...

terrorists love government paranoia idiots like dale smith! :itsok:

are you a paranoid idiot or are you a terrorist??

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—virtual money—are gaining traction as a source of funding for terrorist groups, such as the self-proclaimed Islamic State. In January 2017, Islamist militants in Indonesia funded for terrorist activities with money received through Bitcoin, which is currently the most popular cryptocurrency. This was not an isolated incident: the Mujahideen Shura Council—active in the Gaza Strip and considered a foreign terrorist organization by the United States since 2014—also launched a Bitcoin campaign last year, inviting supporters to donate money for the purchase of weapons. Terrorists are beginning to explore the use of cryptocurrencies, and counterterrorism policies should respond accordingly

Cryptocurrencies are increasing in popularity because of the anonymity afforded to both sender and recipient. In other words, it is extremely challenging to trace who is sending money to whom and for what purpose. Ironically, there is a completely public ledger, Blockchain, which records every Bitcoin transaction; however, the ledger retains users’ anonymity. Considered by some as “the new frontier in terrorism fundraising,” the use of Bitcoin in particular has grown exponentially over the last eight years, increasing from an average of 100 daily transactions in 2009 to 282,000 in 2017 thus far.

Bitcoin for Bombs


You TOTALLY stepped in it now and showed how ignorant you are. The very elites that created the Council On Foreign Relations (which is nothing but an offshoot of the Royal Institute of International Affairs) are the same ones that were behind the nefarious creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!!

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.

You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.

You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.

You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.

You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.
Quotes from Carroll Quigley that was allowed to view the white papers of the Council On Foreign Relations and sit in on their meetings........his memoirs were not meant for public consumption....

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy” (Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966.)

he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” (Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 324. 1966.)

“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies…but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” (Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, p. 950. 1964.) The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England [and] believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.” ([URL='']Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time, p. 951. 1966.) [/URL]

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.

You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.

You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.

LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.

You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.

You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.

LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.


That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.
You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.

You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.

LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.


That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.

I bet you drink a lot......helps to ease the pain that you are an uneducated moron.........have another. (snicker)
Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.

You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.

LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.


That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.

I bet you drink a lot......helps to ease the pain that you are an uneducated moron.........have another. (snicker)

I said my drink, not alcohol. Not as smart as you think you are. I have proven that about you several times now.
You are an idiot, just gave props to the idiot that was touting information from the exposed even MORE of your ignorance.......nicely done! Stand up and take a bow, dumb ass.

You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.

LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.


That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.

I bet you drink a lot......helps to ease the pain that you are an uneducated moron.........have another. (snicker)

I said my drink, not alcohol. Not as smart as you think you are. I have proven that about you several times now.

I know infinitely more than you............and I have proven it. I have also made you very butthurt. I bet you are a big time boozer and you are just lying. (snicker)
You are too dumb to understand this... I'd give a worm props as long as they understood how fucking loony you are.

I actually have 2 professors that are almost as crazy as you, and they are both Marxists. In fact one of them said Marx wasn't LEFT enough for her. Put that feather in your hat. You act like a Marxist.

LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.


That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.

I bet you drink a lot......helps to ease the pain that you are an uneducated moron.........have another. (snicker)

I said my drink, not alcohol. Not as smart as you think you are. I have proven that about you several times now.

I know infinitely more than you............and I have proven it. I have also made you very butthurt. I bet you are a big time boozer and you are just lying. (snicker)

There is not a single time you have made me butt hurt. There is a time when I reported you for threats... but that is because you are fucking loon. And guess what, other people know that as well, thus why it was taken seriously.

Actually I prefer Canada Dry ginger ale... it's good for calming the stomach. :)
LMAO! What college would you ever be accepted into? You worked for 15 bucks an hour guarding are not exactly "college material" and given your piss poor ability to express yourself intellectually here in this forum? Which ever "college" allowed you in, must have had THE lowest standards known to man. Now, I am not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the opportunity at an education but when it comes to higher learning? Certain standards have to be met because a chain is only strong as it's weakest link...i.e a weak student can drag down the rest of the class. I know more than you....and I am more educated than you and I have tried to help you get up to speed.....but alas, you wish to wallow in the pig sty of ignorance because it's the most comfortable place you know. Help me, help you.........and I am affording you the benefit of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hours I have spent at great personal sacrifice. I can lead a horse to water but if they refuse to drink from the trough because they resent the fact that I dragged them there? They can die of thirst....I can only do so much.


That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.

I bet you drink a lot......helps to ease the pain that you are an uneducated moron.........have another. (snicker)

I said my drink, not alcohol. Not as smart as you think you are. I have proven that about you several times now.

I know infinitely more than you............and I have proven it. I have also made you very butthurt. I bet you are a big time boozer and you are just lying. (snicker)

There is not a single time you have made me butt hurt. There is a time when I reported you for threats... but that is because you are fucking loon. And guess what, other people know that as well, thus why it was taken seriously.

Actually I prefer Canada Dry ginger ale... it's good for calming the stomach. :)

No, you claimed that I wouldn't say in person what I say here and I claimed otherwise so I challenged you that I would and asked you where you lived (as I travel quite frequently) and you took it to mean your actual address and went into full panic mode...even though you claim to be this bad ass "prison guard" that makes the princely sum of 15 bucks an hour. I never threatened you at all.......I simply said that I am the same person in real time as I am here. I have NUMEROUS posters here that like what I post and the information that I can't say the same and it has to gall ya. Sucks to be you, my lewd cyber friend. (snicker)
Going after money laundering is one of the ways they use to put the noose on terrorist organizations.

That's a bad thing?
Bit coin has nothing to do with money laundering, it’s just another way of the motherfuckers want to control people they disagree with

"Bit coin has nothing to do with money laundering"

Oh yes it does oh yes it does:




Bitcoin exchange CEO arrested for money laundering

Also Bitcoin because it is untracked is ideal for not only money laundering but also for using to fund drug rings and if it can be used to fund drug rings it can be used by Islamic Terrorists to fund their terror campaigns against our peoples. As I already comment I'm not a fan of the EU but I fully support this new legislation they have introduced re. Bitcoin.




US Prosecutors Move to Cash in on $8.5M in Seized Bitcoin
That's some funny shit right there. I spit out my drink reading it.

I bet you drink a lot......helps to ease the pain that you are an uneducated moron.........have another. (snicker)

I said my drink, not alcohol. Not as smart as you think you are. I have proven that about you several times now.

I know infinitely more than you............and I have proven it. I have also made you very butthurt. I bet you are a big time boozer and you are just lying. (snicker)

There is not a single time you have made me butt hurt. There is a time when I reported you for threats... but that is because you are fucking loon. And guess what, other people know that as well, thus why it was taken seriously.

Actually I prefer Canada Dry ginger ale... it's good for calming the stomach. :)

No, you claimed that I wouldn't say in person what I say here and I claimed otherwise so I challenged you that I would and asked you where you lived (as I travel quite frequently) and you took it to mean your actual address and went into full panic mode...even though you claim to be this bad ass "prison guard" that makes the princely sum of 15 bucks an hour. I never threatened you at all.......I simply said that I am the same person in real time as I am here. I have NUMEROUS posters here that like what I post and the information that I can't say the same and it has to gall ya. Sucks to be you, my lewd cyber friend. (snicker)

Yep, you got that part right, you conspiracy nuts are good at sticking together.

That's the only part you got right though.

Now I'm going to go watch season 2 of Preacher. Enjoy the rest of your night sniffing glue and searching the net for more conspiracy theories. :)

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