Thank god...

FYI... it was estimated that 50% of bitcoin activities were for illegal purposes until recently where it has dropped to about 20%.

"Although hard numbers on criminal activity in digital currencies are difficult to pin down, Shone Anstey, co-founder and president of Blockchain Intelligence Group, estimates that illegal transactions in bitcoin have fallen from about half of total volume to about 20 percent last year."

Dark web finds bitcoin increasingly more of a problem than a help, tries other digital currencies
The federal government cannot tax it, so they try to demonize it. Same old story
FYI... it was estimated that 50% of bitcoin activities were for illegal purposes until recently where it has dropped to about 20%.

"Although hard numbers on criminal activity in digital currencies are difficult to pin down, Shone Anstey, co-founder and president of Blockchain Intelligence Group, estimates that illegal transactions in bitcoin have fallen from about half of total volume to about 20 percent last year."

Dark web finds bitcoin increasingly more of a problem than a help, tries other digital currencies, a subsidiary of one of the six conglomerates that control all the news...........there ya go, friends and neighbors! You can trust THAT source unequivocally...... (insert sarcasm here)

Do your own search if you don't want to believe the source... you'll find hundreds+ more articles talking about how useful crypto-currency is to criminals and illegal activity. Use your TOR browser if you have to. :)
The OP acts like he knows something.

He doesn't. People started using Bitcoin because it was an anonymous way to transfer funds... which is great for crime like money laundering, paying off hitmen, buying Black Market items like illegal guns and drugs...

You know, to break the law...

LMAO!!!!!!! The shadow government FUNDS terrorist groups.....and and the fuck to you think that ISIS got brand new Toyota trucks......they paid with bitcoin? Your stupidity and ignorance astounds me..........

Oh for fuck's sake...

How many links do you want about the Dark Web and sites you can buy a hitman with Bitcoin? How the fuck do you think Silk Road lasted so long?

We are talking about Bitcoin and you bring up shadow government.

Bitcoin is a way to bypass the central banks that print up fiat currency from nothing, dipshit. The way this debt slavery system works is just another example of how ignorant you are........capiche'?

Yeah and Bitcoin is based on... a computer algorithm. How useful is that if the power grid goes down?

About as useful as this fiat currency when/ if the power grid goes down..... being that 97 percent of the fiat dollar is nothing but numbers on a computer screen. What the central banking oligarchs hate is that they don't control it nor can they attach interest to it. Next question???
FYI... it was estimated that 50% of bitcoin activities were for illegal purposes until recently where it has dropped to about 20%.

"Although hard numbers on criminal activity in digital currencies are difficult to pin down, Shone Anstey, co-founder and president of Blockchain Intelligence Group, estimates that illegal transactions in bitcoin have fallen from about half of total volume to about 20 percent last year."

Dark web finds bitcoin increasingly more of a problem than a help, tries other digital currencies, a subsidiary of one of the six conglomerates that control all the news...........there ya go, friends and neighbors! You can trust THAT source unequivocally...... (insert sarcasm here)

Do your own search if you don't want to believe the source... you'll find hundreds+ more articles talking about how useful crypto-currency is to criminals and illegal activity. Use your TOR browser if you have to. :)
If the federal government cannot tax it, it’s a good thing, a subsidiary of one of the six conglomerates that control all the news...........there ya go, friends and neighbors! You can trust THAT source unequivocally...... (insert sarcasm here)

you line your parrot cage with tinfoil? :laugh2:
FYI... it was estimated that 50% of bitcoin activities were for illegal purposes until recently where it has dropped to about 20%.

"Although hard numbers on criminal activity in digital currencies are difficult to pin down, Shone Anstey, co-founder and president of Blockchain Intelligence Group, estimates that illegal transactions in bitcoin have fallen from about half of total volume to about 20 percent last year."

Dark web finds bitcoin increasingly more of a problem than a help, tries other digital currencies, a subsidiary of one of the six conglomerates that control all the news...........there ya go, friends and neighbors! You can trust THAT source unequivocally...... (insert sarcasm here)

Do your own search if you don't want to believe the source... you'll find hundreds+ more articles talking about how useful crypto-currency is to criminals and illegal activity. Use your TOR browser if you have to. :)

Being that illegal activity like drug running and human trafficking using the fiat dollar that has been laundered through CIA controlled banks that run these illegal activities like BCCI? Seems to me that the powers that be are afraid of not getting their cut of "alleged illegal activity"......
FYI... it was estimated that 50% of bitcoin activities were for illegal purposes until recently where it has dropped to about 20%.

"Although hard numbers on criminal activity in digital currencies are difficult to pin down, Shone Anstey, co-founder and president of Blockchain Intelligence Group, estimates that illegal transactions in bitcoin have fallen from about half of total volume to about 20 percent last year."

Dark web finds bitcoin increasingly more of a problem than a help, tries other digital currencies, a subsidiary of one of the six conglomerates that control all the news...........there ya go, friends and neighbors! You can trust THAT source unequivocally...... (insert sarcasm here)

Do your own search if you don't want to believe the source... you'll find hundreds+ more articles talking about how useful crypto-currency is to criminals and illegal activity. Use your TOR browser if you have to. :)
If the federal government cannot tax it, it’s a good thing

Yep.......why we even bother to try and educate these idiots is a mystery to's a futile endeavor because they have no clue about the nature of the cage. SMH

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.
terrorists love government paranoia idiots like dale smith! :itsok:

are you a paranoid idiot or are you a terrorist??

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—virtual money—are gaining traction as a source of funding for terrorist groups, such as the self-proclaimed Islamic State. In January 2017, Islamist militants in Indonesia funded for terrorist activities with money received through Bitcoin, which is currently the most popular cryptocurrency. This was not an isolated incident: the Mujahideen Shura Council—active in the Gaza Strip and considered a foreign terrorist organization by the United States since 2014—also launched a Bitcoin campaign last year, inviting supporters to donate money for the purchase of weapons. Terrorists are beginning to explore the use of cryptocurrencies, and counterterrorism policies should respond accordingly.

Cryptocurrencies are increasing in popularity because of the anonymity afforded to both sender and recipient. In other words, it is extremely challenging to trace who is sending money to whom and for what purpose. Ironically, there is a completely public ledger, Blockchain, which records every Bitcoin transaction; however, the ledger retains users’ anonymity. Considered by some as “the new frontier in terrorism fundraising,” the use of Bitcoin in particular has grown exponentially over the last eight years, increasing from an average of 100 daily transactions in 2009 to 282,000 in 2017 thus far.

Bitcoin for Bombs

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.

You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

All you are going to get is the same bullshit answer. "Only a few people in this world are open-minded enough to question those in power and dig deep enough to uncover the deepest secrets of society... and if you don't do that and believe what the very few people do, then you are committing willful ignorance and just being a sheep, and pawn of the government."

Pretty crazy that, this is the reasoning skills some people use in order to defend their lunacy. It's one thing to question things around us, and the processes that take place. It's an entirely different thing when it is all you talk about 24/7, and use it to attack other people and tell them they aren't smart enough to understand it.

There is a line between awareness and paranoia.

You possess neither, see? I know infinitely more than you.......

Of course you do, you have 10 voices in your head speaking to you at the same time compared to my one.
it's going to be GREAT once all their shady idiot money gets sucked into that system, and then watching the whole thing crumble! :eusa_clap:

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