The origins of these horrific things must be found. There is no excuse in this nation for having murderous gangs running around lose in this country, and terrorizing the citizens. Anyone turning a blind eye should be ashamed of themselves from a law enforcement perspective.
The origins of these horrific things must be found. There is no excuse in this nation for having murderous gangs running around lose in this country, and terrorizing the citizens. Anyone turning a blind eye should be ashamed of themselves from a law enforcement perspective.

LE's overlords in sanctuary cities are calling the shots!
They're told to give them 'kid glove treatment' (not to be confused with this Kidd) and they have families and mortgages and need that check.
Vote democrat and you get:
Open borders and eliminating ICE and CBP would change the US into a lawless mess. Gangs running wild. Local cops overwhelmed and out gunned.

Please ask a trusted adult to read this to you and then explain it to you…
A United States Department of Justice report featured the following statement regarding 18th Street and rival gang MS-13, "These two gangs have turned the Central American northern triangle into the area with the highest homicide rate in the world."
You really should refrain from ever commenting since you’re so deeply uninformed on every subject matter that you comment on.
Click here Gulping Gay Turd
Please ask a trusted adult to read this to you, and then explain it to you…
A total of 87 people were murdered between March 25 and 27, with March 26 marking the bloodiest day in the country's recent history with 62 homicides.
87 murders in 3 days - with 62 of those murders in a single fucking day.

Now tell everyone how the Dumbocrats aren’t securing our borders because they “care”. And tell us how it’s “good” that Dumbocrats offer thugs like this unlimited perks like food, housing, healthcare, transportation, etc. on the dime of hard working Americans.
Holy fucking shit :lmao:

Gulping Gay Turd will actually attempt to defend one of the most violent gangs in the world in a desperate attempt to protect his precious little Dumbocrats 🤦‍♂️

I asked you to back up your claims, nothing more. I did not defend a thing
You cited one instance not the entire gangland dream you have. instance of their horrific history. Don't try to backpedal because you're ignorance was exposed. It's too late for that.
Please ask a trusted adult to read this to you, and then explain it to you…

87 murders in 3 days - with 62 of those murders in a single fucking day.

Now tell everyone how the Dumbocrats aren’t securing our borders because they “care”. And tell us how it’s “good” that Dumbocrats offer thugs like this unlimited perks like food, housing, healthcare, transportation, etc. on the dime of hard working Americans.
10 most dangerous states in the union ?
most are red states……
Crime ? All the crime from the right includes your presidents, administration and right wing terrorist groups that support them.
There are only two domestic terrorist groups currently operating in the United States. Both are left-wing.

ANTIFA (left-swing) and BLM (left-wing)

Both attempted to overthrown local US governments. Both burned entire cities to the ground. Both used violence against anyone who wouldn’t bow to their fascist ideology.
10 most dangerous states in the union ?
Doh! Would you look at that! 10 most dangerous cities in the United States are all deep-blue Dumbocrat cities. 10-for-10. 100%. :laugh:

See, Arkansas is “red” but Little Rock is deep-blue sweetie! Tennessee is “red” but Memphis is deep, deep blue, princess! As always, it’s liberal cities and counties that hurt red states.

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