Thank you Donald Trump for showing Republicans how to fight...

Rubio came out Bush. He eviscerated him. But only after Bush attacked him for his attendance in the Senate.

Bush's face was actually TWITCHING after Rubio gutted him.

Kasich attacked Trump for wanting to deport Mexicans and Carson for tithing our taxes, and then Trump put lead weights in his gloves and knocked out Kasich by saying "he got lucky" with fracking and that Kasich's poll numbers sucked and that was why Kasich was at the end of the row, to much laughter. Carson then kicked Kasich while he was still down on the ground.

And that was just the first few minutes. Then they moved on to attack each other's tax plans.

Stood together!?!?!


Damn right I'm laughing.

Let's just say that up and coming analysis of any debate and reflecting on this base people are going to have to go thru a meat grinder and not be given their passes anymore.

Do I believe g5000 is a conservative?


Shall I continue my dear?
Well, we already know your belief system is totally malfunctional, so...yeah.
If nothing else, Trump has shown all the Republican candidates how to deal with democrat journalists disguised as unbiased journalists…...
Everyone looks better standing their ground no matter the side...
Moderates could learn something from people with a spine...
Yeah, that pro-life, pro-gun, anti tax expenditure, anti ObamaCare G5000 is a raging liberal!

"He doesn't hate fags or ragheads or spics. He's just GOTTA be a liberal!"
Thank you Donald Trump for showing Republicans how to fight...
Republicans already knew how to lie.
If nothing else, Trump has shown all the Republican candidates how to deal with democrat journalists disguised as unbiased journalists…...

So you like the bashing, but are ok with not hearing what the candidates had to say if they were president and would vote for someone because they yelled at the press.
Well then Kenye West can do that too, would you like the Kardashian's in the white house, the debates have been pretty much like reality tv..?

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