Thank you for your 40 yrs of service Rep. Waxman (D-CA.)

Thank heavens that scientifically stupid moron is going away. It was Waxman, more than any other, that condemned California to the scourge of MTBE. Prick. I also loved how he catered to his buddies in the big toy corporations when he passed the bill that put artisan (you know, handmade) toy makers out of business. Double prick. And then, of course there was that abortion of a Bill that fortunately has so far not gone anywhere the Waxman-Markey Bill which would take trillions of dollars from hard working 99 percenters and give it to special interest groups. Yep, he's a real "champion of the people". Triple Prick.

And look who supports the ruling, wealthy elite over the interests of the 99 percent...why Dottie of course! Color me unsurprised.
Dottie will kiss any Democrats Ass ......just ask him......even the ones he says he dont like who "sold out".....
He's retiring at the end of his term. He recently held a talk at Georgetown Law on the issue that has captivated him from his beginnings in the State House of Cali- services for the poor & weak.

Representative Henry Waxman D-CA Health Care Video

thank you for all that you've done for this great nation sir!!! :salute:
Waxman is a democrap race pimp who has spent his career keeping minorities in poverty and on the dem plantation.
This thread falls in to the same category as the "Happy Birthday Hillary" thread. Trolling for negative comments and reactions from the "opposition."

You want to thank Waxman? Send him an email. Anything else is trolling.

Rough day, what?

Poor Righties, not even enough decency in their grinch-like hearts to wish someone happy birthday or a good retirement.

For Righties, it's "get the fuck off my lawn", 24/7.

Sad, just plain old sad.
as former postal empolyee i hold waxmen in the same light i hold issa.....they can both go to hell....

What has Rep. Waxman done to deserve such hate from you people? Being a champion of the poor & weak certainly can't be a reason for your hate?
The question is, What has Rep. Waxman done?
For all the bluster and grandstanding, what can he point to as a legacy?
Pretty damn thin, like Ron Paul territory.

What has Rep. Waxman done to deserve such hate from you people? Being a champion of the poor & weak certainly can't be a reason for your hate?
The question is, What has Rep. Waxman done?
For all the bluster and grandstanding, what can he point to as a legacy?
Pretty damn thin, like Ron Paul territory.
He has actively supported every bit of Dem legislation that keeps minorities in a state of childlike dependence on the Federal government.

He is like an overseer on the Dem plantation.

What has Rep. Waxman done to deserve such hate from you people? Being a champion of the poor & weak certainly can't be a reason for your hate?
The question is, What has Rep. Waxman done?
For all the bluster and grandstanding, what can he point to as a legacy?
Pretty damn thin, like Ron Paul territory.
He has actively supported every bit of Dem legislation that keeps minorities in a state of childlike dependence on the Federal government.

He is like an overseer on the Dem plantation.
he is a fucking 2 faced basterd.....
Thank heavens that scientifically stupid moron is going away. It was Waxman, more than any other, that condemned California to the scourge of MTBE. Prick. I also loved how he catered to his buddies in the big toy corporations when he passed the bill that put artisan (you know, handmade) toy makers out of business. Double prick. And then, of course there was that abortion of a Bill that fortunately has so far not gone anywhere the Waxman-Markey Bill which would take trillions of dollars from hard working 99 percenters and give it to special interest groups. Yep, he's a real "champion of the people". Triple Prick.

And look who supports the ruling, wealthy elite over the interests of the 99 percent...why Dottie of course! Color me unsurprised.
color me surprised that you provided no sourcing :doubt:

What has Rep. Waxman done to deserve such hate from you people? Being a champion of the poor & weak certainly can't be a reason for your hate?
The question is, What has Rep. Waxman done?
For all the bluster and grandstanding, what can he point to as a legacy?
Pretty damn thin, like Ron Paul territory.
He has actively supported every bit of Dem legislation that keeps minorities in a state of childlike dependence on the Federal government.

He is like an overseer on the Dem plantation.
link? Thanks :thup:
Thank heavens that scientifically stupid moron is going away. It was Waxman, more than any other, that condemned California to the scourge of MTBE. Prick. I also loved how he catered to his buddies in the big toy corporations when he passed the bill that put artisan (you know, handmade) toy makers out of business. Double prick. And then, of course there was that abortion of a Bill that fortunately has so far not gone anywhere the Waxman-Markey Bill which would take trillions of dollars from hard working 99 percenters and give it to special interest groups. Yep, he's a real "champion of the people". Triple Prick.

And look who supports the ruling, wealthy elite over the interests of the 99 percent...why Dottie of course! Color me unsurprised.
color me surprised that you provided no sourcing :doubt:

Gosh you're lame.

The Clean Air Act Amendments Congressman Henry Waxman Mattel was a HUUUUUGE supporter of this law. Thanks Waxman, supporting the one percent as usual! Just the one percent you care about.

"In the heady days of Hope & Change in early 2009, Waxman mostly kept busy working with Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., crafting one of the most convoluted, porked-up, ineffective boondoggles in the history of Congress: the American Clean Energy and Security Act, also known as “Waxman-Markey.”
How ugly was the sausage-making here? By the time Waxman-Markey passed the House, the bill had the endorsement of coal giant AEP, while Greenpeace was lobbying against it.
“On climate change,” General Electric executive John Rice wrote to his colleagues in 2009, “we were able to work closely with key authors of … Waxman-Markey.” Rice said Waxman-Markey spelled profits for GE."

Farewell to Henry Waxman maker of bad laws

So, yet again, he pushes for legislation that helps his favored one percenters while screwing over the environment, the competing businesses that had a better product and of course the 99 percent.

Happy Dottie? You support a asshat who takes from the poor, destroys the environment and enriches the One Percenters. In other words, you're a moron.
Lefties get downright teary eyed at the retirement of leftie politicians who accomplished little or nothing in their long careers. The big question is whether life got better or worse for his constituents during Waxman's career. My guess is that the hard core democrat base is in their usual emotional state and they blame bad times on republicans even though they continued to re-elect the A-hole. Another success story for the liberal education system.
Lefties get downright teary eyed at the retirement of leftie politicians who accomplished little or nothing in their long careers. The big question is whether life got better or worse for his constituents during Waxman's career. My guess is that the hard core democrat base is in their usual emotional state and they blame bad times on republicans even though they continued to re-elect the A-hole. Another success story for the liberal education system.
another Dottie thread going the way of all his other threads.....straight to the ....

He's retiring at the end of his term. He recently held a talk at Georgetown Law on the issue that has captivated him from his beginnings in the State House of Cali- services for the poor & weak.

Representative Henry Waxman D-CA Health Care Video

thank you for all that you've done for this great nation sir!!! :salute:

What a load of horseshit.

All Waxman did was get a cushy Govt job payed for by the taxpayers. A job where his pension and healthcare benefits will be payed for by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

Forty years of service my ass. He should have payed us for the prividge of serving in the Govt. They all should.

Thank you for all you've done for the nation??

Just what the hell has he done for the nation?

The better question is thanks for all you've done for yourself because he's done plenty just like the rest of those clowns.
Good that he is retiring, and, hopefully, a new individual committed to a more balanced view of the social compact will earn the seat.
What a load of horseshit.

All Waxman did was get a cushy Govt job payed for by the taxpayers. A job where his pension and healthcare benefits will be payed for by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

Forty years of service my ass. He should have payed us for the prividge of serving in the Govt. They all should.

Thank you for all you've done for the nation??

Just what the hell has he done for the nation?

The better question is thanks for all you've done for yourself because he's done plenty just like the rest of those clowns.
if that isn't a load of rw sour grapes. NEWSFLASH Sugar Shorts!!! Claudette: he had to run for election just like everybody else does. You ever run for office? No? Then.....

What has Rep. Waxman done to deserve such hate from you people? Being a champion of the poor & weak certainly can't be a reason for your hate?
The question is, What has Rep. Waxman done?
For all the bluster and grandstanding, what can he point to as a legacy?
Pretty damn thin, like Ron Paul territory.
He has actively supported every bit of Dem legislation that keeps minorities in a state of childlike dependence on the Federal government.

He is like an overseer on the Dem plantation.
he is a fucking 2 faced basterd.....
Two faces?

Looks like he has two asses, that hardly passes for a face.
What a load of horseshit.

All Waxman did was get a cushy Govt job payed for by the taxpayers. A job where his pension and healthcare benefits will be payed for by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

Forty years of service my ass. He should have payed us for the prividge of serving in the Govt. They all should.

Thank you for all you've done for the nation??

Just what the hell has he done for the nation?

The better question is thanks for all you've done for yourself because he's done plenty just like the rest of those clowns.
if that isn't a load of rw sour grapes. NEWSFLASH Sugar Shorts!!! Claudette: he had to run for election just like everybody else does. You ever run for office? No? Then.....
Now that would be an interesting Constitutional Amendment.

No salary, no benefits for pols.

Most are millionaires anyway, so let's dispense with the argument that that would eliminate "the common man" from public service.

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