Thank you for your 40 yrs of service Rep. Waxman (D-CA.)

How can anyone be sad when a career politician leaves office. Wax man should have been gone years ago.
Here, try to learn something:

American Resistance to a Standing Army
Quote from Madison: "The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."

Madison. Maybe you've heard of him and his pivotal role in the creation of the U.S. Constitution?
Here, try to learn something:

American Resistance to a Standing Army
Quote from Madison: "The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."

Madison. Maybe you've heard of him and his pivotal role in the creation of the U.S. Constitution?

Yet Congress formed a standing army to replace the Continental Army in anything else, liar? :blahblah:
Thread hijack much n00b?

What was the thread about again? Oh yes, giving Waxman (D) the credit he rightfully earned..
Thread hijack much n00b?

What was the thread about again? Oh yes, giving Waxman (D) the credit he rightfully earned..
how come you are not mentioning the credit he deserves for his help in crippling the Post Office?.....and for not doing a dam thing to help rectify his blunder?....oh thats right.....he is a wont bad mouth them.....
huh? I backed-up my assertion. I'll give you this much, you're not bad at deflecting from the topic which is a statesman who gave 40 yrs of his life to the betterment of the poor & weak.

back to topic.
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huh? I backed-up my assertion. I'll give you this much, you're not bad at deflecting from the topic which is a statesman who gave 40 yrs of his life to the betterment of the poor & weak.

back to topic.

No, he comprehensively destroyed your assertion. Riddle us this batman... if there was no "standing" army why then did Congress establish the USMA at West Point in 1802?:eusa_think:
huh? I backed-up my assertion. I'll give you this much, you're not bad at deflecting from the topic which is a statesman who gave 40 yrs of his life to the betterment of the poor & weak.

back to topic.

No, he comprehensively destroyed your assertion. Riddle us this batman... if there was no "standing" army why then did Congress establish the USMA at West Point in 1802?:eusa_think:
you notice dottie will not comment on what i said about this ratlike guys part in destroying the Post willing to bet dottie "thinks" the Republicans are at fault for that....
huh? I backed-up my assertion. I'll give you this much, you're not bad at deflecting from the topic which is a statesman who gave 40 yrs of his life to the betterment of the poor & weak.

back to topic.

No, he comprehensively destroyed your assertion. Riddle us this batman... if there was no "standing" army why then did Congress establish the USMA at West Point in 1802?:eusa_think:
you notice dottie will not comment on what i said about this ratlike guys part in destroying the Post willing to bet dottie "thinks" the Republicans are at fault for that....

Dottie has the mental capacity of a gnat, and the intellectual honesty of your typical brain dead Progressive. Which, as we all know, is zero.
What a load of horseshit.

All Waxman did was get a cushy Govt job payed for by the taxpayers. A job where his pension and healthcare benefits will be payed for by we the taxpayer for the rest of his miserable life.

Forty years of service my ass. He should have payed us for the prividge of serving in the Govt. They all should.

Thank you for all you've done for the nation??

Just what the hell has he done for the nation?

The better question is thanks for all you've done for yourself because he's done plenty just like the rest of those clowns.
if that isn't a load of rw sour grapes. NEWSFLASH Sugar Shorts!!! Claudette: he had to run for election just like everybody else does. You ever run for office? No? Then.....

Fuck off dickhead. His district is heavily Dem so of course he's won re election.

He still hasn't done anything but feather his own nest at taxpayer expense. You might think he's a great guy but I see him for what he is. A self serving POS. Just like the rest of those Clowns in Dc.
huh? I backed-up my assertion. I'll give you this much, you're not bad at deflecting from the topic which is a statesman who gave 40 yrs of his life to the betterment of the poor & weak.

back to topic.

No, he comprehensively destroyed your assertion. Riddle us this batman... if there was no "standing" army why then did Congress establish the USMA at West Point in 1802?:eusa_think:
you notice dottie will not comment on what i said about this ratlike guys part in destroying the Post willing to bet dottie "thinks" the Republicans are at fault for that....

Dottie has the mental capacity of a gnat, and the intellectual honesty of your typical brain dead Progressive. Which, as we all know, is zero.
he is just another who does their best to avoid answering questions that they cant or dont want to answer....
huh? I backed-up my assertion. I'll give you this much, you're not bad at deflecting from the topic which is a statesman who gave 40 yrs of his life to the betterment of the poor & weak.

back to topic.

No, he comprehensively destroyed your assertion. Riddle us this batman... if there was no "standing" army why then did Congress establish the USMA at West Point in 1802?:eusa_think:
you notice dottie will not comment on what i said about this ratlike guys part in destroying the Post willing to bet dottie "thinks" the Republicans are at fault for that....

Dottie has the mental capacity of a gnat, and the intellectual honesty of your typical brain dead Progressive. Which, as we all know, is zero.
he is just another who does their best to avoid answering questions that they cant or dont want to answer....

Yep. Dottie is the exact same type of individual who would look at those being marched off to the camps and saying to themselves, "thank heaven for Heydrich for setting up those camps. Yeeeeah Heydrich! THANK YOU!"
Waxman is a latte liberal crony capitalist horror show. Why on earth would anyone want to thank him?! Do you usually thank people who rob you?

Economic Incentives or Crony Capitalism National Review Institute Blog

Arms Merchants of South Central News Los Angeles Los Angeles News and Events LA Weekly

lots of ad homs in this thread w/ Westwall leading the charge :thup:

What was my OP again? Oh yes, a Rep who put 40 yrs of his life into bettering the lives of the less fortunate.
What was my OP again? Oh yes, a Rep who put 40 yrs of his life into bettering the lives of the less fortunate.
a Rep who leached off of the taxpayers for 40 years while funneling as much money as possible to special interest supporters.
There, it was in dire need of repair.
You're welcome.
lots of ad homs in this thread w/ Westwall leading the charge :thup:

What was my OP again? Oh yes, a Rep who put 40 yrs of his life into bettering the lives of the less fortunate.
see?.....he is doing everything possible to act like the question i asked was not asked....why?....because it makes Henry look opposite of the way shit shorts claims he is..... WHY WONT YOU ANSWER DOTTIE?.....i know you read all these so called ignored posts....

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