Thank you for your new law Mr. President

Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

All Presidents wrote laws from the White House. They're called Executive Orders. They're legal and Constitutional.

As for the "job losses," there aren't that many coal miners left these days because there aren't that many coal veins left. There won't be a lot of jobs lost.

Funny, I remember a neocon bitch that told me to my face our manufacturing jobs had gone overseas because American workers were lazy and greedy. She didn't seem the least bit upset at the damage done in the Rust Belt.

Not long after I started hearing that kind of bullshit everywhere. It died down briefly, but then it started up again, American business owners have to outsource because workers are so greedy and lazy.

There are threads all over this board with that theme.

Tell me, how can you be so indifferent to those that lost manufacturing jobs, yet suddenly you care deeply about the coal miners?

You don't care about the miners. Someone pulled your puppet strings.

Stupid stupid shills.

Are you really that stupid and uninformed?
might be related to this:

Stonewallers in Congress have been..... well..... stonewalling our two-term, Democratic President when it comes to protecting the air we breathe & water we drink so 44 had to take matters into his own able hands :cool:

Obama's boldest move on carbon comes with perils
The rule will tap executive powers to tackle the single largest source of the pollution blamed for heating the planet: carbon dioxide emitted from power plants. They produce about 40 percent of the electricity in the nation and about one-third of the carbon pollution that makes the U.S. the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

"There are no national limits to the amount of carbon pollution that existing plants can pump into the air we breathe. None," Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address.

"We limit the amount of toxic chemicals like mercury, sulfur, and arsenic that power plants put in our air and water. But they can dump unlimited amounts of carbon pollution into the air. It's not smart, it's not safe, and it doesn't make sense," he said.

We know that Republicorp will do nothing that cuts into their paymasters profit-margins so bravo Mr. President for putting the health of this great nation's people above some CEO at some GHG- producing company.

The people who will get it in the ass from Obama's new regulations are the poor and the middle class, not "Republicorp." How do they benefit from higher energy prices? Only a moron would gloat at the prospect of paying three times more for energy than he does now.

You are just plain fucking stupid.
Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

All Presidents wrote laws from the White House. They're called Executive Orders. They're legal and Constitutional.

You don't know what an executive order is. Here's a hint for you: it isn't a law.

As for the "job losses," there aren't that many coal miners left these days because there aren't that many coal veins left. There won't be a lot of jobs lost.

there aren't that many coal veins left? God, are you ever stupid!

You're also ignoring all the job losses resulting from the fact that energy will become unreliable and cost 3 times more.

Funny, I remember a neocon bitch that told me to my face our manufacturing jobs had gone overseas because American workers were lazy and greedy. She didn't seem the least bit upset at the damage done in the Rust Belt.

Not long after I started hearing that kind of bullshit everywhere. It died down briefly, but then it started up again, American business owners have to outsource because workers are so greedy and lazy.

There are threads all over this board with that theme.

Tell me, how can you be so indifferent to those that lost manufacturing jobs, yet suddenly you care deeply about the coal miners?

You don't care about the miners. Someone pulled your puppet strings.

Stupid stupid shills.

One thing is certain: You don't give a rat's ass about coal miners. You just made that quite plain. Good luck with getting the votes of people living in coal states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Montana and Wyoming.
More Americans are concerned about global warming than mine coal.... and some of them mine coal.
So, when did you begin to favor doing away with the legislature and promoting the President to Monarch?

Something like 1983 when Reagan started doing the same thing?
Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

I don't know if you're intentionally acting dumb in order to troll, or if you're just plain dumb as dirt. Sometimes I think a bloody aborted fetus is smarter than you.

Who said this?

“With a hostile Congress that doesn’t show much sign of coming toward us on some of these issues, it behooves us to take the initiative when we can take it.”

That was Reagan. Speaking of having to use Executive Orders in order to get something accomplished with an uncooperative Congress.

The 'Lawless' Presidencies Of Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan - Forbes

Of course, nothing President Reagan did through the use of his executive order power could possibly match the severity of Obama’s attempt to get around an obstructionist Congress in order to accomplish his own agenda, right?

Not so much.

Do the words ‘National Security Agency’ ring a bell?

The NSA, of course, is the government body that has been collecting our phone and Internet data while spying on Americans and foreigners (including foreign leaders) in ways that have infuriated the very Republicans—along with just about everyone else—who hold Ronald Wilson Reagan up to be the icon of modern day conservatism.

As a result, you might be surprised to learn the following bit of history:

It was President Reagan’s infamous Executive Order 12333 (referred to as “twelve-triple-three”) that established and handed to the NSA virtually all of the powers under which the agency operates to this day—allowing the agency to collect the data that so many now find to be so offensive.

Just like Obama is doing.

Fucking tard.
How did we EVER live without the Dear wonderful Obama and his fascist administration?

and people are bowing down to this

we are hopeless and gone as a free self reliant people and have now become SUBJECTS to this government and politicians

Sez the former Union member and current welfare recepient.
How did we EVER live without the Dear wonderful Obama and his fascist administration?

and people are bowing down to this

we are hopeless and gone as a free self reliant people and have now become SUBJECTS to this government and politicians

Could you explain what this post has to do with the ENVIRONMENT, the subject of this forum?
How do you expect seniors living on fixed income to pay their heating bills?

You are going to get people killed!

Yes, that's the plan. Does it pose a problem?

It will certainly reduce the pressure on ObamaCare and Medicare to rid the population of all those pesky sick, useless senior citizens who are no longer net tax contributing serfs!
Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

All Presidents wrote laws from the White House. They're called Executive Orders. They're legal and Constitutional.

As for the "job losses," there aren't that many coal miners left these days because there aren't that many coal veins left. There won't be a lot of jobs lost.
You really are not terribly bright, are you?

Plenty of coal mining to be had out there.

Coal mining in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coal In Western States

It's leaving the mines in trains a mile long several times per day. More coal can be mined at a much faster rate than before. These veins will tap out in a few years, not decades.
Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

All Presidents wrote laws from the White House. They're called Executive Orders. They're legal and Constitutional.

You don't know what an executive order is. Here's a hint for you: it isn't a law.

As for the "job losses," there aren't that many coal miners left these days because there aren't that many coal veins left. There won't be a lot of jobs lost.

there aren't that many coal veins left? God, are you ever stupid!

You're also ignoring all the job losses resulting from the fact that energy will become unreliable and cost 3 times more.

Funny, I remember a neocon bitch that told me to my face our manufacturing jobs had gone overseas because American workers were lazy and greedy. She didn't seem the least bit upset at the damage done in the Rust Belt.

Not long after I started hearing that kind of bullshit everywhere. It died down briefly, but then it started up again, American business owners have to outsource because workers are so greedy and lazy.

There are threads all over this board with that theme.

Tell me, how can you be so indifferent to those that lost manufacturing jobs, yet suddenly you care deeply about the coal miners?

You don't care about the miners. Someone pulled your puppet strings.

Stupid stupid shills.

One thing is certain: You don't give a rat's ass about coal miners. You just made that quite plain. Good luck with getting the votes of people living in coal states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Montana and Wyoming.

I grew up in Appalachia, you brainless twit. My son welded together the machines that mine the coal. (Google Pennsylvania Crusher) I know a lot more about it than you.
How about reading and learning instead of blindly following
[EPA’s new Clean Air Act proposed rule on carbon emissions from existing power plants is expensive, controversial, and intrusive for households and small businesses. It will not decrease or address global warming, and may even worsen public health and electric reliability. ERCC poses seven important questions regarding the new proposals, and some of the answers may surprise you.QUOTE]

ERCC Answers Seven Questions You Should Have About EPA's Proposed Rule on Carbon Emissions from Existing Power Plants | ERCC ? Electric Reliability Coordinating Council
Something like 1983 when Reagan started doing the same thing?
Ronald Reagan wrote a law from the White House?

Do you revise history often?

I don't know if you're intentionally acting dumb in order to troll, or if you're just plain dumb as dirt. Sometimes I think a bloody aborted fetus is smarter than you.

Who said this?

“With a hostile Congress that doesn’t show much sign of coming toward us on some of these issues, it behooves us to take the initiative when we can take it.”
That was Reagan. Speaking of having to use Executive Orders in order to get something accomplished with an uncooperative Congress.

The 'Lawless' Presidencies Of Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan - Forbes

Of course, nothing President Reagan did through the use of his executive order power could possibly match the severity of Obama’s attempt to get around an obstructionist Congress in order to accomplish his own agenda, right?

Not so much.

Do the words ‘National Security Agency’ ring a bell?

The NSA, of course, is the government body that has been collecting our phone and Internet data while spying on Americans and foreigners (including foreign leaders) in ways that have infuriated the very Republicans—along with just about everyone else—who hold Ronald Wilson Reagan up to be the icon of modern day conservatism.

As a result, you might be surprised to learn the following bit of history:

It was President Reagan’s infamous Executive Order 12333 (referred to as “twelve-triple-three”) that established and handed to the NSA virtually all of the powers under which the agency operates to this day—allowing the agency to collect the data that so many now find to be so offensive.
Just like Obama is doing.

Fucking tard.
He did NOT write a fucking law, you god-damned moron. Do you know the difference between your finger and your ear? Because from where I am sitting, you need to be locked up and cared for.
How did we EVER live without the Dear wonderful Obama and his fascist administration?

and people are bowing down to this

we are hopeless and gone as a free self reliant people and have now become SUBJECTS to this government and politicians

Could you explain what this post has to do with the ENVIRONMENT, the subject of this forum?

I know right? :dunno: thats out Stephanie :smiliehug: :lol:
How did we EVER live without the Dear wonderful Obama and his fascist administration?

and people are bowing down to this

we are hopeless and gone as a free self reliant people and have now become SUBJECTS to this government and politicians

Why, after 20Jan17, when President Obama hands the baton to President Clinton, we will do just fine.:badgrin:
How did we EVER live without the Dear wonderful Obama and his fascist administration?

and people are bowing down to this

we are hopeless and gone as a free self reliant people and have now become SUBJECTS to this government and politicians

Why, after 20Jan17, when President Obama hands the baton to President Clinton, we will do just fine.:badgrin:

The Repubs main issue is that they don't have anybody to run who can get votes from the center.
The people in the coal mining business that have skills will do just fine, they will find other industries that need those skills. Those that are unskilled will have the same problems that all unskilled have today. I watched, in the sawmills, the machines replace the jobs to the point where the maintenance staffs are now 1/2 the size of the production staffs. The green chain that once had 30 people working now has an automatic stacker operator, and a chaser, and handles more lumber than the green chain did.

There is a major need for wind mill technicians, in our steel mill, we have a hard time getting qualified millwrights and electricians. As Geo-thermal comes online, there will be a major need for skilled people in that energy sector. There are jobs out there going begging, but you have to have the skills.
. stonewalling our two-term, Democratic President

I seem to recall many posts from the more right leaning members, all stating Obama was a one term president.
They seem to have been in error. :D

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