Trump Thank You Stormy!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."
You mean Trump set the bar so low that just about anyone can step over it?
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

The tiny weenie cheated on his wife while she recovered from having his baby...yuck

Trump has been in da dawg house over dis shit since it broke two months ago...Poor Don now the whores won't play wit him...There is still Milo...
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

It was comical wasn't it, the fake outrage over Bill Clinton having consensual oral sex with an adult, while Little Donald was paying for a prostitute while his mail order bride was home alone. He also outed once and for all the Pathetically fake evangelicals in the entire US. They voted for Lying Trump by 80%. They have no morals, it's all an act to make money and get votes from rubes.

Trump has singlehandedly destroyed any and all morality that may have been present in the Republican party and among conservatives. Their morality is 100% relative, if they like you they have no morality and you can do anything you like. If they don't like you they are outraged that you would drop a candy wrapper on the ground.

Hollow feckless human beings all.
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Filthy Don was promoting Evangelistic Christian morals while his mail bride wife was about to push out a retarted crothfruit.

What is wrong here, I wonder? :114:
The fact that the reliigous assholes support Trump tells me that they don't give a damn about religion. It is all about control of people that dare step out of line.
The was the problem with the clergy by the time of the age of revolution, the church leaders had allied themselves with every despot that ruled alienating the populace.
Tony Perkins, Evangelical leader and head of the Family Research Council said Trump is a "cultural leader" and sees him as a role model for children.

No sh!t. He said that. I posted it before. That's the state of Right Wing Christians in America today.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."
You mean Trump set the bar so low that just about anyone can step over it?
Actually Bill Clinton and the Senate that acquitted him for lying and obstruction of justice (about sex with ML) set the bar so low that anyone can step over it. It's rather hypocritical to be upset now that Trump is stepping over it with very low steps.
Tony Perkins, Evangelical leader and head of the Family Research Council said Trump is a "cultural leader" and sees him as a role model for children.

No sh!t. He said that. I posted it before. That's the state of Right Wing Christians in America today.
When given the choice of the Man Slut Candidate and the Abortion Candidate, the Evangelical Leaders will tend to pick what they believe to be the lessor of two evils and go with the Man Slut Candidate.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."
You mean Trump set the bar so low that just about anyone can step over it?
Actually Bill Clinton and the Senate that acquitted him for lying and obstruction of justice (about sex with ML) set the bar so low that anyone can step over it. It's rather hypocritical to be upset now that Trump is stepping over it with very low steps.
No future President, mail or female will ever have to worry about Republican condemnation over sexual indiscretions. Trump has enabled them for all time. He is truly in a league by himself, even if his Russian indiscretions with women are never made public.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

How sad that the people like you have been so butthurt for so long that it has stunted your brain function. It’s so bad that you are listening to hookers, porn stars and strippers for your facts.

You cannot fix stupid.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."
And yesterday the White House Press Secretary, to Trump's utter anger and dismay, admitted that Trump had been involved with Stormy through some sort of "arbitration agreement." Wow, the plot thickens! Stay tuned folks; its gonna get better & better!
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

How sad that the people like you have been so butthurt for so long that it has stunted your brain function. It’s so bad that you are listening to hookers, porn stars and strippers for your facts.

You cannot fix stupid.
Great post!!! Let's do a quick recap of your moral leader:

Three wives. An affair with #2 while still married to #1, AND, an illegitimate child with #2 before she became #2. Affairs with hookers, porn stars and assorted others while married to #3. Yesterday the White House admitted his involvement with Stormy. Still waiting for publication of Russian hooker episodes.

Yup, you sure can't fix stupid Trumpsters. Why, I bet you've even said nasty things about Bill Clinton.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

How sad that the people like you have been so butthurt for so long that it has stunted your brain function. It’s so bad that you are listening to hookers, porn stars and strippers for your facts.

You cannot fix stupid.
Great post!!! Let's do a quick recap of your moral leader:

Three wives. An affair with #2 while still married to #1, AND, an illegitimate child with #2 before she became #2. Affairs with hookers, porn stars and assorted others while married to #3. Yesterday the White House admitted his involvement with Stormy. Still waiting for publication of Russian hooker episodes.

Yup, you sure can't fix stupid Trumpsters. Why, I bet you've even said nasty things about Bill Clinton.

Quit moving the goalposts moron. Trump never claimed to be a saint did he? Has any of his supporters ever said that Trump was as pure as the driven snow? No we have not. No one calls him a moral leader except you.

You can’t fix stupid and you are as stupid as they come.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

How sad that the people like you have been so butthurt for so long that it has stunted your brain function. It’s so bad that you are listening to hookers, porn stars and strippers for your facts.

You cannot fix stupid.
Great post!!! Let's do a quick recap of your moral leader:

Three wives. An affair with #2 while still married to #1, AND, an illegitimate child with #2 before she became #2. Affairs with hookers, porn stars and assorted others while married to #3. Yesterday the White House admitted his involvement with Stormy. Still waiting for publication of Russian hooker episodes.

Yup, you sure can't fix stupid Trumpsters. Why, I bet you've even said nasty things about Bill Clinton.

Quit moving the goalposts moron. Trump never claimed to be a saint did he? Has any of his supporters ever said that Trump was as pure as the driven snow? No we have not. No one calls him a moral leader except you.

You can’t fix stupid and you are as stupid as they come.
For shining the spotlight on President Trump and his lack of morals. Trump has set the bar at a level no one will ever surpass.

And Stormy, thank you for forever and always shutting up Trumpsters about Bill Clinton. Compared to Trump, Bill is a choirboy. Any Trumpster who ever tries to bring up Bill Clinton again will be certifying his ignorance and utter stupidity.

And, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

How sad that the people like you have been so butthurt for so long that it has stunted your brain function. It’s so bad that you are listening to hookers, porn stars and strippers for your facts.

You cannot fix stupid.
Great post!!! Let's do a quick recap of your moral leader:

Three wives. An affair with #2 while still married to #1, AND, an illegitimate child with #2 before she became #2. Affairs with hookers, porn stars and assorted others while married to #3. Yesterday the White House admitted his involvement with Stormy. Still waiting for publication of Russian hooker episodes.

Yup, you sure can't fix stupid Trumpsters. Why, I bet you've even said nasty things about Bill Clinton.

Quit moving the goalposts moron. Trump never claimed to be a saint did he? Has any of his supporters ever said that Trump was as pure as the driven snow? No we have not. No one calls him a moral leader except you.

You can’t fix stupid and you are as stupid as they come.
Well guess what. That dumpster attitude makes you an ENABLER! You are so in love with Cadet Bone Spurs that you excuse all of his inherent evil. We all know that if this were a Democrat President with his track record, you would be screaming bloody murder, pulling your hair out and probably jumping off of a bridge in total panic. Well, you support him and that makes you a mirror image of him and his lack of morals. You would be ashamed of yourself, if you had a brain sharp enough to recognize your own pathetic weakness. So crawl back under your sorry rock and keep loving your idiot messiah.

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