Thanks For The Free Ride At Texas Tax Payers Expense Gov. Abbott

I'm curious...

Can just the average citizen in Texas get a free trip to DC or it Abbot only paying to send illegal aliens to DC?
Abbott does not want to fix the border situation. It's an incredible piece of red meat for his dumbass GOP base. He will keep using it as a campaign platform indefinitely, though.
The stunt is part of a fortune in Texas taxpayer money that Abbott is spending for the benefit of his gubernatorial reelection campaign and potential presidential bid. He had to rescind his vehicle inspection plan after it caused massive backups, inflicted billions of dollars in trade losses and resulted in not a single drug arrest. His positioning of the Texas National Guard on the border has, tragically, turned deadly.

Now the busing plan is proving to be a bust. At this writing, only 11 mostly empty buses (they can hold up to 45 but have arrived with as few as nine migrants and average fewer than 18) have made it from Texas, immigration advocates report. Two more half-full buses departed Texas for D.C. on Monday. Of the 195 migrants who have arrived, 85 percent quickly moved on to other destinations, often to meet family; they were merely hitching a free ride at Texas taxpayers’ expense.

Abbott’s buses, intended to send a “clear message” to the federal government, have achieved no such thing. They haven’t had any impact on President Biden, nor on said government, nor even on local authorities. Instead, volunteers with nonprofits such as Catholic Charities, Sanctuary DMV and the Central American Resource Center, known as Carecen, anonymously tipped off when the buses depart Texas, have been on hand to meet the migrants and get them the help they need.

Fox News and other right-wing media, after trumpeting Abbott’s scheme, have gone quiet on the bus debacle. Even Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post observed last week that “the transports are hardly bursting at the seams.” Abbott is now seeking private donations to defray the cost of his bus boondoggle.

Anything you would like to add governor?
Stay away from Texas if you don’t like it. How many Americans have been murdered by illegals the last 10 years?
This problem could have been solved in the 80’s. Even Reagan, no Liberal by any stretch, tried to enact an immigration plan, but Republicans in Congress said no.

As long as the base of Morons exist in the Republican Party, the problem will only continue.

When it comes to the current immigration issue Republicans…” You Did That “
Your partisan stupidity is truly unmatched it also could have been solved in the 90s under Clinton the 2000s under Bush and Obama at least Trump made an effort to do something about it but the orange man bad crowd didn't want that and now we have Biden continuning the trend from the 80s till now. But you go on doing the one thing you do well pretending like only one party caused this problem and has failed to do anything about it.
The most frightening thing might happen!
A US citizen might get a job!

Democrats used to be against illegal immigration because they used to care about the American working class. Now they care more about violent druggy thugs, tranny's and illegals aliens. According to democrats, it's "To hell with the American working class."
Abbott bussed a bunch of migrants to DC. Not near enough, but still quite a few. This was the intention. Biden still doesn't care what he's putting the US border patrol through. He doesn't care about the over crowding of immigrants in US custody. All the motels that the tax payers are paying for, are full.
Obviously, Biden is just ignoring the problem, as if he wasn't responsible for it.
Your partisan stupidity is truly unmatched it also could have been solved in the 90s under Clinton the 2000s under Bush and Obama at least Trump made an effort to do something about it but the orange man bad crowd didn't want that and now we have Biden continuning the trend from the 80s till now. But you go on doing the one thing you do well pretending like only one party caused this problem and has failed to do anything about it.

A comprehensive immigration program, and building a fence, are two entirely different things.

Doing something about it, involves putting white business owners in jail for hiring illegals.

You’re all for that right?

It also involves cutting back on work visas, which counts for 90% of illegals currently in the country, that arrived at a bus station or airport, and just simply overstayed their visa and never left.

Doing something about it, is exactly what Republicans don’t want to do.

They lose a red meat issue with their voting base, and the white business owners that contribute to their reelection campaigns, want the cheap labor.

Let me know when you guys actually want to do the things that actually stop it, and I’ll be happy to have that conversation with you.

Building fences, and giving free bus rides to the front door of Fox News studio, with camera crews waiting, ain’t fooling nobody son.
What plan?
Why were the employer restrictions so ineffective? During the debate in Congress, the bill's sponsors ended up watering down the sanctions on employers to attract support from the business community, explains Wayne Cornelius of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at U.C. San Diego. "The end result was that they essentially gutted the employer sanctions," he says.
Under the final law, all employers had to do to avoid sanctions was to make sure their workers had paperwork that "reasonably appears on its face to be genuine." If the documents were decent fakes, that wasn't the boss's problem. In fact, employers were actually penalized if they scrutinized a worker's nationality too aggressively.
What's more, industries such as agriculture, construction and landscaping often skirted the paperwork rules by relying on contractors and subcontractors. That made it easier for companies to maintain plausible deniability.
Reagan said, "The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans."
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A comprehensive immigration program, and building a fence, are two entirely different things.

Doing something about it, involves putting white business owners in jail for hiring illegals.

You’re all for that right?

It also involves cutting back on work visas, which counts for 90% of illegals currently in the country, that arrived at a bus station or airport, and just simply overstayed their visa and never left.

Doing something about it, is exactly what Republicans don’t want to do.

They lose a red meat issue with their voting base, and the white business owners that contribute to their reelection campaigns, want the cheap labor.

Let me know when you guys actually want to do the things that actually stop it, and I’ll be happy to have that conversation with you.

Building fences, and giving free bus rides to the front door of Fox News studio, with camera crews waiting, ain’t fooling nobody son.
All that one sided partisan idiocy you spouted off does not change the fact neither party has done anything to get control of the border when they had the chance to do so. I would feel sorry for you for being both so blindly partisan and stupid but as you choose to be both I won’t.
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This problem could have been solved in the 80’s. Even Reagan, no Liberal by any stretch, tried to enact an immigration plan, but Republicans in Congress said no.

As long as the base of Morons exist in the Republican Party, the problem will only continue.

When it comes to the current immigration issue Republicans…” You Did That “
Absolutely WRONG. Trump had a bit of control over the border in spite of the anti American obstruction that came from the democrat-controlled congress. That minor control was completely removed when the vegetable signed all of those EOs. That one single day, America lost more than at any other time in over a hundred years. Biden did that.
The stunt is part of a fortune in Texas taxpayer money that Abbott is spending for the benefit of his gubernatorial reelection campaign and potential presidential bid. He had to rescind his vehicle inspection plan after it caused massive backups, inflicted billions of dollars in trade losses and resulted in not a single drug arrest. His positioning of the Texas National Guard on the border has, tragically, turned deadly.

Now the busing plan is proving to be a bust. At this writing, only 11 mostly empty buses (they can hold up to 45 but have arrived with as few as nine migrants and average fewer than 18) have made it from Texas, immigration advocates report. Two more half-full buses departed Texas for D.C. on Monday. Of the 195 migrants who have arrived, 85 percent quickly moved on to other destinations, often to meet family; they were merely hitching a free ride at Texas taxpayers’ expense.

Abbott’s buses, intended to send a “clear message” to the federal government, have achieved no such thing. They haven’t had any impact on President Biden, nor on said government, nor even on local authorities. Instead, volunteers with nonprofits such as Catholic Charities, Sanctuary DMV and the Central American Resource Center, known as Carecen, anonymously tipped off when the buses depart Texas, have been on hand to meet the migrants and get them the help they need.

Fox News and other right-wing media, after trumpeting Abbott’s scheme, have gone quiet on the bus debacle. Even Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post observed last week that “the transports are hardly bursting at the seams.” Abbott is now seeking private donations to defray the cost of his bus boondoggle.

Anything you would like to add governor?
This is the consequence of incompetent, bad faith Republican governance motivated by fear, racism, bigotry, and hate.
A comprehensive immigration program, and building a fence, are two entirely different things.

Doing something about it, involves putting white business owners in jail for hiring illegals.

You’re all for that right?

It also involves cutting back on work visas, which counts for 90% of illegals currently in the country, that arrived at a bus station or airport, and just simply overstayed their visa and never left.

Doing something about it, is exactly what Republicans don’t want to do.

They lose a red meat issue with their voting base, and the white business owners that contribute to their reelection campaigns, want the cheap labor.

Let me know when you guys actually want to do the things that actually stop it, and I’ll be happy to have that conversation with you.

Building fences, and giving free bus rides to the front door of Fox News studio, with camera crews waiting, ain’t fooling nobody son.
For conservatives the 'problem' is people of color who speak Spanish coming to America, regardless their immigration status.

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