Thanks Michelle Obama: Guggenheim Museum Called Racist After Kicking Out Disruptive Black Students

There IS NO "war agains museums" you moronic swamp-drinking pus-brained waste of human protoplasm. Her entire spiel was commending and encouraging the Whitney for its outreach. Learn to read.

Furthermore where does anyone "call the Guggenheim racist" ?
There IS NO "war agains museums" you moronic swamp-drinking pus-brained waste of human protoplasm. Her entire spiel was commending and encouraging the Whitney for its outreach. Learn to read.

Furthermore where does anyone "call the Guggenheim racist" ?

Steve is an ignorant racist, he is a disgrace to all races.
There IS NO "war agains museums" you moronic swamp-drinking pus-brained waste of human protoplasm. Her entire spiel was commending and encouraging the Whitney for its outreach. Learn to read.

Furthermore where does anyone "call the Guggenheim racist" ?

Steve is an ignorant racist, he is a disgrace to all races.

Especially the human one.
There IS NO "war agains museums" you moronic swamp-drinking pus-brained waste of human protoplasm. Her entire spiel was commending and encouraging the Whitney for its outreach. Learn to read.

Furthermore where does anyone "call the Guggenheim racist" ?

Steve is an ignorant racist, he is a disgrace to all races.
Stever is a racist and anti semite, no question.
Buthe does sometimes post decent shit. And this is one of those times. The Guggenheim was right to ban the school. The students were animals. No one should have to put up with their behavior. Suggesting it was racism is a crock.
First Lady made the museum do that?

Can't anyone do anything on their own?

For example, the OP can't hold down a job but that's not his fault. Its Obama's fault. Or maybe its all those Blacks and Jews's fault.

These chimps should never be allowed into a museum or any other public venue without being leased and controlled by their trainers. .... :cool:
First Lady made the museum do that?

Can't anyone do anything on their own?

For example, the OP can't hold down a job but that's not his fault. Its Obama's fault. Or maybe its all those Blacks and Jews's fault.

No, idiot. No one made the museum do that. But she created an environment where museums were considered hotbeds of racism so of course any incident with a museum and blacks would be spun that way.
These chimps should never be allowed into a museum or any other public venue without being leased and controlled by their trainers. .... :cool:

I have to disagree -- I think Steve McRacist could learn a lot in a museum.

Wouldn't want to lease him though -- a leash, I could see that...
When confronted about the destroyed pieces wonderful of white culture, they said: "Whites didn't build that."
Watch for it to be burned down in a few days.

I hope not but that's the seeds these two Obama's are going around planting in these kids minds. She was just at some graduation whining about her being black and her life was waaa waaa waaa
Watch for it to be burned down in a few days.

I hope not but that's the seeds these two Obama's are going around planting in these kids minds. She was just at some graduation whining about her being black and her life was waaa waaa waaa

If anything's "planting seeds" ........... it's posts like this. ^^
Watch for it to be burned down in a few days.

I hope not but that's the seeds these two Obama's are going around planting in these kids minds. She was just at some graduation whining about her being black and her life was waaa waaa waaa

If anything's "planting seeds" ........... it's posts like this. ^^
"Burn this bitch down!"

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