Thanks O for ending the war in Iraq

No----it's a very small claim. The CIA, the Mossad, Qatar, the Saudis and the whole neocon crew created a disaster by interfering in Syrian affairs.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today
When did that happen? That a pretty huge claim and kind of rewrites history. Do you have any kind of link, even a political commentary or essay promoting that concept, or is that just something you thought up on your own?
Listen up dumb ass this is recent history something you can't deny happen when in fact it did. It was in the paper obama seeking money to fund the terrorist fight in Syria to overthrow the government
Again if things weren't clam why did obama pull the troops out?

You keep bringing it back to Obama, but have yet to explain how things were calm by the time Bush left office.

Were things in any way calm when Bush left office?
YOU keep claiming that it wasn't calm if it wasn't why did obama take all the troops out.
YOU keep claiming that it wasn't calm if it wasn't why did obama take all the troops out.

I didn't claim anything. That was my first post in this thread. Your first post was a claim that Bush left Iraq calm, while Obama screwed everything up. Explain how it was calm. Or are you backtracking already?
We have already put that BS to rest in numerous other threads. Bush, nor anyone on his team, ever wanted ALL troops removed. Some wanted as many as 30-50,000 left.

It doesn't matter what Bush wanted. What matters is what he agreed to. Let's see an Obama supporter put that sort of spin on it, and how you'd react. :lol:

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today
When did that happen? That a pretty huge claim and kind of rewrites history. Do you have any kind of link, even a political commentary or essay promoting that concept, or is that just something you thought up on your own?
Listen up dumb ass this is recent history something you can't deny happen when in fact it did. It was in the paper obama seeking money to fund the terrorist fight in Syria to overthrow the government
Show a link or explain how Obama created ISIS or tried to overthrow Assad. What is the "huge role" being claimed? Both the red line incident and the creation of ISIS and in fact the whole Syrian civil war was in progress long before Obama even talked about giving support to moderate rebel groups in Syria.
No----it's a very small claim. The CIA, the Mossad, Qatar, the Saudis and the whole neocon crew created a disaster by interfering in Syrian affairs.
Well how does that make Obama responsible and where is the link or explanation about Obama being responsible for the civil war in Syria?

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today
When did that happen? That a pretty huge claim and kind of rewrites history. Do you have any kind of link, even a political commentary or essay promoting that concept, or is that just something you thought up on your own?
Listen up dumb ass this is recent history something you can't deny happen when in fact it did. It was in the paper obama seeking money to fund the terrorist fight in Syria to overthrow the government
Show a link or explain how Obama created ISIS or tried to overthrow Assad. What is the "huge role" being claimed? Both the red line incident and the creation of ISIS and in fact the whole Syrian civil war was in progress long before Obama even talked about giving support to moderate rebel groups in Syria.

Hell ya it was in progress and Obama joined right in. The Red Line in the sand was all his baby.
The US and the regular Syrian Army are BOTH fighting ISIS !!
YOU keep claiming that it wasn't calm if it wasn't why did obama take all the troops out.

I didn't claim anything. That was my first post in this thread. Your first post was a claim that Bush left Iraq calm, while Obama screwed everything up. Explain how it was calm. Or are you backtracking already?
You took the question up so now it's your's you are claiming it. So tell me if it wasn't calm why did obama pull all the troops out?
You took the question up so now it's your's you are claiming it. So tell me if it wasn't calm why did obama pull all the troops out?

Just admit that you can't back up your previous statement. You are making yourself look stupid. :lol:
Show a link or explain how Obama created ISIS or tried to overthrow Assad. What is the "huge role" being claimed? Both the red line incident and the creation of ISIS and in fact the whole Syrian civil war was in progress long before Obama even talked about giving support to moderate rebel groups in Syria.
You really can't be that forgetful so you must be that damn stupid.
Obama asks for funding to support Syrian rebels - Videos - CBS News
What I find funniest about this thread is that people are arguing about Iraq being calm when Bush left office. It is funny because no one can give an example when Iraq was calm and at peace in like, the last 4,000 years. Seriously, can some historian person tell us when in the last 4,000 years that place could be described as calm? The last 2,000 years? How about the last 1,000 years?
What I find funniest about this thread is that people are arguing about Iraq being calm when Bush left office. It is funny because no one can give an example when Iraq was calm and at peace in like, the last 4,000 years. Seriously, can some historian person tell us when in the last 4,000 years that place could be described as calm? The last 2,000 years? How about the last 1,000 years?
If things were not calm why did obama pull the troops out? It's piss poor planning to pull out of an unstable country.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today
When did that happen? That a pretty huge claim and kind of rewrites history. Do you have any kind of link, even a political commentary or essay promoting that concept, or is that just something you thought up on your own?

Obama backed the Syrian rebels at one point who where then taken over by AQ who then turned into ISIS.
Then you have the issues with the Iraqi government and Obama pulling out the advisors who helped guide Malaki.Who when we left pushed for his power play to make the government non-sunni. Those sunni who got kicked out went too ISIS. the Iraqi Military folded because it was a money scheme where the Generals took what they wanted and when faced with a conflict ran away. Thus the troops also ran away. that and Malaki kicked out any Sunni commander in favor for loyalists.

So Obama played his part in this, but he isnt the sole blame in this whole mess that is Iraq.
What I find funniest about this thread is that people are arguing about Iraq being calm when Bush left office. It is funny because no one can give an example when Iraq was calm and at peace in like, the last 4,000 years. Seriously, can some historian person tell us when in the last 4,000 years that place could be described as calm? The last 2,000 years? How about the last 1,000 years?
If things were not calm why did obama pull the troops out? It's piss poor planning to pull out of an unstable country.

because Malaki couldn't guarantee the Iraqi government would pass a bill giving our troops immunity from Iraqi laws.
So in the end you would rather our troops face Iraqi punishment in order to score a few points against Obama because you are a moron.
Things in Iraq were clam when Bush left office it's all obama's baby he wanted credit like a little brat and people like you gave him the credit now except it for what obama is A FUCK UP.

Just admit that this post had no basis in reality, Bigreb. You look like a fool trying to deflect your claim on others.
Thanks W for fucking up Iraq in the first place.
Things in Iraq were clam when Bush left office it's all obama's baby he wanted credit like a little brat and people like you gave him the credit now except it for what obama is A FUCK UP.

And things were a whole lot calmer in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was running things.
Maybe but if democrats had stood their ground in 98 beating the drums "we must do something about Saddam WMDS" Republicans and a good portion of Democrats would have been less supportive of invading Iraq.
How could the Democrats have known that the Bush administration were telling such outrageous lies about Iraq?
Their President told them that there were WMDs...they believed him.

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