Thanks O for ending the war in Iraq

The hilarious thing is, Obama's central theme of his 2008 campaign, was getting out of Iraq, so to now here him say now that it wasn't his idea is laughable.
We can debate all day whether or not we should have went in, but the fact of the matter is we did, so the important thing became how it was exited, and this is where Obama fucked up, and it's 100% on him.
Thanks W for fucking up Iraq in the first place.
Things in Iraq were clam when Bush left office it's all obama's baby he wanted credit like a little brat and people like you gave him the credit now except it for what obama is A FUCK UP.
Things were not calm in Irag when Bush left. That lie just gets repeated over and over. Over 320 American military personnel lost their lives and thousands were wounded in 2008 , the final year of Bush control as CiC. Over 10,000 Iraqi civilians lost their lives that year also. It took three years to bring down the American casualties and finish the training of Iraqi security forces before ending America's combat role in Iraq.
Obama took credit for winding down the war the way he promised in his Presidential campaign and within the time frame set by his predecessor and the JCS.
Dumb ass I hope you don't mind me calling you what you are. If things weren't clam why did they keep reducing forces?

The lose of a soldier at the rate of one killed in action each day is not indicative of a "calm" environment. Nor is the lose of 250 civilian deaths caused by acts of warfare each and every week indicate a calm situation.

You will never accept that an intelligent, well thought out campaign was waged by Obama with the advice and backing of his JCS and other military advisers and caused a successful tactical withdrawal of forces that left a well trained and potentially competent security force in place.
Again if things weren't clam why did obama pull the troops out?

It is amazing that you don't remember all the lies that those votes were based on. Then W even send an honorable man, Colin Powell, to the UN to continue his lie and fabrication. Bush and DICK ruined a good man's career. Remember the "American? fries story where W started slamming the French for disagreeing with him. Guess what

THE FLIPPING FRENCH WERE RIGHT! They knew a liar better than we did.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?

It is amazing that you don't remember all the lies that those votes were based on. Then W even send an honorable man, Colin Powell, to the UN to continue his lie and fabrication. Bush and DICK ruined a good man's career. Remember the "American? fries story where W started slamming the French for disagreeing with him. Guess what

THE FLIPPING FRENCH WERE RIGHT! They knew a liar better than we did.

Well hell ya-----they were making beaucoups bucks by illegally circumventing the oil embargo too.
Colin Powell's career ended just fine BTW.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.
That a load of bull shit don't try that again. whose president? who took the credit? Whose plan were we told that was followed?
Now shut the hell up because obama created an even bigger mess

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today

It is amazing that you don't remember all the lies that those votes were based on. Then W even send an honorable man, Colin Powell, to the UN to continue his lie and fabrication. Bush and DICK ruined a good man's career. Remember the "American? fries story where W started slamming the French for disagreeing with him. Guess what

THE FLIPPING FRENCH WERE RIGHT! They knew a liar better than we did.

Well hell ya-----they were making beaucoups bucks by illegally circumventing the oil embargo too.
Colin Powell's career ended just fine BTW.

It did and he supported Obama's election. Bush;s insistence that he reiterate his and DICK's fabrications left Powell ashamed and broken. He discovered that the President that he served and trusted had sent him to the national stage at the UN with fabrications, cherry picks accusations, and unsubstantiated claims from a lying Iraqi opportunist.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?
obama's policy of making a red line and backing down is causing this.
Again if things weren't clam why did obama pull the troops out?

You keep bringing it back to Obama, but have yet to explain how things were calm by the time Bush left office.

Were things in any way calm when Bush left office?

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.
That a load of bull shit don't try that again. whose president? who took the credit? Whose plan were we told that was followed?
Now shut the hell up because obama created an even bigger mess

Iraq would not be a haven for terrorist and ISIS now if Bush had not listen to Uncle Fester Cheney.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today
And then there is that.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.
That a load of bull shit don't try that again. whose president? who took the credit? Whose plan were we told that was followed?
Now shut the hell up because obama created an even bigger mess

Iraq would not be a haven for terrorist and ISIS now if Bush had not listen to Uncle Fester Cheney.

Which advice of Cheney's were you speaking of ? Literally thousands of decisions were made after the invasion.
Who was it that signed the SOFA in 2008 announcing the plan to withdraw all US troops by 2012?

Who was it that signed the SOFA in 2008 announcing the plan to withdraw all US troops by 2012?

We have already put that BS to rest in numerous other threads. Bush, nor anyone on his team, ever wanted ALL troops removed. Some wanted as many as 30-50,000 left. Even the coward Obama talked about a useless 3000.

The only people buying what you're selling are idiots who have also been lobotomized. Even the un-lobotomized idiots have figured it out by now.

Yes we have put this bullshit you are posting to rest. We know why the talks failed and we know it wasn't just Obama's fault. Further more having 30k to 50K troops was always the plan by the neo-cons. We were never actually going to leave Iraq if they had their way.

But anyways I'm sure you will just hijack this for your own and claim you had this opinion all along like everything else...

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.
That a load of bull shit don't try that again. whose president? who took the credit? Whose plan were we told that was followed?
Now shut the hell up because obama created an even bigger mess
I'm thinking maybe you are learning handicapped now. You can't really tell people to shut up online in a political forum. They will not listen to you. It just makes you look very stupid and maybe having a meltdown of some sort.

Something is wrong with your keyboard. It keeps printing clam instead of calm.

President Bush controlled Iraq in 2008 and for a day short of three weeks of 2009 (Jan. 20).
Combat operations in Iraq continued under President Obama for all of 2009 and until combat operations were officially ended on 1 Sept 2010.
Troops continued to perform various duties preparing, training and advising the Iraqi security forces until the withdrawal of US troops in Dec 2011.

Are you able to understand the difference between 2008 when President Bush left and 2011 when President Obama finally withdrew the last troops?

Bush left Iraq in a huge mess when he left office. He didn't finish the job. It took almost three years to clean it up.

And this is clean ?
What is going on now is new. Do you blame Obama for Sunni vs Shite war, the creation and growth of ISIS and the new Islamic Caliphate and State?

Partially---his involvement in attempting to overthrowing Assad played huge role in the mess there is today
When did that happen? That a pretty huge claim and kind of rewrites history. Do you have any kind of link, even a political commentary or essay promoting that concept, or is that just something you thought up on your own?
I'm thinking maybe you are learning handicapped now. You can't really tell people to shut up online in a political forum. They will not listen to you. It just makes you look very stupid and maybe having a meltdown of some sort.
WOW an idiot obama supporter thinks someone is learning handicap?
obama is why stupid people should never be allowed to vote, people like you.

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