Thanks O for ending the war in Iraq

When Obama called ISIS a junior varsity team, they were. But some of you guys don't bother with facts. I'll bet none of you have any idea about the battles going on between the Iraq army, the Sunni tribes vs. ISIS in Iraq. ISIS was getting it's ass kicked while Jabhat al-Nusra were rejecting them in Syria and al Qaeda's Ayman al Zawahiri was disavowing any connection with them. They were being beat in Syria and Iraq in Jan 2014.
He was wrong or lying
Or right and telling the truth. Just depends on whether you want to believe in facts or fiction. Obviously you like fiction.
obama doesn't tell the truth he was given liar of the year in 2013, but only you would believe his lies, weak minded people tend to believe things they are told.
What in my post is untrue? Your response is typical. You claim Obama is this or that and a liar and bad person, but you never really address the topic in an academic and intellectual way. I gave you information that is factual and can be backed up by simple research. You have the opportunity to challenge my assertions by posting alternative explanations of the assertions I have made, but you don't. You don't because my assertions are based on facts and you know from prior experience that if you challenge my assertions you will be bombarded by indisputable links that prove my assertions. You talk the talk but I walk the walk. You are a goofy person with little if any real world empirical knowledge and experience and I am the opposite. I still have friends in the field and you never did. I understand things you don't even imagine. I am real and you are a poser.
If you support obama you're a poser that is what you are doing in this thread defending obama another thing I deal with facts

No, you don't deal with facts, you deal with emotion and opinion and hearsay. You don't even know what empirical data is. If given yellow, green a red stickers to place onto intelligence or security reports you would be lost. You wouldn't be qualified to hand out supplies in Phoenix or carry crates near a gooney.
You better check yourself since you support obama you have no fact all you have is propaganda.You actually think you deal with facts when you support obama? it's laughable at best.
I support my country who ever the CiC is. My politics or dislike of the CiC does not interfere with my patriotism and has never interfered with motivation to accomplish an assigned mission. I operated under 6 Presidents. How about you?
Let me correct your misconception on something, you can support the country without supporting a tyrant . I'm also calling bullshit, you can't bash Bush and defend obama for doing the exact same thing Bush did.
So again your comment is bullshit.
You're funny.
You should have your own show.
"Obama did the exact same thing that Bush did" sides are splitting!!!
"I deal with facts"...I can hardly breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're funny.
You should have your own show.
"Obama did the exact same thing that Bush did" sides are splitting!!!
"I deal with facts"...I can hardly breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is it funny?
This is why foreigners should not discuss what is and is not happening in America, they do not have any concept how things are here, they are not vested in this country. Do you have anything of value to contribute?
Yes when a president starts going beyond his United States of America Constitution presidential authority, makes changes to laws to fit his needs, can assassinate American citizens on his word, he in facts becomes a tyrant. You do understand your country is not America, right?
obama has not stopped any Bush based initiatives. He never pushed to suspend the Patriot act he straighten it.
Never closed Gitmo
Now go play with your sheep.
You're funny.
You should have your own show.
"Obama did the exact same thing that Bush did" sides are splitting!!!
"I deal with facts"...I can hardly breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is it funny?
This is why foreigners should not discuss what is and is not happening in America, they do not have any concept how things are here, they are not vested in this country. Do you have anything of value to contribute?
Yes when a president starts going beyond his United States of America Constitution presidential authority, makes changes to laws to fit his needs, can assassinate American citizens on his word, he in facts becomes a tyrant. You do understand your country is not America, right?
obama has not stopped any Bush based initiatives. He never pushed to suspend the Patriot act he straighten it.
Never closed Gitmo
Now go play with your sheep.
I'm merely sympathising with the TYRANNY that the poor Americans like you have to live under.
How did all the well regulated militas let it come to this?

I know you live in fear every day that a black helicopter is going to land in your yard, Obama is going to step out, knock on your door and demand your guns before sending you off to a FEMA camp.
Fear like that must be an awful thing...paralysing...
It's lucky that you have access to the internet without having to come out from under your bed so that you can know what's REALLY going on outside.
Thanks W for fucking up Iraq in the first place.
And Obama has done what exactly since then?
Yeah, took a situation and made it worse. Iraq was a stable democracy when we left. They had staged two free and fair elections, something that hadnt been done probably ever.
Then Obama decided to wash his hands of the whole thing. Because he operates on 24hr news cycles with no view towards the future.
That's why we're where we are.
People blaming Bush are admitting Obama is an effective reactive president with no foreign policy principles, as Hillary said.

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