Thanks Obama our Military is under funded

Here's an example of "military " spending gone wrong .

2. $335 million on a power plant that used just 1 percent of its capacity

Tarakhil Power Plant pictured in October 2009. SIGAR
The Tarakhil Power Plant was fired up in 2009 to "provide more reliable power " to blackout-plagued Kabul, according to the United States Agency for International Development, which built the facility.

However, the "modern" diesel plant exported just 8,846 megawatt hours of power between February 2014 and April 2015, SIGAR said in a letter to USAID last August. This output was less than 1 percent of the plant's capacity and provided just 0.35 percent of power to Kabul, a city of 4.6 million people.

Related: U.S. Spent $43M on Gas Station But Can't Explain Why

Furthermore, the plant's "frequent starts and stops … place greater wear and tear on the engines and electrical components," which could result in its "catastrophic failure," the watchdog said.

USAID responded to SIGAR's report in June 2015, saying: "We have no indication that [Afghan state-run utility company] Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), failed to operate Tarakhil as was alleged in your letter."
Sorry to burst all your bubbles but DEFENSE actually is IN the Constitution. Our military is underfunded and poorly lead after 8 years of the incompetent boob Obama.
Sure it is

Stronger than the next eight countries combined. DEFENSE is in the Constitution. Not empire building around the globe

And maintaining the Right of the Seas for everyone, and all those peacekeeping missions the UN wants, and establishing navigation and coordinating with pretty much every nation on the planet to set up SAR and Coast Guard standards, and fronting NATO. Those things aren't free.
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
You know the Congress, especially the House, is responsible for funding the military, right?

Article I, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

... and you know that Republicans have controlled the House for the last 5 years?

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Can anyone explain the threat that justifies having a military larger than the next eight countries combined? such thing as used munitions....once they go boom they have to be replaced. War preparation is big of our biggest exports....lots of good jobs and support for businesses around bases and manufacturing plants. It's an industry same as any other with the exception that if the product is used correctly somebody dies.
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
You know the Congress, specifically the House, is responsible for funding the military, right?

Article I, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

... and you know that Republicans have controlled the House for the last 5 years?


Show where Obama will sign any bill that increases military spending..

Come on far left drone, prove that Obama will sign a bill to increase military spending!
Defense spending is for contractors not for defense. In WWII Senator Truman was given the job of trying to see that we got our money's worth. What Senator could we trust to do that job today, most owe their allegiance to the people that paid to put them into office.
Sorry to burst all your bubbles but DEFENSE actually is IN the Constitution. Our military is underfunded and poorly lead after 8 years of the incompetent boob Obama.
Sure it is

Stronger than the next eight countries combined. DEFENSE is in the Constitution. Not empire building around the globe

And maintaining the Right of the Seas for everyone, and all those peacekeeping missions the UN wants, and establishing navigation and coordinating with pretty much every nation on the planet to set up SAR and Coast Guard standards, and fronting NATO. Those things aren't free.
Sure aren't

Neither is a nuclear arsenal, 11 carriers, submarine fleet, based all over the fucking world

Here is the deal.....we could declare war on the rest of the world and they couldn't beat us

That is one hell of a defense
The U.S. government spends crazy amounts of taxpayer money to fund the military-industrial complex. Which is bloated beyond belief.

While our country's infrastructure and school systems are in pitiful shape. And local communities suffer the consequences of a government who's spending is out of touch with reality. ..... :cool:

There are thousands of infrastructure projects being worked on at any given time in America. There's no shortage of infrastructure spending.

Funding the military is a constitutional responsibility of the government.

Importing millions of illegal aliens and supporting them for life isn't the government's job.
This thread is a perfect example of right wing political correctness. You can't question the military no matter how foolish they are spending habits are.

Maybe you missed my post on the last page....I'm right wing as they come but the Pentagon is a teller machine for the defense contractors...they can make do with suggestions I made.
Can anyone explain the threat that justifies having a military larger than the next eight countries combined? such thing as used munitions....once they go boom they have to be replaced. War preparation is big of our biggest exports....lots of good jobs and support for businesses around bases and manufacturing plants. It's an industry same as any other with the exception that if the product is used correctly somebody dies.

You can't justify a military because it creates jobs. We could invest defense dollars in healthcare, energy, education, communications, agriculture......And it would still create jobs
You can't justify a military because it creates jobs. We could invest defense dollars in healthcare, energy, education, communications, agriculture......And it would still create jobs

Who's "justifying" anything? Jobs and attendant secondary employment (bars, restaurants, etc) around the facilities are a byproduct of the industry.

You gotta love these blithering idiots who believe what China tells us what they spend on their military:slap:
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You gotta love these blithering idiots who believe what China tells us they spend on their military:slap:

And China steals every weapons design we have so they don't spend squat on R&D, We need to start murdering foreign hackers....France is one of the worst incidentally. Send CIA wet teams to punch some tickets and the word will get around pretty fast.
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Can anyone explain the threat that justifies having a military larger than the next eight countries combined? such thing as used munitions....once they go boom they have to be replaced. War preparation is big of our biggest exports....lots of good jobs and support for businesses around bases and manufacturing plants. It's an industry same as any other with the exception that if the product is used correctly somebody dies.

You can't justify a military because it creates jobs. We could invest defense dollars in healthcare, energy, education, communications, agriculture......And it would still create jobs

Another far left drone spewing far left dogma.

See how the far left want to defund the military, it is the only constitutional spending the Congress does!
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape

What a retarded son of a bitch

$598.5 billion.
, I can not believe that the miserable piece of shit is saying that 598 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBilliuons dollars are not enough to defend the US as CONSTITUTIONALLY (1787) authorized.



Maybe Bankrupt Puerto Rico should go independent, and fund it's own military. oh wait... they cant they're bankrupt

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