Thanks Obama: Russia To Let International Space Station De-Orbit And Fall Into Sea

Without the Shuttle, we will never be able to go into orbit ever again to fix any of our satellites. If the Hubble Telescope breaks down again, it's toast. The Russians have no vehicle capable of going to satellites like what I mentioned.

NASA has been planning the end of the whole 'repair the satellite' thing since 2009...

NASA Gets Out of Satellite Servicing Business |
The astronauts' fifth overhaul of the Hubble Space Telescope was the last planned mission to repair the telescope, or any satellite for that matter.

In all, there have been 10 space repair missions by shuttle crews, half of them to Hubble.

That's 10... out of 135 total shuttle missions (not counting the initial 5 test flights).

Satellite repair missions were never the main focus of the shuttle. They were essentially an after-thought.
First of all, let's have the constitutional conservatives show us where in the Constitution does the federal government get the power to spend money exploring space?

Then they can tell us why their beloved for profit private sector hasn't stepped up and filled the gap here.
Where does it say in the Constitution the gov has to provide you a home, car, AC, TV, cell phones, PCs, and pay your utility bills?????

Obama has promised us everything other then a job.
This President will always be remembered for killing NASA. These are very humiliating times for our Nation.
I don't think you'll find anyone who considers this President a friend to NASA. These are very embarrassing & humiliating times for our Nation. It does feel like the demoralizing Jimmy Carter Malaise of the 70's. It's pretty depressing.

The whole project has a sad economic return to the taxpayer. We should have dumped NASA years ago.
Just as I said in my last thread about Obama handing over the reigns of the ISS to the Russians, this was a treasonous act committed by the president. Obama ended our domination of space after 50 years of ingenuity and American pride. After widespread American heartbreak after Obama cancelled the Orion Constellation Program that was to take us back to the moon and with the last landing of the Space Shuttle last Thursday, Russia declared the 'era of the Soyuz' has begun. Now the Russians have just come out and stated that they will now let the International Space Station de-orbit and fall into the China Sea like they did with their Mir Space Station because they don't have a space vehicle like the shuttle powerful enough that can fire it's thrusters while docked to the station so it can gain a higher orbit after being tugged by the earths gravity for a while causing it to come closer to the earth. What this amounts to is them letting multi billions of dollars of American taxpayers money and technology fall into the sea. I said in the last thread that with Obama basically de-activating our space roll was putting America's national security at risk. I warned that Russia now has free reign to roam the orbit of the earth possibly de-activating our military and civilian satellites putting American communication and missile targeting systems at risk while we have no space capability to travel into orbit to counter them. My fellow Americans, our usurper who has been acting president is systematically dismantling this nation piece by piece in an attempt to destabilize the state of the union and put us in peril and there seems to be no stopping him permanently.

Russia Plans to Sink the International Space Station in 2020 -

Excerpts from the Article:

We will be forced to sink the ISS. We cannot leave it in orbit as it is a very complicated and a heavy object," Roscosmos' deputy head Vitaly Davydov said in an interview posted on the agency's website


After sinking hundreds of millions into construction of the space station -- billions if you include the cost of the space shuttle flights that carried the ISS modules into orbit -- knowledgeable government sources and NASA spokesmen were aghast at Davydov's plans to sink the station in the ocean

Oh, my! You have been paranoid projection dreaming again. Just back away slowly and when I snap my fingers you will awaken.
Idiot alert!!!
It's gonna cost us a whole lot paying the Russians to get us up there. Both in morale and cash. The Russians are licking their chops. They love this.
You may as well face facts, America. China will be the first nation to flip burgers on Mars.

Move on, America. NASA has.
Private sector will probably have to get pass the EPA which will be hard to do these days.. They will find some environment reason why the private sector cant take over. Obama not only killed the jobs within NASA he also killed the small business around NASA .They estimate that the loss of jobs for closing NASA will be 10K or more.

Private sector??!! Deary you are in a Capitalist system. There just isn't any demand for a space station, and paying their fair share of taxes. We haven't even developed bullet train transportation yet. The space monster is out of the question and budget.:lol:

So you'd be happy to see billions of dollars of our technology fall into the hands of the Chinese and Russians?

Hmm, it already has, and they are building their own space station. Ahh, just how do you think they were going to get any technology from the ISS? The Russians will sell it to them, but hands on? LMAO!!
The Space Program was one of they very few Government programs most Americans could agree on getting behind. That goes back to the JFK days. Now this President has killed it. Not a good legacy.
First of all, let's have the constitutional conservatives show us where in the Constitution does the federal government get the power to spend money exploring space?

Then they can tell us why their beloved for profit private sector hasn't stepped up and filled the gap here.
Very good point. NASA is unconstitutional. The only functions of NASA that can be considered constitutional are those that have to do with defense, like Satellite systems. NASA has been inefficient, and much of its technology is actually outdated.

The reason the private sector did not get into the business of space flight in the past is because NASA was a government subsidized monopoly. American companies must have to approval of NASA to send spacecraft into orbit. However, now that NASA no longer is in the spaceflight industry, companies are stepping up to the plate, as demonstrated by SpaceX. Its Dragon Spacecraft became the first private spacecraft ever put into orbit, and its Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 rockets were both very successful.

In fact, SpaceX has been able to develop its rockets cheaper than NASA, and they are of a higher quality.
NASA Analysis: Falcon 9 Much Cheaper Than Traditional Approach at Parabolic Arc

Not only are they cheaper, but SpaceX has the best launch prices in the entire world. And from 2002 to 2010, total company expenditures to develop all of its rockets and its Dragon shuttle were 800 million dollars. Million. That is immensely cheaper, with products that are of higher quality. And not one cent came out of the pocket of taxpayers.

And NASA is not done with space, it will simply hire private companies to go on missions. SpaceX will charge NASA $133 million per flight. The space shuttle costs of NASA exceed $1 billion per flight. Perfect example of free markets being more efficient than government monopolies.
Private Spacecraft Plans Landmark Docking With International Space Station -

That all seems even more than just "filling the gap" to me. 10 times cheaper, competing in the market, advancing technology, and leading the move toward of an unprecedented era of private space flight--I think I prefer SpaceX over NASA.
It's gonna cost us a whole lot paying the Russians to get us up there. Both in morale and cash. The Russians are licking their chops. They love this.
No, we are actually paying private companies like SpaceX to get up there, and it is 10 times cheaper than it was under NASA.
I don't think you'll find anyone who considers this President a friend to NASA. These are very embarrassing & humiliating times for our Nation. It does feel like the demoralizing Jimmy Carter Malaise of the 70's. It's pretty depressing.

We should have dumped NASA years ago.
Why? Please elaborate in detail.

ccording to the Office of Management and Budget and the Air Force Almanac, when measured in real terms (adjusted for inflation), the figure is $790.0 billion, or an average of $15.818 billion dollars per year over its fifty year history (NASA's 2011 budget is on a continuing resolution of the 2010 budget at $18.724 billion.

Budget of NASA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1.Provide dental care to American children
2.Provide housing for the homeless
3.Repair our schools
4.Beef up border patrol

You retards want to cut waste, so,..........CUT the fucking waste!!!
We should have dumped NASA years ago.
Why? Please elaborate in detail.

ccording to the Office of Management and Budget and the Air Force Almanac, when measured in real terms (adjusted for inflation), the figure is $790.0 billion, or an average of $15.818 billion dollars per year over its fifty year history (NASA's 2011 budget is on a continuing resolution of the 2010 budget at $18.724 billion.

Budget of NASA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


1.Provide dental care to American children
2.Provide housing for the homeless
3.Repair our schools
4.Beef up border patrol

You retards want to cut waste, so,..........CUT the fucking waste!!!
You want to cut waste? I would start with cutting welfare checks and SSI checks to minorities. The hard working American taxpayers are being raped by this atrocity. NASA should be fully funded.
Cutting NASA's space program is probably the only thing Obama has done that is in line with free market thinking. But it was the last cut that needed to be made. Other spending is far more unproductive and inefficient.
Cutting NASA's space program is probably the only thing Obama has done that is in line with free market thinking. But it was the last cut that needed to be made. Other spending is far more unproductive and inefficient.
How is America suppose to remain dominate in space which instills American Pride and Patriotism. Like Sarah Palin said as well as the former Apollo Astronauts, we must maintain America Exceptionalism.
Cutting NASA's space program is probably the only thing Obama has done that is in line with free market thinking. But it was the last cut that needed to be made. Other spending is far more unproductive and inefficient.
How is America suppose to remain dominate in space which instills American Pride and Patriotism. Like Sarah Palin said as well as the former Apollo Astronauts, we must maintain America Exceptionalism.
The same way it is dominant in industries without government intervention. Read my earlier posts. I think you need to research the company SpaceX.

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