Thanks ObamaCare: Guilford College Student Insurance Jumps 75 Percent


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Thanks ObamaCare: Guilford College Student Insurance Jumps 75 Percent

Guilford joins numerous colleges hiking their student health insurance plans.

By Ron Meyer, Young America's Foundation Spokesman

Can we stop calling ObamaCare the Affordable Care Act now?

A Young America's Foundation activist forwarded an email from the Vice President for Finance at his school, Guilford College (Greensboro, NC), informing him that, "For the 2012-13 academic year, the annual cost of the student health insurance is increasing from $668 to $1,179. This insurance premium has been charged to your student account."

Why the increase? "Our student health insurance policy premium has been substantially increased due to changes required by federal regulations issued on March 16, 2012 under the Affordable Care Act."

Guilford College has been forced to raise their student premiums 75 percent, yet this administrator still insists on calling it the Affordable Care Act. Seems a bit ironic, to say the least.

Guilford joins a long list of colleges raising their premiums. Virtually all current student insurance plans do not meet ObamaCare's mandates, andForbesreports colleges have been forced to drop their plans or raise their premiums rates as much as 1,112% (and no, that's not a typo).

Read more: Thanks ObamaCare: Guilford College Student Insurance Jumps 75 Percent - Obamacare - Fox Nation

Yes, in deed! This is why so many businesses got waivers. You think they will still be getting those waivers if Obama gets reelected and Obamcare goes in full swing?

ONCE AGAIN, liberals turn out to be dead wrong and conservatives turn out to be dead right.

Obamacare will not insure everyone. Instead it will force insurance companies out of business and force all of us on Obamacare.

Once that happens, the government will not be able to give everyone plentiful healthcare, they will have to start RATIONING ala DEATH PANELS.

The rationing you see in Canada and Britian will be nothing like you will see in the US. Those are small countries. How many Britians could you fit inside the US?

There is only one thing to stop this mess. VOTE OUT THE DEMOCRATS! From the President to the dogcatcher, throw the BUMS OUT!

NOw expect liberals to claim none of this is true, because it comes from Fox News.

What they won't be able to do is deny the waivers businesses have been getting for Obamacare and WHY THEY ARE GETTING WAIVERS.
There seems to be a lot of Sandra Fluke types out there that need lots of
birth control to be covered.
Affordable Heath Care Act, that is so funny.

Are we talking about Sandra Fluke the whore? I mean if the left nuts on this board think a 13 year old is a whore, then Fluke and most of the women in America are whores. OMG! The Democrats war on women!
Is this increase due to more students being carried under their parents policies while going to college? This less in the college ins pool?
The free market works as prices are forced down through competition. Now the government has a monopoly. Have fun!
The free market works as prices are forced down through competition. Now the government has a monopoly. Have fun!

Actially if my theory is correct the price of the college ins was raised because of competition.
The free market works as prices are forced down through competition. Now the government has a monopoly. Have fun!

Actially if my theory is correct the price of the college ins was raised because of competition.

How could it be raised because of competition, wouldn't competition push prices down?

If lots of college kids are now covered under their parents ins as per the AHCA then that reduced the pool of those students who had to buy college health ins and thus raised the cost.

The law of supply/demand does not work so well in areas like health care, energy and such.
From the OP's link:

Student healthcare choice has been replaced with expensive ObamaCare mandates.

That's why it's not just happening at Guilford (a small liberal arts college with around 2,700 students). Some of the most egregious cost hikes include: the State University of New York in Plattsburgh raised their premium from $440 per student to between $1,300 and $1,600; Lenoir-Rhyne University (Hickory, NC) raised theirs from $245 to $2,507; and the University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA) raised theirs from $165 to between $1,500 and $2,000.

Young Americans are already dealing with record-smashing college debt and unemployment, and the Obama administration should answer for these added costs to students.

Read more: Thanks ObamaCare: Guilford College Student Insurance Jumps 75 Percent - Obamacare - Fox Nation
Is this increase due to more students being carried under their parents policies while going to college? This less in the college ins pool?

The change is probably caused by the fact that the college can no longer offer the same policy they used to. Obamacare requires all insurance policies to have no spending caps, most student policies had a cap of $100,000 or less. Believe it or not, that drives up premiums no matter how big the pool is.

Obamacare Increases Costs of College Health Plans by as Much as 1,112% - Forbes

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