Thanks to Team Biden, America could soon be on the verge of economic disaster

Not if but when the dollar tanks, there wont be a police force because why should they go out and protect if they arent being paid. There wont be a military for the exact same reason, and there wont be secret service either, but those stupid progs just want to continue to ruin this country. It will be a bad time for progressives..

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Vigilantism FTW!! :flameth:
Prove your comment. Explain to the readers what part of history did I rewrite?

I do wish and wonder why we cannot review all of your posts, since most of them were insipid I rarely read them. Yet when you begin a post with my nom de plume, it peaked my curiosity.

Thus, it is your duty to the readers to post my dishonest rewrite of history, or STFU.

Sure, Bubba. Just as soon as you show me how the OP's thread is just some "right-wing propaganda", and we aren't really headed for an economic disaster.


When most of the democratic base sits at home drawing a check, they won't know the difference
Word is they are drafting a “9/11” speech for Sleepy Joe to read for the next big lockdown. They want to destroy the economy.
So if it's just "right-wing propaganda", clue me in on how rosy everything is.
Well, your first hint is at the bottom of the article,

Justin Haskins is the editorial director of The Heartland Institute and the director of Heartland’s Stopping Socialism Project.

But the beginning of the article sounded some alarm bells,

Many analysts were predicting 8.5% growth, but a report from the Commerce Department estimated gross domestic product improved by just 6.5%, a 26% difference.

What kind of alternate universe do you guys live in when 6.5% growth rate is viewed as a negative? I mean, prior to Covid, Trump only dreamed of having that high of a GDP growth rate.

And inflation, you guys have just seized on that like you were clutching to your last strand of pearls. Sure, it pegged at 5.4%, but a huge part of that increase can be attributed to used car prices, hotel prices, and rental car prices. If you are not in the market for a used car it does not effect you. Same for the rentals and hotels. Meanwhile wage growth for the same period was 3.6%, biggest increase since Obama took office, go figure. And food prices only went up 2.4%. And here is the thing, if that government spending wasn't working we wouldn't be looking at this kind of inflation. A trained economist would know that, but the author of the OP is a propagandist. It is stunning how he makes the claim that government spending isn't stimulating the economy and then transitions to inflation, which is caused by an overstimulated economy. Comical really.
I might be looking for a skilled handyman illegal to put into indentured servitude to keep my property up and run errands.
Screening could be a problem, tho'.
I can't believe that so many Democrats are completely oblivious to the economic condition the country is in. Do they not know or just don't care, because Trump is gone?

My assumption is that most democrats believe the Fed can just create more money out of thin air without consequences. Problem solved. Or they don't really care as long as their side is winning. I'm thinking they'll just blame it all on Trump and the GOP, and the MSM will let them get away with it.

It will be a bad time for progressives..
I think it'll be a bad time for everybody. Maybe even 1930s bad.

Whether it's the gov't, private sector, or just you and me, if you don't spend your money wisely then you're going to have a problem. Democrats seem to believe they can print or create as much money as they want to and pay for the GND and every conceivable social program, however expensive it turns out to be. But if you don't get your money's worth of productivity out of your spending, then all you've done is increase the money supply and add more debt and increase the interest to be paid on it. It's like cotton candy, it taste good but when it's gone then you got nothing for your money. So, you're pumping billions and trillions of dollars into the economy but you're not getting the matching increase in productivity that really grows the economy in a positive way. Which is the definition of inflation, too much money chasing too few goods and services. And the looming economic disaster moves that much closer to reality.
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A new book coming out by AOC titled, "How I Escaped the Guillotine"; with a forward by Nancy Pelosi.
Of course the Chinese are foreigners, and lassiez faire has allowed them to legally buy land in the United States. This is not original, I can recall the golf courses in Monterey being purchased in 1990 by Japanese businessman Minoru Isutani who bought it for an eye-popping $841 million.

I consider that the Chinese Communists are actually Capitalists, and they have every right to buy property in the U.S. I wonder how many other countries allow property to be sold to non citizens?

It ain't smart, but it is legal.
My assumption is that most democrats believe the Fed can just create more money out of thin air without consequences. Problem solved. Or they don't really as long as their side is winning. I'm thinking they'll just blame it all on Trump and the GOP, and the MSM will let them get away with it.

I think it'll be a bad time for everybody. Maybe even 1930s bad.

Whether it's the gov't, private sector, or just you and me, if you don't spend your money wisely then you're going to have a problem. Democrats seem to believe they can print or create as much money as they want to and pay for the GND and every conceivable social program, however expensive it turns out to be. But if you don't get your money's worth of productivity out of your spending, then all you've done is increase the money supply and add more debt and increase the interest to be paid on it. It's like cotton candy, it taste good but when it's gone then you got nothing for your money. So, you're pumping billions and trillions of dollars into the economy but you're not getting the matching increase in productivity that really grows the economy in a positive way. Which is the definition of inflation, too much money chasing too few goods and services. And the looming economic disaster moves that much closer to reality.

You are absolutely correct. Not only that, but the left believes that government creates wealth by increased taxation of those who have it, and the only way the "underprivileged" class can succeed is by means of redistributing that wealth to them.

The leftist's view of simple economics is really idiotic, when you stop and think about it. It's all based on the failed ideology of Marxism.
Foreigners have been buying US farmland. We're headed for Famine. Not gonna be pretty.

We'll be alright.
We'll just treat the chinese owners the same way blacks treat the white farm owners in South Africa.
The difference being we actually know how to farm and we have more than machetes to run em off with.

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