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Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He signaled to his followers that he EXPECTS them to riot if he is not given the nomination.
What the hell else would call it other than a threat????
Did "Burning this motherfucker down" constitute a threat of violence to you? When people said he belonged in jail for inciting the massive violence did you agree?
What PRESIDENTIAL candidate said that?????????
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

You don't "get it"...do you, Hangover? This is about the American people getting fed up with the both the Republican establishment AND the Democratic establishment! Why do you think that Trump and Sanders have attracted such a following? The electorate is angry at the status quo...and I've got news for you...Hillary Clinton EMBODIES the status quo. Right now you seem to think she's got this thing wrapped up and quite frankly...I don't see it that way at all! I don't think she's got what it takes to turn out the liberal vote. You can see by the numbers of people voting that Democrats aren't energized by her. Bernie has the younger demographic excited but are they going to be there for Hillary? Sorry but that's questionable at this point.

No. This is not about the American people being stirred up. It's about the right being stirred up. Bernie and Hillary are so close in what they want till most Democrats will be satisfied no matter which one wins the nomination, and you can hardly call Hillary a radical change. from the Democratic establishment. It's the GOP that is tearing it's self to shreds, and you attempt to say say any more than that is ridiculous. The left is doing just fine.
I know a good number of Bernie supports that say the would go with Trump over clinton.
even democrats know she is nothing but pure trash.

Trash, yes, but certainly ain't pure.
If they mess with Trump at the Convention, then the Party will be destroyed. I think Trump is breathing life into a Party struggling along on life support. He's forcing the corrupt feckless cowards who run the Party, to grow a pair. Right On Trump!!
I am sure 1930's Germany thought the same thing.
LMFAO how did I know you were going to say that?
I know you ignore history. just like you ignore all the truth about trump.
I don't ignore the truth. A lot of it is bullshit or I don't care. Some of it sucks, but perfection isn't realistic.
I don't ignore history. If you knew what Nazi Germany and socialism was, you wouldn't think they were socialist.
Who do you support?
Tell dumb ass what part of Trumps history proves he isn't for totalitarian control over everything?
Can you at least try to argue what I actually say?
Who do you support?
I support the conservative who wishes to conserve the constitution and the republican form of government.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

Thisis what
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

This is what is known as the "hecklers veto." Look it up, then laugh at the OP!
Trump is the the problem that is bringing down the GOP, The GOP turning liberal is the reason Trump is doing so well.
Thank you GOP, your self destruction has opened the door for Trump
LMFAO how did I know you were going to say that?
I know you ignore history. just like you ignore all the truth about trump.
I don't ignore the truth. A lot of it is bullshit or I don't care. Some of it sucks, but perfection isn't realistic.
I don't ignore history. If you knew what Nazi Germany and socialism was, you wouldn't think they were socialist.
Who do you support?
Tell dumb ass what part of Trumps history proves he isn't for totalitarian control over everything?
Can you at least try to argue what I actually say?
Who do you support?
I support the conservative who wishes to conserve the constitution and the republican form of government.
Paul dropped out.
I know you ignore history. just like you ignore all the truth about trump.
I don't ignore the truth. A lot of it is bullshit or I don't care. Some of it sucks, but perfection isn't realistic.
I don't ignore history. If you knew what Nazi Germany and socialism was, you wouldn't think they were socialist.
Who do you support?
Tell dumb ass what part of Trumps history proves he isn't for totalitarian control over everything?
Can you at least try to argue what I actually say?
Who do you support?
I support the conservative who wishes to conserve the constitution and the republican form of government.
Paul dropped out.
I said conservative not libertarian.
He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He signaled to his followers that he EXPECTS them to riot if he is not given the nomination.
What the hell else would call it other than a threat????
Did "Burning this motherfucker down" constitute a threat of violence to you? When people said he belonged in jail for inciting the massive violence did you agree?
What PRESIDENTIAL candidate said that?????????
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!

I don't ignore the truth. A lot of it is bullshit or I don't care. Some of it sucks, but perfection isn't realistic.
I don't ignore history. If you knew what Nazi Germany and socialism was, you wouldn't think they were socialist.
Who do you support?
Tell dumb ass what part of Trumps history proves he isn't for totalitarian control over everything?
Can you at least try to argue what I actually say?
Who do you support?
I support the conservative who wishes to conserve the constitution and the republican form of government.
Paul dropped out.
I said conservative not libertarian.
He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He signaled to his followers that he EXPECTS them to riot if he is not given the nomination.
What the hell else would call it other than a threat????
Did "Burning this motherfucker down" constitute a threat of violence to you? When people said he belonged in jail for inciting the massive violence did you agree?
What PRESIDENTIAL candidate said that?????????
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!

He signaled to his followers that he EXPECTS them to riot if he is not given the nomination.
What the hell else would call it other than a threat????
Did "Burning this motherfucker down" constitute a threat of violence to you? When people said he belonged in jail for inciting the massive violence did you agree?
What PRESIDENTIAL candidate said that?????????
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!


Actually it is quite relevant. He was telling supporters how to compete with the GOP's election SACRE TACTICS, he was not telling them to riot with guns!!!
Did "Burning this motherfucker down" constitute a threat of violence to you? When people said he belonged in jail for inciting the massive violence did you agree?
What PRESIDENTIAL candidate said that?????????
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!


Actually it is quite relevant. He was telling supporters how to compete with the GOP's election SACRE TACTICS, he was not telling them to riot with guns!!!

Thanks for proving my original point hypocrite
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

You don't "get it"...do you, Hangover? This is about the American people getting fed up with the both the Republican establishment AND the Democratic establishment! Why do you think that Trump and Sanders have attracted such a following? The electorate is angry at the status quo...and I've got news for you...Hillary Clinton EMBODIES the status quo. Right now you seem to think she's got this thing wrapped up and quite frankly...I don't see it that way at all! I don't think she's got what it takes to turn out the liberal vote. You can see by the numbers of people voting that Democrats aren't energized by her. Bernie has the younger demographic excited but are they going to be there for Hillary? Sorry but that's questionable at this point.
You are the one that doesn't get it....Trump has successfully done Hillary's "divide and concur" strategy. he has divided the GOP in half for her. The cons are more worried about Trump winning than Hillary. Trump actually called his supporters stupid morons when he said that he could "murder someone on 5th avenue, and not lose any votes", and y'all really are too stupid to understand it. Play that fiddle Trump!
What PRESIDENTIAL candidate said that?????????
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!


Actually it is quite relevant. He was telling supporters how to compete with the GOP's election SACRE TACTICS, he was not telling them to riot with guns!!!

Thanks for proving my original point hypocrite

You are quite delusional!
He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He threatened to invade Iran....He threatened build a wall and make Mexico pay for it....He threatened to deport 12 million Mexicans...He threatened to pay the legal fees if his minions punched detractors in the face....He threatened to ban all Muslims from the U.S....and he incites violence if he is denied the nomination.

It's his followers that are the dumbfucks for letting Trump give Hillary the White House.

Invading Iran should have happened about 36 years ago.
The wall that is effective should be like the Iron Curtain if you know what I mean. And yes, Mexico should pay for it.
Those Trump wants to deport are no better than those who you would want to kick out of your house who are there uninvited.
Legal services are to be paid.
At least Trump did not round up all Muslims to be sent to concentration camps like Democrat icon FDR did with Japanese citizens.
And as far as inciting violence, Trump simply said that it is to be expected if the will and the votes of the people are disrespected.

You and your ilk are the dumbfucks who will see Hillary go to the Big House instead the White House.
Just like gunslinger shrub invading Iraq....you want to shoot first and then reap the consequences. You wasted $5 trillion on Iraq and Afghanistan, and what did you get? Nothing except eight years of Obama. You will get your ass kicked in Iran with Russia and China backing them. And "socialist" Europe is not going to follow you any more. Trump has already made the U.S. the most hated country in the world. Then the liberals will have to clean up Trump's mess in four years....again. It's moronic to call intelligent people dumbfucks, moron.
Trump did NOT 'destroy the GOP'.

The GOP was 'destroyed' a long time ago. Before they were even called 'Washington Establishment', career GOP politicians crossed over to the 'dark side' with the Liberals to begin making maintaining and protecting their own personal / party positions, power, and profit a higher priority that doing their elected jobs - upholding / defending the Constitution, enforcing the Rule of law, and representing the people of the United States.

They shed the mantle of 'Servants of the People' and donned the self-appointed titles of 'Oligarchist rulers'. In violation of the Constitution they exempted themselves from the very 'edicts' they imposed on our citizens, they elevated themselves above the laws and the rule of law - refusing to hold themselves equally accountable before the law for criminal violations from which the average US citizen would never be exempted, and they stopped listening, stopped representing those who elected them, and began 'ruling'.

The perfect example is how for years they TOLD their constituents to STFU, 'hold your nose, and vote' for the candidates THEY chose. They said, 'Voting for OUR pick is better than letting the Democrats win'. That may have been true for a while, but AFTER a while it became impossible to tell the difference between the Republicans and the democrats.

Trump nailed Rubio on the fact that the man co-authored the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill...then abandoned it - refused to fight for his own bill, 'what he believed in'. Trump ACCURATELY pointed out that America needed someone who would FIGHT for what he / they believed in - 'Rubio is not that guy'.

The GOP has been DEVOID of someone like that for a while. The GOP would RATHER be in the minority. Being in the MAJORITY means you actually have to LEAD, take risks, fight for what you believe in...and today's GOP are too afraid to fight for what they supposedly stand for because they fear they might insult / offend people and end up losing their own jobs, money, power....

Anger, frustration, rebellion....the GOP is reaping what they have sown. THEY fueled the rebellion, THEY caused the up-rising...and all I can say is IT'S ABOUT TIME.

Anyone criticizing people for rebelling...if you have ever called for or declared 'throw the bums out - all of them', THIS is what it looks like. You can't 'throw the bums out' unless you rip the 'Washington Establishment' guts out of BOTH parties....Boehner, Pelosi, McConnell, Reid, Hillary, Bush, etc.... Otherwise you're just quoting propaganda while willing to allow the same ol' status quo to continue.

Trump didn't 'destroy the GOP'...he gave a face, voice, and persona to the 'revolution' the GOP Washington Establishment forced to happen...
Oh ic.

If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. -Obama

Good enough? Hyperbole is hyperbole no matter who says it. But hypocrites only bitch about one sides hyperbole while giving a pass to the others
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!


Actually it is quite relevant. He was telling supporters how to compete with the GOP's election SACRE TACTICS, he was not telling them to riot with guns!!!

Thanks for proving my original point hypocrite

You are quite delusional!

Trump used a melodramatic phrase to describe how pissed his supporters would be. Obama used a melodramatic phrase to describe political opposition. The only delusion is yours in the fact that you don't recognize them both as campaign hyperbole because you are a hack hypocrite
Trump did NOT 'destroy the GOP'.

The GOP was 'destroyed' a long time ago. Before they were even called 'Washington Establishment', career GOP politicians crossed over to the 'dark side' with the Liberals to begin making maintaining and protecting their own personal / party positions, power, and profit a higher priority that doing their elected jobs - upholding / defending the Constitution, enforcing the Rule of law, and representing the people of the United States.

They shed the mantle of 'Servants of the People' and donned the self-appointed titles of 'Oligarchist rulers'. In violation of the Constitution they exempted themselves from the very 'edicts' they imposed on our citizens, they elevated themselves above the laws and the rule of law - refusing to hold themselves equally accountable before the law for criminal violations from which the average US citizen would never be exempted, and they stopped listening, stopped representing those who elected them, and began 'ruling'.

The perfect example is how for years they TOLD their constituents to STFU, 'hold your nose, and vote' for the candidates THEY chose. They said, 'Voting for OUR pick is better than letting the Democrats win'. That may have been true for a while, but AFTER a while it became impossible to tell the difference between the Republicans and the democrats.

Trump nailed Rubio on the fact that the man co-authored the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill...then abandoned it - refused to fight for his own bill, 'what he believed in'. Trump ACCURATELY pointed out that America needed someone who would FIGHT for what he / they believed in - 'Rubio is not that guy'.

The GOP has been DEVOID of someone like that for a while. The GOP would RATHER be in the minority. Being in the MAJORITY means you actually have to LEAD, take risks, fight for what you believe in...and today's GOP are too afraid to fight for what they supposedly stand for because they fear they might insult / offend people and end up losing their own jobs, money, power....

Anger, frustration, rebellion....the GOP is reaping what they have sown. THEY fueled the rebellion, THEY caused the up-rising...and all I can say is IT'S ABOUT TIME.

Anyone criticizing people for rebelling...if you have ever called for or declared 'throw the bums out - all of them', THIS is what it looks like. You can't 'throw the bums out' unless you rip the 'Washington Establishment' guts out of BOTH parties....Boehner, Pelosi, McConnell, Reid, Hillary, Bush, etc.... Otherwise you're just quoting propaganda while willing to allow the same ol' status quo to continue.

Trump didn't 'destroy the GOP'...he gave a face, voice, and persona to the 'revolution' the GOP Washington Establishment forced to happen...
Trump only has 7.5 million votes so far...with the rest of the states yet to vote, maybe 15 million total...at best. That is only 10% of the electorate. The other 90% are determined not to let him in the White house. This country is not going to allow another Hitler.

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