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Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

I think Trump was / is right.

Republicans are SO friggin' tired of being screwed by the Washington Establishment GOP (WE-GOP) that if they successfully circumvent the will of the people and take the people's nomination away to award it to a Washington Establishment candidate I think 3 things will happen:

1) There will be riots, protests, etc
2) FORMER Republicans (at this point) will not vote for the 'WE-GOP'
3. The official GOP / Republican Party will be NO more
Hey dumb ass, it's a quote from a movie!


Actually it is quite relevant. He was telling supporters how to compete with the GOP's election SACRE TACTICS, he was not telling them to riot with guns!!!

Thanks for proving my original point hypocrite

You are quite delusional!

Trump used a melodramatic phrase to describe how pissed his supporters would be. Obama used a melodramatic phrase to describe political opposition. The only delusion is yours in the fact that you don't recognize them both as campaign hyperbole because you are a hack hypocrite

Every time Trump says something stupid, his supporters try to dismiss it with stuff like "melodramatic phrase", or "he was just joking", or even try to deny he said it, like when he said he'd "pay the legal fees" and 'punch them in the face". You are the poster boy for a hack.
This country is not going to allow another Hitler.

STOP with the INSANE 'Hitler' propaganda B$ already! People who are pushing this rhetoric are liberals, desperate, insane, or 'all of the above'.

Demonizing a candidate has always been one of the Liberals' biggest 'go-to plays', and NO GOP candidate has scared the shite out of them this much in decades. So they are pulling out all the stops!

HOW the F* is Trump going to be 'Hitler'?
- Do we not still have a Congress?

- I know Obama / Libs set the precedence for a President to be able to rule almost dictatorially using Executive Orders, but BOTH the GOP and DNC career Washington Establishment Oligarchist Party Rulers are so threatened by and hate this man so much he might be the one thing that unifies them both - they will join forces to prevent this man from doing ANYTHING.

Man, combine the story of 'Chicken Little' with the story of 'Armageddon' in the bible, and that is what liberals (and many WE-GOP) are trying to make the rise of Donald trump Sound like.

Take an anxiety pill, put on your big-boy pants, take a moment to assess REALITY, breathe...and then re-join the grown-ups at the 'adult table'.

Actually it is quite relevant. He was telling supporters how to compete with the GOP's election SACRE TACTICS, he was not telling them to riot with guns!!!
Thanks for proving my original point hypocrite
You are quite delusional!
Trump used a melodramatic phrase to describe how pissed his supporters would be. Obama used a melodramatic phrase to describe political opposition. The only delusion is yours in the fact that you don't recognize them both as campaign hyperbole because you are a hack hypocrite
Every time Trump says something stupid, his supporters try to dismiss it with stuff like "melodramatic phrase", or "he was just joking", or even try to deny he said it, like when he said he'd "pay the legal fees" and 'punch them in the face". You are the poster boy for a hack.
If I was a Trump supporter you might be right, but since im not you're just an ignorant liberal
LMFAO how did I know you were going to say that?
I know you ignore history. just like you ignore all the truth about trump.
I don't ignore the truth. A lot of it is bullshit or I don't care. Some of it sucks, but perfection isn't realistic.
I don't ignore history. If you knew what Nazi Germany and socialism was, you wouldn't think they were socialist.
Who do you support?
Tell dumb ass what part of Trumps history proves he isn't for totalitarian control over everything?
Can you at least try to argue what I actually say?
Who do you support?
I support the conservative who wishes to conserve the constitution and the republican form of government.

Ah, but who defines COTUS then becomes the issue. Consider how Citizens United v. FEC & McCutcheon has impacted our Republic.
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.

Obama perfected this. Were you trying to add something?

You're too biased and not sagacious, thus you cannot differentiate the difference between Obama / Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
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Ah, but who defines COTUS then becomes the issue. Consider how Citizens United v. FEC & McCutcheon has impacted our Republic.

You don't even know what Citizens United was about. You're an ignorant leftist who was told by the hate sites that CU "made corporations people."

And you consider yourself informed and assiduous? IMO you're a hack and a member of the echo chamber, and thanks for providing more evidence in your post to prove how correct I am in my assessment.
You are witnessing the take over of the GOP by low-income, low-information whites with very little post-high school education.

The whole point of talk radio was to steal these people from a Democratic Party that accelerated de-industrialization and job loss with the passage of the Reagan-dream of a Super Highway (NAFTA), linking all of North America so capital could float freely across boarders in search of the cheapest labor costs.

Welcome to post-Carter capitalism, where American workers are seen as profit killers.

We have decimated American workers in order to sustain profits for the wealthiest Americans. Those workers are looking for a savior. Trump is their man.

(Wait 'till they find out that Trump is precisely the billionaire who has shipped jobs to more profitable labor markets in Mexico and China. They will soon realize that the only way Trump and his ilk will pay for those jobs to come back is if American workers can under-bid sweatshop labor rates.

They better get use to eating dog food and living in sewage. Welcome to Trump'merica.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

You don't "get it"...do you, Hangover? This is about the American people getting fed up with the both the Republican establishment AND the Democratic establishment! Why do you think that Trump and Sanders have attracted such a following? The electorate is angry at the status quo...and I've got news for you...Hillary Clinton EMBODIES the status quo. Right now you seem to think she's got this thing wrapped up and quite frankly...I don't see it that way at all! I don't think she's got what it takes to turn out the liberal vote. You can see by the numbers of people voting that Democrats aren't energized by her. Bernie has the younger demographic excited but are they going to be there for Hillary? Sorry but that's questionable at this point.

No. This is not about the American people being stirred up. It's about the right being stirred up. Bernie and Hillary are so close in what they want till most Democrats will be satisfied no matter which one wins the nomination, and you can hardly call Hillary a radical change. from the Democratic establishment. It's the GOP that is tearing it's self to shreds, and you attempt to say say any more than that is ridiculous. The left is doing just fine.

So what's making millions of Democrats support Bernie Sanders? Especially younger Democrats! To say that Hillary is doing "just fine" at this point borders on farce, Bulldog! She's had to battle Bernie Sanders tooth and nail just to get the Democratic nomination and she's STILL having to fight that battle. The question now is whether those young voters excited for Sanders will show up to vote if Clinton gets the nomination by virtue of Super Delegates? Say what you will about the schisms in the Republican Party right now...the one thing that would unite them is an almost universal hatred of Hillary Clinton.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

You don't "get it"...do you, Hangover? This is about the American people getting fed up with the both the Republican establishment AND the Democratic establishment! Why do you think that Trump and Sanders have attracted such a following? The electorate is angry at the status quo...and I've got news for you...Hillary Clinton EMBODIES the status quo. Right now you seem to think she's got this thing wrapped up and quite frankly...I don't see it that way at all! I don't think she's got what it takes to turn out the liberal vote. You can see by the numbers of people voting that Democrats aren't energized by her. Bernie has the younger demographic excited but are they going to be there for Hillary? Sorry but that's questionable at this point.
You are the one that doesn't get it....Trump has successfully done Hillary's "divide and concur" strategy. he has divided the GOP in half for her. The cons are more worried about Trump winning than Hillary. Trump actually called his supporters stupid morons when he said that he could "murder someone on 5th avenue, and not lose any votes", and y'all really are too stupid to understand it. Play that fiddle Trump!

What you don't seem to grasp, Hang...is that in many ways the Democratic Party is just as divided as the GOP! You've got younger Democrats supporting Bernie Sanders in huge numbers. My question remains...are THEY going to maintain their enthusiasm and turn out to vote if their guy gets knocked out because Hillary Clinton gets the nomination thanks to the Super Delegate vote? There is indeed fighting among the GOP but that's like a family squabble...the only thing that they all agree on wholeheartedly is that they loathe Hillary Clinton.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to be.....you brought this on yourselves cons.

You don't "get it"...do you, Hangover? This is about the American people getting fed up with the both the Republican establishment AND the Democratic establishment! Why do you think that Trump and Sanders have attracted such a following? The electorate is angry at the status quo...and I've got news for you...Hillary Clinton EMBODIES the status quo. Right now you seem to think she's got this thing wrapped up and quite frankly...I don't see it that way at all! I don't think she's got what it takes to turn out the liberal vote. You can see by the numbers of people voting that Democrats aren't energized by her. Bernie has the younger demographic excited but are they going to be there for Hillary? Sorry but that's questionable at this point.

No. This is not about the American people being stirred up. It's about the right being stirred up. Bernie and Hillary are so close in what they want till most Democrats will be satisfied no matter which one wins the nomination, and you can hardly call Hillary a radical change. from the Democratic establishment. It's the GOP that is tearing it's self to shreds, and you attempt to say say any more than that is ridiculous. The left is doing just fine.

So what's making millions of Democrats support Bernie Sanders? Especially younger Democrats! To say that Hillary is doing "just fine" at this point borders on farce, Bulldog! She's had to battle Bernie Sanders tooth and nail just to get the Democratic nomination and she's STILL having to fight that battle. The question now is whether those young voters excited for Sanders will show up to vote if Clinton gets the nomination by virtue of Super Delegates? Say what you will about the schisms in the Republican Party right now...the one thing that would unite them is an almost universal hatred of Hillary Clinton.

I like a vigorous competition, but truthfully, they aren't that far apart. They spend a large part of their debates agreeing on a wide range of topics. They are both doing just fine, and even though the majority of Democrats might prefer one over the other, they will be just fine with which ever one wins. Sorry your bunch doesn't get along that well, but perhaps after the collapse you can rebuild a mature party. Your universal hatred of everyone and everything but the tea party is what put you in the position you are in..
I like a vigorous competition, but truthfully, they aren't that far apart. They spend a large part of their debates agreeing on a wide range of topics. They are both doing just fine, and even though the majority of Democrats might prefer one over the other, they will be just fine with which ever one wins. Sorry your bunch doesn't get along that well, but perhaps after the collapse you can rebuild a mature party. Your universal hatred of everyone and everything but the tea party is what put you in the position you are in..

They both have a "D" after their name, and let's face it, that's the only thing that matters to you. :thup:
When has the right ever rioted?
That's a lefty move and it never works out too well.
This is so laughable. :)

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