That 100 million dollar Noah's ark (video)

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I can't really believe they took it literally... seriously dinosaurs on the Ark?



I'm surprised that Kenny Loggins would let them use his picture.
I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.
I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.

I can't believe people gave him 100 million dollars to build it, what a joke and so boring, it would be like going to the corn musuem in Nebraska.

I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.

I can't believe people really deny the Holocaust even though it only happened 70 years ago and is one of the best documented events in modern history.

But there it is. Penny.
I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.

I can't believe people really deny the Holocaust even though it only happened 70 years ago and is one of the best documented events in modern history.

But there it is. Penny.

Well you are writing to one, I prefer to think of WWII and the jews were the least of the deaths. Now we all know the fable of Noahs Ark and from what I read it's loosing money and is living off of the tax payers.

I understand, being a righteous Evangelical you need to suck up to Jews and Israel , I do not.
I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.

I can't believe people really deny the Holocaust even though it only happened 70 years ago and is one of the best documented events in modern history.

But there it is. Penny.

Well you are writing to one, I prefer to think of WWII and the jews were the least of the deaths. Now we all know the fable of Noahs Ark and from what I read it's loosing money and is living off of the tax payers.

Penny, you can't laugh at what ANYONE believes when you're a Holocaust Denier.
I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.

I can't believe people really deny the Holocaust even though it only happened 70 years ago and is one of the best documented events in modern history.

But there it is. Penny.

Well you are writing to one, I prefer to think of WWII and the jews were the least of the deaths. Now we all know the fable of Noahs Ark and from what I read it's loosing money and is living off of the tax payers.

Penny, you can't laugh at what ANYONE believes when you're a Holocaust Denier.

I understand, being a righteous Evangelical you need to suck up to Jews and Israel , I do not.
I can't believe adults take their kids to see the ark or that any human would really think the ark fable was real.

I can't believe people really deny the Holocaust even though it only happened 70 years ago and is one of the best documented events in modern history.

But there it is. Penny.

Well you are writing to one, I prefer to think of WWII and the jews were the least of the deaths. Now we all know the fable of Noahs Ark and from what I read it's loosing money and is living off of the tax payers.

Penny, you can't laugh at what ANYONE believes when you're a Holocaust Denier.

I understand, being a righteous Evangelical you need to suck up to Jews and Israel , I do not.

I'm not sucking up to anyone. I'm merely not ignoring excellent recorded history.

Actually I'm just not being ignorant because I'm choosing to be a bigot. Penny.
The Book of Genesis is neither a science book or a history book. It is basically a discussion of the relationship between Man and God. God created Man with free will and because of that He created an imperfect world. Everything from Man disobeying God to Man killing his own brother to all of Mankind being wicked.

In the story of Noah is the idea that if God were to destroy the earth every time humans were evil and only saving the few righteousness (in this case one family) then we would all be destroyed about every generation. Not really about animals coming two by two and a world wide flood.

It is an extension of the other stories in Genesis that free will causes Man to do evil and God coming to grips with that with His imperfect creation. It sets up the realization that only though God's Grace can Man be saved.
As an aside: you know the Left has lost their ever-loving mind when everyone on this thread is in a tizzy because some people go to see a Noah's Ark display, but an admitted Holocaust Denier shows up here in the same tizzy and I am the only one who calls her out on the dichotomy that presents.

These are the times we live in, everyone.

They're not going to get better.
As an aside: you know the Left has lost their ever-loving mind when everyone on this thread is in a tizzy because some people go to see a Noah's Ark display, but an admitted Holocaust Denier shows up here in the same tizzy and I am the only one who calls her out on the dichotomy that presents.

These are the times we live in, everyone.

They're not going to get better.

Oh how the left has lost its every loving mind to pay 40 bucks for adults and10 bucks to park for a fable from the OT, anyone who goes to see the ark and takes their kids are leading their kids down the rabbit hole, which the adults are in.
lost their ever-loving mind when everyone on this thread is in a tizzy because some people go to see a Noah's Ark display, but an admitted Holocaust Denier shows up here in the same tizzy and I am the only one who calls her out on the dichotomy that presents.
It's not a dichotomy at all, that's stupid. And this is not a thread about the Holocaust. So shaddup.

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