That Moment When They Realize You Are Black...

I may not speak correct English but I sure as fuck don't call my kids chirren and axe them to behave.
Why would you do that if you dont speak Ebonics? Arent you a white boy?

Yeah, the country's full of men named Deanna.

You shouldn't speak ebonics either. No one should. It makes the speaker seem ignorant.

I didnt know your name was Deanna. With that retarded username it could have been Dean.

I love speaking Ebonics. If you cant speak Ebonics then you are dumb. It takes intelligence to be able to speak multiple languages. I never think a person that speaks Ebonics is ignorant and I wouldnt care if someone thought I was ignorant. If a person is too stupid to be able to communicate in multiple situations then they are losers.

Hey back up a bit. It takes MORE intelligence to speak Klingon, but that doesn't make you special.. :poke:
I may not speak correct English but I sure as fuck don't call my kids chirren and axe them to behave.
Why would you do that if you dont speak Ebonics? Arent you a white boy?

Yeah, the country's full of men named Deanna.

You shouldn't speak ebonics either. No one should. It makes the speaker seem ignorant.

I didnt know your name was Deanna. With that retarded username it could have been Dean.

I love speaking Ebonics. If you cant speak Ebonics then you are dumb. It takes intelligence to be able to speak multiple languages. I never think a person that speaks Ebonics is ignorant and I wouldnt care if someone thought I was ignorant. If a person is too stupid to be able to communicate in multiple situations then they are losers.

Hey back up a bit. It takes MORE intelligence to speak Klingon, but that doesn't make you special.. :poke:
I didnt say it made me special. I said it made me smarter than most whites because they only speak 1 language and thats not even correct.
I may not speak correct English but I sure as fuck don't call my kids chirren and axe them to behave.
Why would you do that if you dont speak Ebonics? Arent you a white boy?

Yeah, the country's full of men named Deanna.

You shouldn't speak ebonics either. No one should. It makes the speaker seem ignorant.

I didnt know your name was Deanna. With that retarded username it could have been Dean.

I love speaking Ebonics. If you cant speak Ebonics then you are dumb. It takes intelligence to be able to speak multiple languages. I never think a person that speaks Ebonics is ignorant and I wouldnt care if someone thought I was ignorant. If a person is too stupid to be able to communicate in multiple situations then they are losers.

Pfrt. I can speak ebonics. If you can speak fluent hillbilly, you can speak ebonics. Ain't like it's complicated.
I may not speak correct English but I sure as fuck don't call my kids chirren and axe them to behave.
Why would you do that if you dont speak Ebonics? Arent you a white boy?

Yeah, the country's full of men named Deanna.

You shouldn't speak ebonics either. No one should. It makes the speaker seem ignorant.

I didnt know your name was Deanna. With that retarded username it could have been Dean.

I love speaking Ebonics. If you cant speak Ebonics then you are dumb. It takes intelligence to be able to speak multiple languages. I never think a person that speaks Ebonics is ignorant and I wouldnt care if someone thought I was ignorant. If a person is too stupid to be able to communicate in multiple situations then they are losers.

Pfrt. I can speak ebonics. If you can speak fluent hillbilly, you can speak ebonics. Ain't like it's complicated.

or different. :rolleyes:
Just finished reading this funny story about this young Black lady that was remarking on how whites love helping other whites...until they find out later you are actually Black. Its a very interesting tactic that my wife showed me one day after I had been house hunting and spoken with the owner that said the house was off the market. She called the home owner using her "white" voice and actually made an offer for the house which he accepted and faxed back to us without ever seeing us in person. You should have seen the look on his face when he met us and found out we were Black. :laugh:


Get a realtor. They can go after these folks easier than you could. And I'm betting that THEY know when to use a "white voice" and are better at it. The fact you're writing your own offers seems to suggest these "investments" are not in the greatest shape.
Didnt need one for this deal. It was a FSBO and the guy was in a pinch. To this day I rank it as one of the top offers I have drawn up.

So you believe he was so "in a pinch" that he CARED about race? Sounds a bit sketchy.

Doing offers over the phone without a TOUR? REALLY? Why am I having a hard time reconciling your intelligence and acheivements with this personal anecdote?
He sure was in pinch when my wife was talking to him. Looks like his racism was worse than him being in a pinch.

Done that several times. Its all in how you draw up the offers. You put contingencies in the offer. A rookie like you probably doesnt understand that. I dont know why you are having trouble. I am going to mark it down to ignorance or probably prejudice.

Probably prejudice for sure. But I'm still thinking you'd have a HELL of time negotiating a price by NAMING it in a sight unseen offer tele/fax. Unless it was a LOWER price than what he'd been offered.
I may not speak correct English but I sure as fuck don't call my kids chirren and axe them to behave.
Why would you do that if you dont speak Ebonics? Arent you a white boy?

Yeah, the country's full of men named Deanna.

You shouldn't speak ebonics either. No one should. It makes the speaker seem ignorant.

I didnt know your name was Deanna. With that retarded username it could have been Dean.

I love speaking Ebonics. If you cant speak Ebonics then you are dumb. It takes intelligence to be able to speak multiple languages. I never think a person that speaks Ebonics is ignorant and I wouldnt care if someone thought I was ignorant. If a person is too stupid to be able to communicate in multiple situations then they are losers.

Pfrt. I can speak ebonics. If you can speak fluent hillbilly, you can speak ebonics. Ain't like it's complicated.
Dont make me laugh. You just claimed that speaking Ebonics was a sign of ignorance. If you think that then its pretty obvious you are the ignorant one incapable of speaking it.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.

Meanwhile, Asclepias has his girl making deal over the phone with a white-sounding voice.

Just finished reading this funny story about this young Black lady that was remarking on how whites love helping other whites...until they find out later you are actually Black. Its a very interesting tactic that my wife showed me one day after I had been house hunting and spoken with the owner that said the house was off the market. She called the home owner using her "white" voice and actually made an offer for the house which he accepted and faxed back to us without ever seeing us in person. You should have seen the look on his face when he met us and found out we were Black. :laugh:


Get a realtor. They can go after these folks easier than you could. And I'm betting that THEY know when to use a "white voice" and are better at it. The fact you're writing your own offers seems to suggest these "investments" are not in the greatest shape.
Didnt need one for this deal. It was a FSBO and the guy was in a pinch. To this day I rank it as one of the top offers I have drawn up.

So you believe he was so "in a pinch" that he CARED about race? Sounds a bit sketchy.

Doing offers over the phone without a TOUR? REALLY? Why am I having a hard time reconciling your intelligence and acheivements with this personal anecdote?
He sure was in pinch when my wife was talking to him. Looks like his racism was worse than him being in a pinch.

Done that several times. Its all in how you draw up the offers. You put contingencies in the offer. A rookie like you probably doesnt understand that. I dont know why you are having trouble. I am going to mark it down to ignorance or probably prejudice.

Probably prejudice for sure. But I'm still thinking you'd have a HELL of time negotiating a price by NAMING it in a sight unseen offer tele/fax. Unless it was a LOWER price than what he'd been offered.
Thats what I meant by you being an ignorant rookie. He had a certain selling price that he wanted on paper. For what I never found out. We gave him his asking price but we got 13K in an escrow account for any repairs we needed to do. Win win situation even though he was PO'd we tricked him.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.

I suppose I'm a little bit different. I am not changing for anybody.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.
Yeah ok. Youre the guy afraid to do a deal sight unseen over some silly ass advice. So the trick is to know your market and your ROI but you probably have no clue what that stuff is.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.
Yeah ok. Youre the guy afraid to do a deal sight unseen over some silly ass advice. So the trick is to know your market and your ROI but you probably have no clue what that stuff is.

Whatever bro, you're the one over there talking about buying properties unseen over the phone, ok?

I know how to maximize teh profit.

I been taught this this all my life.

Saturday is house-looking day, k?

You poke rafters and things like that.

Also, see if water is standing in the yard.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.
Yeah ok. Youre the guy afraid to do a deal sight unseen over some silly ass advice. So the trick is to know your market and your ROI but you probably have no clue what that stuff is.

Whatever bro, you're the onr over there talking about buying properties unseen over the phone, ok?

I know how to maximize teh profit.

I been taught this this all my life.

Saturday is house-looking day, k?
Thats right. If youre afraid to buy sight unseen thats your issue not mine. Works out well for me. This one wasnt really sight unseen though. I did see the outside and the neighborhood.

Youve been taught some dumb shit by some dumb people if you are afraid to buy sight unseen. You know what a contingency is? Its a get out of the offer free card.
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What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.
Yeah ok. Youre the guy afraid to do a deal sight unseen over some silly ass advice. So the trick is to know your market and your ROI but you probably have no clue what that stuff is.

Whatever bro, you're the onr over there talking about buying properties unseen over the phone, ok?

I know how to maximize teh profit.

I been taught this this all my life.

Saturday is house-looking day, k?
Thats right. If youre afraid to buy sight unseen thats your issue not mine. Works out well for me. This one wasnt really sight unseen though. I did see the outside and the neighborhood.

Youve been taught some dumb shit by some dumb people if you are afraid to buy sight unseen. You know what a contingency is? Its a get out of the offer free card.

You're lying, and you've never bought a property in your life.

You don't own where you live, even, liar.

This entire thread is BS.
What kinda dumbass goes and offers money on a property over the phone?

You didn't go there after a hard rain? You're a dumbass.

That's 1 thing my Grandma taught me: If you're looking to buy something, go there after a hard rain.
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.
Yeah ok. Youre the guy afraid to do a deal sight unseen over some silly ass advice. So the trick is to know your market and your ROI but you probably have no clue what that stuff is.

Whatever bro, you're the onr over there talking about buying properties unseen over the phone, ok?

I know how to maximize teh profit.

I been taught this this all my life.

Saturday is house-looking day, k?
Thats right. If youre afraid to buy sight unseen thats your issue not mine. Works out well for me. This one wasnt really sight unseen though. I did see the outside and the neighborhood.

Youve been taught some dumb shit by some dumb people if you are afraid to buy sight unseen. You know what a contingency is? Its a get out of the offer free card.

If you were right there peering at it and in the neighborhood, why didn't you look at it?
One that stands to make a large profit. Silly clowns like you dont understand how to run the numbers.

Oh, but you're wrong, racist black boy. Enjoy your wetlands. You probably don't even care if the property floods every rain, as long as you make a profit.

Well, I guess that's just business, but that's not the way I do it. Or ever would.
Yeah ok. Youre the guy afraid to do a deal sight unseen over some silly ass advice. So the trick is to know your market and your ROI but you probably have no clue what that stuff is.

Whatever bro, you're the onr over there talking about buying properties unseen over the phone, ok?

I know how to maximize teh profit.

I been taught this this all my life.

Saturday is house-looking day, k?
Thats right. If youre afraid to buy sight unseen thats your issue not mine. Works out well for me. This one wasnt really sight unseen though. I did see the outside and the neighborhood.

Youve been taught some dumb shit by some dumb people if you are afraid to buy sight unseen. You know what a contingency is? Its a get out of the offer free card.

If you were right there peering at it and in the neighborhood, why didn't you look at it?

Liars are gonna lie. The whole thing is a fabrication.
So you black folks are learning crackeronics now ? you'll be whitesplainin' yourself silly

The moment I realized I was white? First day of kindergarten.

Seriously, there were kids dipping Kool-Aid at snacktime with yesterday's wooden sno-cone spoon, and calling it Fun Dip.

Not just one, about 3.

Was not exactly an affluent area.
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