That Moment When They Realize You Are Black...

Times have radically changed since the early 1960's when race was a major factor for most if not all peoples.

For me, I worry most about prison tat's on a person than anything else. Tat's up the neck and in the face warn me that I need to put distance between me and this x-con.

In a strong second place is filthy stinky ragged clothing. This tells me I am dealing with a homeless vagrant and I also need to put distance between me and him/her.

In third place for me is anyone who does not make at least a superficial attempt to cover his gun. The open-carry fanatics bother me, and being O/C they have a 1/4 second advantage on the draw than I do from concealed carry, because I need 1/4 second more to uncover the pistol.

Eccentric hairstyles is in fourth place.

All four of those considerations exceed race, which is in fifth place, however a neatly dressed Negro couple with kids are no risk at all, and I accept them as civilized human beings same as any other people.

Its the black babes -- who most often come across as hookers -- or the black dudes -- who most often come across as thugs -- that make my red flag list in fifth place. So if this is you, then keep your distance. Six to ten feet is a minimum. Six to ten miles is preferred.
LOL on the eccentric hair styles
Do you consider yourself an angry person?
Depends on the subject. Do you consider yourself and angry person?
No. The last time I was here about a year ago yes I was angry.
Now can you answer my question? It’s a yes or no
It isnt a yes or a no. I dont allow people to limit my options. Its a "it depends" like I said before. If you tell me what you are trying to get at more specifically maybe I can give you a more specific answer.
Why do you lie? Is out of fear or anger?
When I lie to whites its due to strategy and caution.

Thank you for admitting you're a dishonest scumbag who's too cowardly to be honest and upfront about yourself around whites. See, I don't really even need to flame the likes of you (much as I enjoy it) because you're doing such a beautiful job of it yourself by showing your lowlife, hatefully malicious, reprobate character for all the rest of us to enjoy! I may be a white WAAAAAYCIST but I still never lie to black people or anyone else, no matter what I personally think of them.
Just finished reading this funny story about this young Black lady that was remarking on how whites love helping other whites...until they find out later you are actually Black. Its a very interesting tactic that my wife showed me one day after I had been house hunting and spoken with the owner that said the house was off the market. She called the home owner using her "white" voice and actually made an offer for the house which he accepted and faxed back to us without ever seeing us in person. You should have seen the look on his face when he met us and found out we were Black. :laugh:

Just finished reading this funny story about this young Black lady that was remarking on how whites love helping other whites...until they find out later you are actually Black. Its a very interesting tactic that my wife showed me one day after I had been house hunting and spoken with the owner that said the house was off the market. She called the home owner using her "white" voice and actually made an offer for the house which he accepted and faxed back to us without ever seeing us in person. You should have seen the look on his face when he met us and found out we were Black. :laugh:

Are we supposed to believe that BS? lol
I lie to make money off of whites and set traps for whites. Tying back into the OP. I made money from my wife lying to the white boy that wouldnt sell his home to a Black person. I have set traps for whites by lying to them about something and watching them make fools out of themselves with the information.
Liars can't be trusted, regardless of race.
I dont care if whites trust me or not. As long as my people trust me then thats good enough for me.
But when we are asked to listen, why listen to lies?
I never ask white people to listen unless they are asking me a question and interrupt or deflect while I am answering.
Another lie
So post the proof its a lie?
Just finished reading this funny story about this young Black lady that was remarking on how whites love helping other whites...until they find out later you are actually Black. Its a very interesting tactic that my wife showed me one day after I had been house hunting and spoken with the owner that said the house was off the market. She called the home owner using her "white" voice and actually made an offer for the house which he accepted and faxed back to us without ever seeing us in person. You should have seen the look on his face when he met us and found out we were Black. :laugh:

If you think like this you are going to turn into a useless troll and I am likely going to iggy-list you.
I dont know if I could live if you iggy-list me. :laughing0301:
Why are you perpetrating racism, Asclepias? Are you looking for a reason to excuse your failures?
I'm trying to destroy racism. Why would I want a system in existence your founders created to give whites multiple centuries of a head start?
Looks like you're wasting a lot of time trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
It exists. I just have the trick to beating it and then rubbing it in the face of racist whites.
Just finished reading this funny story about this young Black lady that was remarking on how whites love helping other whites...until they find out later you are actually Black. Its a very interesting tactic that my wife showed me one day after I had been house hunting and spoken with the owner that said the house was off the market. She called the home owner using her "white" voice and actually made an offer for the house which he accepted and faxed back to us without ever seeing us in person. You should have seen the look on his face when he met us and found out we were Black. :laugh:

Are we supposed to believe that BS? lol
Youre supposed to read it like I wanted you to and come to your own decision.
Why are you perpetrating racism, Asclepias? Are you looking for a reason to excuse your failures?
I'm trying to destroy racism. Why would I want a system in existence your founders created to give whites multiple centuries of a head start?
Looks like you're wasting a lot of time trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
It exists. I just have the trick to beating it and then rubbing it in the face of racist whites.
Is that what you tell yourself? :)
Why are you perpetrating racism, Asclepias? Are you looking for a reason to excuse your failures?
I'm trying to destroy racism. Why would I want a system in existence your founders created to give whites multiple centuries of a head start?
Looks like you're wasting a lot of time trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
It exists. I just have the trick to beating it and then rubbing it in the face of racist whites.
Is that what you tell yourself? :)
I tell myself and other Blacks I have helped to build successful lives. Sometimes a I tell white people like yourself when it comes up.
Why are you perpetrating racism, Asclepias? Are you looking for a reason to excuse your failures?
I'm trying to destroy racism. Why would I want a system in existence your founders created to give whites multiple centuries of a head start?
Looks like you're wasting a lot of time trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
It exists. I just have the trick to beating it and then rubbing it in the face of racist whites.
Is that what you tell yourself? :)
I tell myself and other Blacks I have helped to build successful lives. Sometimes a I tell white people like yourself when it comes up.
Do you think you're respected as much as Candace Owens?

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