That’s Why Hunter Biden Got a Wrist Slap

Trump got Hunter the wrist slap?
Hilarious watching you gun grabbers justifying people getting off for illegally obtaining guns.

Don't be stupid. I know that is hard for you. The US Attorney was appointed by Trump. The fact is that less than half of people who make mistakes on the form are prosecute. Usually it is for lying about having a criminal record or other aggravating factors.
Racist ID’s cuz blacks are too stupid to get ID’s unlike Indians, Asians, Whites, Polynesians, …..

Racist because Republicans want to make it harder for anyone who opposes them to vote. Numerous states conduct elections largely by mail and use drop boxes.
If someone accidentally makes a mistake, you want to lock them up.

You stupid slime ball commie. Do you think a LAYWER casually signs a form saying he certifies the above is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, under the penalty of PERJURY, doesn't check his work BEFORE signing the fucking form. If he does he deserves everything provided in the law. Damn, I bet you believe in fairies and unicorns too.

You are the lying , filthy piece of garbage who lies. Mueller detailed a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian spy in which campaign information was turned over. Mueller made it very clear inb his congressional testimony that Trump was not cleared.

Some key takeaways from Mueller’s findings:


Mueller made that clear.

Barr quotes Mueller’s confidential report as saying the investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

Dumb ass, just because you speak with someone doesn't make it nefarious. Maybe you should go find some more shit to chow down on, you commies seem to love it sooooooooooo much. Does it go down easier with commie kool aid?
Tiger laughing.jpg

Don't be stupid. I know that is hard for you. The US Attorney was appointed by Trump. The fact is that less than half of people who make mistakes on the form are prosecute. Usually it is for lying about having a criminal record or other aggravating factors.

Like habitual drug use?

So you have no problem paying an equivalent of a poll tax to exercise your Constitutional rights, got it.

The Second Amendment is about Militias.
Clearly says "Well-Regulated militia"

Barbed wire works.
So you want to grab guns but put no one in jail for having illegal guns.
It costs $30,000 a year to lock a person up.
The problem with the lock them all up mentality is that it's not cost efficient.

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