THC was in found in Martin's Body


Apr 22, 2007
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Zimmerman made the comment "he is wandering looking like he is on drugs," he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When are Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.
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THC stays in one's system for 30 days.
Finding THC in his blood does NOT mean he was high at the time.


Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Martin made the comment he is wandering looking like he is on drugs, he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When is Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.

You know a lot of potheads that go crazy and beat up people?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
THC stays in one's system for 30 days.
Finding THC in his blood does NOT mean he was high at the time.


Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.
THC stays in one's system for 30 days.
Finding THC in his blood does NOT mean he was high at the time.


Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

are you black ?
THC stays in one's system for 30 days.
Finding THC in his blood does NOT mean he was high at the time.


Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

Me too, I would have been like how Martin actually was......Trying to get away from Zimmerman. I wouldn't have attacked him. I would have done my best to get away from him.

Martin has a history of marijuana use, Zimmerman has a history of violence. I am still not getting why the right assumes Martin was the one who started the fight. Didn't Zimmerman rush to defend his friend and assault a cop before he knew what was going on??? I see a pattern there, not with Martin's pot use.
zimmy was all hopped on speed and seditves prescribed for mental conditions
Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

Me too, I would have been like how Martin actually was......Trying to get away from Zimmerman. I wouldn't have attacked him. I would have done my best to get away from him.

Martin has a history of marijuana use, Zimmerman has a history of violence. I am still not getting why the right assumes Martin was the one who started the fight. Didn't Zimmerman rush to defend his friend and assault a cop before he knew what was going on??? I see a pattern there, not with Martin's pot use.

That's why I wish some around here would wait until ALL the facts are in.

Marc and Ravi already have Zimmerman in the chair.
Others are quick to blame the black "thug".

Peach calls Zimmerman 'all drugged up' from the mere mention of a prescription with no evidence of drugs in his system.

Now that there's evidence of drugs in Martin's system......

Let the evidence play out, people.

Do we really need a new thread for every sound-byte that trickles out???
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Martin made the comment he is wandering looking like he is on drugs, he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When is Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.
But does it make one aggressive? Does the presence of THC mean there was a JUSTIFIABLE homicide?

This report does nothing to exonerate Zimmerman.
THC stays in one's system for 30 days.
Finding THC in his blood does NOT mean he was high at the time.


Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

That's another fact we know to be true. George Zimmerman was bigger than Trayvon Martin. The evidence is that Martin was over 6 feet tall to Zimmerman's 5'9" and was only outweighed by ten pounds.

We KNOW that Zimmerman was bigger than Martin because the pictures of Trayvon Martin are all of a Trayvon Martin that was 12 years old. Again, the evidence has to be wrong because it does not prove a fact we know to be true.
Of course he was high. Why do you think he walked to the store,in the rain I might add,in the first place?
Shit he was high five minutes after he walked out of his parents house.
And he had to get the skittles to cure the munchies.

Been there done that....except for the getting shot part of course. I was a little smarter then that I guess.

I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

That's another fact we know to be true. George Zimmerman was bigger than Trayvon Martin. The evidence is that Martin was over 6 feet tall to Zimmerman's 5'9" and was only outweighed by ten pounds.

We KNOW that Zimmerman was bigger than Martin because the pictures of Trayvon Martin are all of a Trayvon Martin that was 12 years old. Again, the evidence has to be wrong because it does not prove a fact we know to be true.

When I hear about an 'adult' and a 'kid' I just assumed the adult would be larger.
Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case | Fox News

THC was found in Martin's blood stream, meaning he was in fact HIGH at the time of the shooting! So when Martin made the comment he is wandering looking like he is on drugs, he was SPOT ON!

From a person that smoked his fair share of weed in his day, weed dumbs the systems, makes you paranoid and highly irrational! To an outsider your behovior would look erradict and suspicious!

When is Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther and the Hooded Dumbass Congressman going to issue a formal apology to the innocent Zimmerman.

THC stays in your blood stream for a while after you smoke it, we don't have any proof he was high at the time of the shooting.
I ain't never known a pothead to pick a fight.

If I was high and paranoid and thought I was being followed I'd be hiding.
Not jumping someone bigger than me.

That's another fact we know to be true. George Zimmerman was bigger than Trayvon Martin. The evidence is that Martin was over 6 feet tall to Zimmerman's 5'9" and was only outweighed by ten pounds.

We KNOW that Zimmerman was bigger than Martin because the pictures of Trayvon Martin are all of a Trayvon Martin that was 12 years old. Again, the evidence has to be wrong because it does not prove a fact we know to be true.

When I hear about an 'adult' and a 'kid' I just assumed the adult would be larger.

Martin in the guy in the light colored shirt. How about the "kid". A child really, right?

Rare Video Of Trayvon Martin Fighting Video

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