The 1-6 Commission is Dropping Bombs

You mean how they admitted to falsifying an email?

That's a huge bomb. In a normal world that would get them sent to prison.

But enjoy your kangaroo court. Morons are easily amused.
No email was falsified.

You can't even get your fake facts right. :lol:
So opinions written by lawyers, concerning the law, aren't legal opinions. Of course I'm sure you have no clue what was in the opinion.

I know what was written and a wrestling coach is not a lawyer. There was no basis on which to challenge the results of the election. COURTS decided that. You do know what a court is don't you? It's that place where lawyers take cases to judges and the judges determine whether the legal opinion had merit.
how did they try to assert the Constitution by forwarding a legal argument outlined by one of the Founders? I am a little confused by your comment
There was no basis on which to challenge the results.
I realize you are nothing more than a hack. But he did a lot more than just add a period. He also, in the very process, deleted every word after the comma and presented the altered sentence as what someone else had supposedly said.

Simple concept. He deliberately lied.
A lawyer presented a specious argument to a traitor who then sent that bullshit to another traitor who was trying to find a way for a sore loser traitor to overthrow a duly elected government.

When Schiff saw the argument sent by one traitor to another, he wrongly gave credit to the first traitor for the argument instead of the shitstain lawyer.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

And instead of being outraged by all that treason, the tard herd is getting their panties in a bunch over a mistaken accreditation of the traitorous argument.

I have never seen so many idiots so easily led around by their noses.
But apparently you do, oh self-contradictory liberal. I know. That’s redundant.

Which one of Joe Brandon’s attributes do you endorse more; his senility? His mental degradation overall? His inability to put words together? His complete lack of control (over his own rectum)? His racism? Or his pedophiliac leanings?
None of this is true.
None of this is true.

That Joe Biden has a history of racist behavior and quotes is true....


Voted for a Ku Klux Klansman "Grand Cyclops" Robert Byrd to be Democrat Senate Majority leader....

None of this is true.
So you are good with Biden saying he didn't want your kids bussed into where his kids went to school because he didn't want his kids to grow up in a "jungle".

Got it.
60 plus courts said there was no basis.

Rather, not one single court allowed presentation of evidence, and hence their claim of lack of evidence is hypocritically bullshit because they were the ones blocking the evidence from being presented....

a "CRT" approved tactic for certain...

You are trivializing racism.

When it is a Dem being outed as a racist, suddenly racism does not matter....

When Jussie hate hoaxed, you were hear screaming that Trump supporters are all racists....

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