The #1 Troll Piece Leading Up To The Presidental Election Debunked


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story
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The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.
In the end it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story

when are the Left Wingers going to learn that their propaganda masters are also lying to them?.......the two major parties with most of the people with them......and both parties aint worth a shit....and yet the Drones keep propping them matter what.....lets just keep voting for the "Lessor Of Two Evils"......either way....your still voting for Evil.....sad aint it?......:eusa_eh:
A funny thing about NaziCons is that they appear to have no capacity for learning. Looking forward to 2014...
Opinion polls suck, and it seems they suck more every go around. I would hope that all the polling companies take hard looks at their methodology because most of them failed hard and the people who posted the latest results here day after stinking day not rush here with the latest one that plays to their hopes anymore.
There's nothing strange about repubes being butthurt. It's part of their natural life cycle. Without the butthurt they can never blossom.
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story

I gotta be honest. It is so unbelievably satisfying to have seen them get fucking buried by Obama like this. Maybe now they will shut the fuck up for five minutes. At least we know who's side the people are actually on. After having to listen to their dishonest and propagandist rhetoric for the last few years, its a sigh of relief to be able to sit back and just know... they lost. OH!!!! So good...
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story

I gotta be honest. It is so unbelievably satisfying to have seen them get fucking buried by Obama like this. Maybe now they will shut the fuck up for five minutes. At least we know who's side the people are actually on. After having to listen to their dishonest and propagandist rhetoric for the last few years, its a sigh of relief to be able to sit back and just know... they lost. OH!!!! So good...

I agree, it's beyond satisfying telling these right wing pieces of shit to go the hell and that everyone in sanity land was right.

Until there is an end to the right wing propaganda machine, these useful idiots will stand in line and parrot whatever their masters tell them.
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story

I gotta be honest. It is so unbelievably satisfying to have seen them get fucking buried by Obama like this. Maybe now they will shut the fuck up for five minutes. At least we know who's side the people are actually on. After having to listen to their dishonest and propagandist rhetoric for the last few years, its a sigh of relief to be able to sit back and just know... they lost. OH!!!! So good...

I agree, it's beyond satisfying telling these right wing pieces of shit to go the hell and that everyone in sanity land was right.

Until there is an end to the right wing propaganda machine, these useful idiots will stand in line and parrot whatever their masters tell them.

Yup!! And as its looking, their intellectual hubris is still strong, which might mean another victory in 2016 if they are not willing to learn from this and change their message. It makes it even better. Watching them flounder around, wondering, "what's wrong?" "I don't get it! WHAAAA!!!" If they only had the slightest hint of self-honesty, they might actually become respectable, but they are too fucked up by the deeply-embedded money interests and the Christian Right to ever be truly honest with themselves. To be honest, I hope they do get straight soon, because we need to go back to the middle in this country, and with one side completely off the deep-end, it makes that kind of hard.
I don't get where the real surprise is on the right. Most of the accurate polls, statistics, electoral college math, in state polls, etc. were showing an Obama win.

I think it is a little sad to cling so desperately to whatever little piece of propaganda you can find that tells you what you want to hear.

But I guess that's why FOX News is around.
A funny thing about NaziCons is that they appear to have no capacity for learning. Looking forward to 2014...

you don't learn quit trying to act like you have....your not fooling anyone.....we have read your bullshit.....if you don't question those you haven't learned....
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story

I gotta be honest. It is so unbelievably satisfying to have seen them get fucking buried by Obama like this. Maybe now they will shut the fuck up for five minutes. At least we know who's side the people are actually on. After having to listen to their dishonest and propagandist rhetoric for the last few years, its a sigh of relief to be able to sit back and just know... they lost. OH!!!! So good...

I agree, it's beyond satisfying telling these right wing pieces of shit to go the hell and that everyone in sanity land was right.

Until there is an end to the right wing propaganda machine, these useful idiots will stand in line and parrot whatever their masters tell them.
oh geezus BL....are you going to tell me there is no one on your side who is EXACTLY like this? of them has already posted in this thread....
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.
In the end it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story

when are the Left Wingers going to learn that their propaganda masters are also lying to them?.......the two major parties with most of the people with them......and both parties aint worth a shit....and yet the Drones keep propping them matter what.....lets just keep voting for the "Lessor Of Two Evils"......either way....your still voting for Evil.....sad aint it?......:eusa_eh:

Add a third party and you just add another evil. Want a government that listens to us instead of whomever can bundle the most contributions, we're going to have to start paying. Support public financing of elections. That doesn't mean government control, just paying the bills. Want a libertarian to get more than 1% of the vote, work to get them a level playing field.
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story
When will left wingers realize that obamaturd and the left wing media has been lying to them? Fox, Hannity, Beck, and Levine are more credible then msnbc and obamaturd.
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story
When will left wingers realize that obamaturd and the left wing media has been lying to them? Fox, Hannity, Beck, and Levine are more credible then msnbc and obamaturd.

More credible? They all said Romney would win! Lay off the kool-aid, apparently it's stronger than moonshine for you guys. :cool:
The right wing trolls were crying "conspiracy!" on every pollster that had Obama in the lead for months leading up to election day.

The right wingers felt every single pollster was oversampling democrats though in the end, it turns out that virtually every pollster leaned right and the jewel of the far right, "unskewed polls" was the most off by a long shot.

When will the right wingers learn that fox, Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest of their propaganda master are lying to them? :eusa_think:

How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story
When will left wingers realize that obamaturd and the left wing media has been lying to them? Fox, Hannity, Beck, and Levine are more credible then msnbc and obamaturd.

More credible? They all said Romney would win! Lay off the kool-aid, apparently it's stronger than moonshine for you guys. :cool:
Us guys? You mean guys that don't fall for the mainstream media butt kissing lies to uphold the lying obamaturd. No koolaid, just truth.

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