The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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And? Healthy to be liberal at times, conservative at others.
I can't think of any time it is "healthy" to be liberal (by the modern standard of liberalism). Hell, statistics show that conservatives give way more to charity than liberals.

The people who claim to "care" don't really care. They just exploit the poor for their sick political agenda.
After the initial TV interview by some random abortion doctor and a story from the Indianapolis Star, there appears to be NO RECORD that a rape was ever reported and NO RECORD that an abortion ever occurred. The newspaper and the Doctor have 'no comment'. Could it be that the goldfish gobbled up the flakes too fast....again! We have no Media, we have brainless goldfish.

We all figured this story was BS from the get go and said so right here... so where is the libtard that argued with me that it was a true story...
Go and hide as usual....
After the initial TV interview by some random abortion doctor and a story from the Indianapolis Star, there appears to be NO RECORD that a rape was ever reported and NO RECORD that an abortion ever occurred. The newspaper and the Doctor have 'no comment'. Could it be that the goldfish gobbled up the flakes too fast....again! We have no Media, we have brainless goldfish.

Different day...same shit! Are you folks finally getting tired of this Democratic Party? Of the sleazy things they do? How they lie without a care in the world? Are you sick of a main stream media that doesn't feel a need to back up any story they like the sound of?

Vote them out. Send a message. Turn off the TV. Don't buy the paper. Screw them all!
It’s truly astounding how easy it is to dupe the left. They will blindly believe anything.

They weren’t duped….they were helping to spread the lie….

On Jesse waters tonight it was shown that Ohio doesn’t have a 6 week ban, it has a heart beat ban…..with exceptions…

This story was a lie and they spread it to get the lie out there
She's gossiping at best and has done nothing herself as a reporter to investigate..... She only complains that the media isn't investigating.

If she were a good journalist as you claim, why isn't she out there doing some investigative reporting instead of just spreading a rumor she created?
The story is very similar to a “what if story” from a year or so ago, it seemed fishy and the timing was strange plus the two credited reporters have only covered fluff stories.

The whole thing was suspicious and still is. She went to at least two doctors and no one has turned over this story to the authorities? Maybe, the story is real but no one has been able to confirm or even seen a police report on the incident of a 10 year old being raped.
You guys doubt this, a story reported by multiple credible sources but swear the election was stolen from trump based on no evidence.

No credible sources……aOhio does not have a 6 week limit……
Based on what you posted, there's no conclusive evidence either way. If it is proven false I will be the first one to condemn it.
You normally can't prove something didn't happen, only that it did happen.

The burden of proof is on those who make a claim that something happened.
Leftists, if you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

And leftists lie. All the time.

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