The 19

This did not answer my question.

What was the purpose of the sacrifice of Jesus ?

Unbelieving sinners are blind to the answers we saints give them.

There was no purpose to the sacrifice of Jesus, the false god of Christianity, that the religious leaders of Rome produced in their new testament.

The first saint (the one who Christians think as their false god, Jesus) among thousands of us were used by God to testify to "Christ", our created existence. Because of our testimony of "Christ", we all get killed by unbelievers who reject our testimonies.

Revelation 6
9: When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne;
10: they cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"
11: Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

When my flesh is killed, this will end the "1,000 year reign of Christ".

Oh boy this is getting easier and easier.

Keep listening my friend. It appears you're one of God's chosen believers. I have hundreds of friends who believe in the things I tell them so you're another one who hears the Truth.

1 John 4:
6: We are of God. Whoever knows God (believers) listens to us (saints who testify of our created existence "Christ"), and he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
theword, someone quoting the new testament,then claiming Jesus is a false god or messiah whatever you said just kinda points to someone that is not all there.

You are wasting your time, I put you on ignore to. This is getting easier and easier getting rid of all the nuts.
theword, someone quoting the new testament,then claiming Jesus is a false god or messiah whatever you said just kinda points to someone that is not all there.

You are wasting your time, I put you on ignore to. This is getting easier and easier getting rid of all the nuts.

We saints are the only ones with the knowledge to know what lies the religious Romans added to their new testament. Not all the scriptures were tainted with their religious ideas that came from the "beast", where all religions and religious ideas came from.

It appeared for a moment you were a believer and you may still be one, even if you're doubting me right now. I had a believer doubt my testimonies for a year and then became a strong believer once he started listening to me instead of condemning me out of fear.
theword, someone quoting the new testament,then claiming Jesus is a false god or messiah whatever you said just kinda points to someone that is not all there.

You are wasting your time, I put you on ignore to. This is getting easier and easier getting rid of all the nuts.

We saints are the only ones with the knowledge to know what lies the religious Romans added to their new testament. Not all the scriptures were tainted with their religious ideas that came from the "beast", where all religions and religious ideas came from.

It appeared for a moment you were a believer and you may still be one, even if you're doubting me right now. I had a believer doubt my testimonies for a year and then became a strong believer once he started listening to me instead of condemning me out of fear.

So what books of the new testament were added by the Romans ?
theword, someone quoting the new testament,then claiming Jesus is a false god or messiah whatever you said just kinda points to someone that is not all there.

You are wasting your time, I put you on ignore to. This is getting easier and easier getting rid of all the nuts.

We saints are the only ones with the knowledge to know what lies the religious Romans added to their new testament. Not all the scriptures were tainted with their religious ideas that came from the "beast", where all religions and religious ideas came from.

It appeared for a moment you were a believer and you may still be one, even if you're doubting me right now. I had a believer doubt my testimonies for a year and then became a strong believer once he started listening to me instead of condemning me out of fear.

So what books of the new testament were added by the Romans ?
strange you would pick a tragic but insignificant event to spew you bullshit about..
kinda seems like maybe you had something to do with the fire...
what part of arizona do you live in?
We saints are the only ones with the knowledge to know what lies the religious Romans added to their new testament. Not all the scriptures were tainted with their religious ideas that came from the "beast", where all religions and religious ideas came from.

It appeared for a moment you were a believer and you may still be one, even if you're doubting me right now. I had a believer doubt my testimonies for a year and then became a strong believer once he started listening to me instead of condemning me out of fear.

So what books of the new testament were added by the Romans ?
strange you would pick a tragic but insignificant event to spew you bullshit about..
kinda seems like maybe you had something to do with the fire...
what part of arizona do you live in?

Are you serious daws.

Oh Prescott Az.
theword, someone quoting the new testament,then claiming Jesus is a false god or messiah whatever you said just kinda points to someone that is not all there.

You are wasting your time, I put you on ignore to. This is getting easier and easier getting rid of all the nuts.

We saints are the only ones with the knowledge to know what lies the religious Romans added to their new testament. Not all the scriptures were tainted with their religious ideas that came from the "beast", where all religions and religious ideas came from.

It appeared for a moment you were a believer and you may still be one, even if you're doubting me right now. I had a believer doubt my testimonies for a year and then became a strong believer once he started listening to me instead of condemning me out of fear.

So what books of the new testament were added by the Romans ?

The Roman religious leaders wrote the books of the new testament after they killed all the true saints who had to write thousands of pages of information for God to understand His invisible Kingdom. From all these misunderstood writings of the saints, the Romans extracted a few ideas from them to use with their religious ideas that came from the "beast". So their new testament was meant to deceive all their Christians from knowing what the saints knew. The Roman religious leaders didn't want anymore true saints running around preaching against their false religious ideas and building their false gods.

Even the Jews added their religious ideas to the old testament prophecies to use for controlling their people and making a wealthy lifestyle for themselves, just like the Vatican and religious leaders of Rome did after starting Christianity.

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