The 2020 Election: Is Common Sense Making a Comeback?

Who gets your vote in 2020?

  • Any Democrat candidate who wins the nomination

  • A Democrat if he/she is a common sense candidate

  • President Trump the Republican

  • President Trump who has earned a second term

  • President Trump the common sense candidate

  • Any Republican who wins the nomination

  • Any Republican who is a common sense candidate

  • Somebody else

  • I won't vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".
Yep, billionaires always lack common sense don’t they?
Trump's the exception that proves the rule. He made it on family money, political connections and borrowing other people's money and letting them take the hit in bankruptcy.

“Family money”?
How much family money was he gifted?
Operating on other people’s money, limiting risk and potential exposure is fundamental for all wealthy folks.
You didn’t know that?
What is your definition of "Truth"?

Get as specific as you would like.

LOL, you poor kid.

Let's start here lil guy, surely we can agree on this "definition" of the word, right?

veracity · truthfulness · verity · sincerity · candor · honesty · genuineness · gospel · gospel truth · accuracy · correctness · rightness · validity · factualness · factuality ·
authenticity · dinkum oil
dishonesty · falsity

So you had to go to a dictionary. I was hoping you had an actual opinion in context.

Let's look at the last one: "A fact or belief that is accepted as true".

Accepted by how many people? By what percentage of the populace? Just your half?

Had to go? ANY conversation worth while MUST start with a foundational agreement, with a foundation to gauge statements by there can be no "real" conversation. Things do not revolve around your (or mine opinion) despite the need you have for that to be "true" If you cannot agree to the stated definition of any given word there is then no foundational basis .

Please note I have recognized your unwillingness to even settle on the given meaning of a word. That's just not how it's done old boy ;)
I guess you're not going to answer my direct and clear question.

I'm specifically trying to establish a working definition, but never mind.

That's okay, I'm used to that here.

I gave it to you, you've simply chosen not to "agree" with it. It's a standard Prog defense mechanism, I however won't allow you to play that game. The definition I posted is accepted as true right up until it no longer fits your world view.
Great, thanks.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".

Not one of your 20 plus candidates has any common sense. Rumpy will run rings around them all.
Are you sure? Did you look it up? 'cause I don't think you are correct.
I'm quite sure yes, hell I'm not even voting for him but your clown show will not defeat him.
I think it's kinda funny how you guys keep saying clown show while conveniently forgetting the three ring circus tRump oozed out of.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him because he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".

Not one of your 20 plus candidates has any common sense. Rumpy will run rings around them all.
Are you sure? Did you look it up? 'cause I don't think you are correct.
I'm quite sure yes, hell I'm not even voting for him but your clown show will not defeat him.
I think it's kinda funny how you guys keep saying clown show while conveniently forgetting the three ring circus tRump oozed out of.

Meanwhile the “three ring circus” kicks ass for all the right Americans.
By every metric that matters, America is better on Trumps watch.
If you think tRump is the "common sense candidate" you might need to look up the definition of "common sense".

Not one of your 20 plus candidates has any common sense. Rumpy will run rings around them all.
Are you sure? Did you look it up? 'cause I don't think you are correct.
I'm quite sure yes, hell I'm not even voting for him but your clown show will not defeat him.
I think it's kinda funny how you guys keep saying clown show while conveniently forgetting the three ring circus tRump oozed out of.

Meanwhile the “three ring circus” kicks ass for all the right Americans.
By every metric that matters, America is better on Trumps watch.
Lol at you linking to your own thread as proof of your assertion.

Funny stuff there kid.
Common sense is a subjective term. Good luck getting two people to agree on what that means. What I want is a centrist Democrat who is going to be above the partisan vitriol. I know I have a better chance of hitting the lottery...
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him becausetu..

he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
Donald Trump is arguably the most divisive, polaraizing, incompetent and courrupt person slithering on the surface of the planet.

I pray fervently that his political career ends soon and ends completely. We cannot bear four more years of his antics, his boorishness and is complete ineptitude.

That's pretty much where I stand. Good luck to you Trump supporters. One day the shadow will lift.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him becausetu..

he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
Donald Trump is arguably the most divisive, polaraizing, incompetent and courrupt person slithering on the surface of the planet.

I pray fervently that his political career ends soon and ends completely. We cannot bear four more years of his antics, his boorishness and is complete ineptitude.

That's pretty much where I stand. Good luck to you Trump supporters. One day the shadow will lift.

I accept that you hate the President personally for partisan reasons. I know you won't vote for President Trump in 2020. That is your right and I won't try to talk you out of it. But you would be hard put to put together an honest list of significant accomplishments of Barack Obama or George W. Bush in their entire eight years. But President Trump in 2-1/2 years has accomplished:

--Kick started a stalled, stagnant economy to an amazing degree.

--Trillions of dollars of operating and venture capital that had been sidelined here or sheltered overseas to protect it from Obama's oppressive policies have been put back into the economy that helped promote that kick start.

--Wages are rising comfortably without noticeable inflation for the first time in quite a while.

--People are going back to work and in spite of the retiring baby boomers now exiting the labor market in record numbers, the labor participation rate ticked up a bit last month. That is clear evidence that a lot of people who want and need jobs are finding them.

--People who were struggling with two or three jobs with little or no benefits are now able to secure permanent full time jobs with benefits. That is due to small business being relieved of the Obamacare mandate that forced them to either not expand their work forces or utilize only part time and/or temporary labor.

--Our allies who had been leeching off of us for years are starting to pay more of their fair share in return for the security we provide them.

--Bad trade deals that had been bleeding jobs and manufacturing capability from the USA are being renegotiated, and because of that, plus a more equitable tax policy and more reasonable regulation policies, more businesses are returning to the USA than are leaving. Our manufacturing base is increasing for the first time in a very long time.

--Unemployment is at record or near record levels not only overall, but for essentially every American demographic including black people, Hispanics, women, youth, the hard core unemployed, etc. etc. etc.

--Family wealth is increasing for the first time in a long time due to increased earnings and also due to home values increasing, again without significant inflation.

--We are negotiating with countries that are the most dangerous to the USA and/or their neighbors, militarily and/or economically and seeing progress, though slow, being made. Progress is being made in areas in which there was a lot of grumbling and blustering by previous administrations, but were otherwise ignored.

--We are energy independent which frees us from being held hostage by OPEC or anybody else.

If that is your definition of 'incompetent' I sure hope we get a whole bunch more of it.
Robert Curry raised an interesting question in this short essay this week.

He observed the glaring lack of common sense in the Democrat debates with Julian Castro advocating abortion rights for transgender women taking the top prize for the proposal demonstrating the least common sense. But as he sadly but accurately pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination is unlikely to do so by promoting a common sense agenda, goals, objectives etc. (Personal note: common sense Democrats are being booed off stages almost everywhere.)

That is a sad commentary on our current political environment though probably many Democrats will not agree with it. But for conservatives, Curry is just stating the obvious and preaching to the choir.

The more interesting point he raised is that President Trump was/is clearly the common sense candidate. I concur with that. He isn't partisan. He is no ideologue. He can't be described as a conservative, libertarian, or right winger. But his vision, his goals, his objectives are all solidly rooted in common sense. What the problem actually is. What needs to happen to solve it.

But the question is, did America elect him mostly because he offered common sense that we were hungry for? Or did people vote mostly against what they saw as blatant obviousness of Clinton dishonesty and corruption mixed with lack of vision and promoting an unacceptable status quo?

If the vote was more against Hillary than for Trump, what will that bode for the 2020 election? Is there sufficient appreciation for what the President has accomplished to earn him sufficient votes to win next year? Or has America lost it to the point that they will vote for irrationality instead of common sense?

So where are you at this point?

Will you vote for President Trump because he is the Republican? Or because he is the common sense candidate? Or will you vote against him becausetu..

he is Donald J. Trump? Or will you vote against him because he is on the Republican ticket? Or will you vote for any Democrat to prevent a Republican win? Or will you vote for somebody else for reasons not enumerated here?

Please explain your vote.

(Multiple choice on the poll and you can change your vote if you change your mind.)
Donald Trump is arguably the most divisive, polaraizing, incompetent and courrupt person slithering on the surface of the planet.

I pray fervently that his political career ends soon and ends completely. We cannot bear four more years of his antics, his boorishness and is complete ineptitude.

That's pretty much where I stand. Good luck to you Trump supporters. One day the shadow will lift.

I accept that you hate the President personally for partisan reasons. I know you won't vote for President Trump in 2020. That is your right and I won't try to talk you out of it. But you would be hard put to put together an honest list of significant accomplishments of Barack Obama or George W. Bush in their entire eight years. But President Trump in 2-1/2 years has accomplished:

--Kick started a stalled, stagnant economy to an amazing degree.

--Trillions of dollars of operating and venture capital that had been sidelined here or sheltered overseas to protect it from Obama's oppressive policies have been put back into the economy that helped promote that kick start.

--Wages are rising comfortably without noticeable inflation for the first time in quite a while.

--People are going back to work and in spite of the retiring baby boomers now exiting the labor market in record numbers, the labor participation rate ticked up a bit last month. That is clear evidence that a lot of people who want and need jobs are finding them.

--People who were struggling with two or three jobs with little or no benefits are now able to secure permanent full time jobs with benefits. That is due to small business being relieved of the Obamacare mandate that forced them to either not expand their work forces or utilize only part time and/or temporary labor.

--Our allies who had been leeching off of us for years are starting to pay more of their fair share in return for the security we provide them.

--Bad trade deals that had been bleeding jobs and manufacturing capability from the USA are being renegotiated, and because of that, plus a more equitable tax policy and more reasonable regulation policies, more businesses are returning to the USA than are leaving. Our manufacturing base is increasing for the first time in a very long time.

--Unemployment is at record or near record levels not only overall, but for essentially every American demographic including black people, Hispanics, women, youth, the hard core unemployed, etc. etc. etc.

--Family wealth is increasing for the first time in a long time due to increased earnings and also due to home values increasing, again without significant inflation.

--We are negotiating with countries that are the most dangerous to the USA and/or their neighbors, militarily and/or economically and seeing progress, though slow, being made. Progress is being made in areas in which there was a lot of grumbling and blustering by previous administrations, but were otherwise ignored.

--We are energy independent which frees us from being held hostage by OPEC or anybody else.

If that is your definition of 'incompetent' I sure hope we get a whole bunch more of it.
The corruption, the criminality, the lack of ethics, cabinet secretary's embroiled in scandal. These are not the earmarks of greatness, let alone common sense.

It's not partisanship that drives me to loathe Trump. It's Trump! His boorish character, his lack of education, his knee jerk reactions to policy. His disregard for the law and his snakeoil salesman charm that has convinced otherwise smart people to buy that condo because it's cheap and twice the price.

I feel as if there is someone in the White House who is always involved in a scam, a lie, a wildly inflated personal story. He is trying to sell me a time share in Boca for the second week of January and what I got wasmamrimemshare in Akron for the month of February.
The corruption, the criminality, the lack of ethics, cabinet secretary's embroiled in scandal.

Lay off Obama, OK?
Ask Manafort, Gates, Flynn and Cohen about their counterparts in the Obama administration. Are they visiting them dressed in an orange jump suit and canvas shoes? Do they meet their counterparts in the yard sitting at an aluminum picnic table? Or during Visitors Day the way they meet their families?
Donald Trump is arguably the most divisive, polaraizing, incompetent and courrupt person slithering on the surface of the planet.

Coming from you, that is a sterling endorsement.
What do you know about my character, other than from what I have written?

I realize thenplaybook. Don't refute before you smear. Trump uses it and you have learned well.

The goal is to make your opponent look even less scrupulous, less honorable than yourself. Offer a poisoned chalice to the people. Invent and magnify the most undesirable aspects. The political equivalent of throwing a smoke bomb at your feet and running out of the room.

Dabbling in this field of the black arts of politics results in cynicism, not aspiration, division not unity,partisanship not compromise.

It is today a political sin to call on the better angels of our nature. That would be politically correct, or merely pussying out.
"A Democrat if he/she is a common sense candidate"

However, given how few Democrats actually manifest that attribute publicly nowadays, I dunno... :21:
Donald Trump is arguably the most divisive, polaraizing, incompetent and courrupt person slithering on the surface of the planet.

Coming from you, that is a sterling endorsement.
What do you know about my character, other than from what I have written?

I realize thenplaybook. Don't refute before you smear. Trump uses it and you have learned well.

The goal is to make your opponent look even less scrupulous, less honorable than yourself. Offer a poisoned chalice to the people. Invent and magnify the most undesirable aspects. The political equivalent of throwing a smoke bomb at your feet and running out of the room.

Dabbling in this field of the black arts of politics results in cynicism, not aspiration, division not unity,partisanship not compromise.

It is today a political sin to call on the better angels of our nature. That would be politically correct, or merely pussying out.

Keep digging, and don't look in the mirror.
Common sense is a subjective term. Good luck getting two people to agree on what that means. What I want is a centrist Democrat who is going to be above the partisan vitriol. I know I have a better chance of hitting the lottery...
Yeah, it's gonna be a while, if ever...

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