The 2nd Amendment doesn't prohibit regulation...

You do not, however, enjoy a "right" to an assault weapon.

Oooops, now you did'll soon have a whole cadre of the usual right wing, gun nuts asking you to "define" an assault weapon and having orgasmic episodes in them sharing all their vast knowledge of guns, calibers of ammo, etc. etc. etc. lol
Such arguments are akin to saying if you don't hold a degree in Architecture you should not comment on the collapse of the World Trade Center. Or if you don't know the correct timing sequence of a 305 small bloV-8, you should not comment on automobile safety.

They love to bog down discussin in the semantic swamp. Much as they did the debate over the last assault weapons ban. Stocks, grips and flash suppressor said are cosmetics and have no bearing on the essential problem, the rate of fire.

Except that ARs have the same rate of fire as any firearm, one trigger pull at a time.
restricting guns is not gun control? :laugh:

When you go into the post office and have to leave your licensed carry pistol in the car, that is not gun control.
That is the owner of the place not allowing your gun inside.
You still own the gun, but you just are not allowed inside unless you voluntarily leave it outside.
That is not gun control.
You do not have to enter if you don't want to.
The surrendering of the firearm is voluntary and temporary.
You do not, however, enjoy a "right" to an assault weapon.

Oooops, now you did'll soon have a whole cadre of the usual right wing, gun nuts asking you to "define" an assault weapon and having orgasmic episodes in them sharing all their vast knowledge of guns, calibers of ammo, etc. etc. etc. lol
Such arguments are akin to saying if you don't hold a degree in Architecture you should not comment on the collapse of the World Trade Center. Or if you don't know the correct timing sequence of a 305 small bloV-8, you should not comment on automobile safety.

They love to bog down discussin in the semantic swamp. Much as they did the debate over the last assault weapons ban. Stocks, grips and flash suppressor said are cosmetics and have no bearing on the essential problem, the rate of fire.

Except that ARs have the same rate of fire as any firearm, one trigger pull at a time.

Bull! I guarantee other semiautos fire faster.

Same reason a .22 mag doesn't fire as fast as a long rifle one.
You can’t have a well regulated militia without regulations
In fact it mandates it.
In the Supreme Court majority opinion in the Heller case written by Justice Scalia the point is made that formal membership in the state militia is not required by the individual for that individual to secure a personal right to keep and bear arms ...because in the wording of the time "all male adults" are considered to be members of the "citizen militia " to be called upon in times of national defense. Hence, all adult citizens (women too) are members of the general citizens militia and entitled to keep and bear arms.

The plain reading of the Second Amendment " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bears arms, shall not be infringed " obviously requires a well regulated militia

Well, the general citizens militia is not "well regulated", it's hardly regulated at all!
We need general regulations of the type the state militias use such as, instruction, training, certification, review, arms storage and yes arms type. It's important to note that in the Heller decision Scalia made the expressed point that the 2nd Amendment does not prohibit regulation.

Our leaders have failed us and allowed the NRA to make a perversion of the 2nd Amendment and our daily lives a game of Russian roulette - who will be next to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Dear God, listening to leftists attempt to be clever gives me a splitting headache right between my eyes every time.
In fact it mandates it.
In the Supreme Court majority opinion in the Heller case written by Justice Scalia the point is made that formal membership in the state militia is not required by the individual for that individual to secure a personal right to keep and bear arms ...because in the wording of the time "all male adults" are considered to be members of the "citizen militia " to be called upon in times of national defense. Hence, all adult citizens (women too) are members of the general citizens militia and entitled to keep and bear arms.

The plain reading of the Second Amendment " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bears arms, shall not be infringed " obviously requires a well regulated militia

Well, the general citizens militia is not "well regulated", it's hardly regulated at all!
We need general regulations of the type the state militias use such as, instruction, training, certification, review, arms storage and yes arms type. It's important to note that in the Heller decision Scalia made the expressed point that the 2nd Amendment does not prohibit regulation.

Our leaders have failed us and allowed the NRA to make a perversion of the 2nd Amendment and our daily lives a game of Russian roulette - who will be next to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?
You sound like a bitch in heat
Back in those days, "well regulated" was a common phrase. At that time, it meant the property of someone being in working order.
Such as a militia being ready with plenty of guns and ammo.
If you paid attention to intent, which is important, you would know your argument doesnt relate to it anyways...

Again, regulation is not synonymous with infringement
Did you even read my post? Holy crapola

Holy crapola is right!
There is no other meaning in the etymology of 'regulation ', the root comes from Latin and means rule.

Now perhaps you could look up "infringe".

Never mind, I have it for you.

Infringe - to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another.

Do I think there are any regulations you would propose that would not encroach on the right of others to own guns? Not even for a second.

And the 2nd Amendment does not mandate regulations, you illiterate twerp. The "militia" phrase is explanatory, not directive.
So you support deterrents? So do I, regulation as mandated by the 2nd Amendment will inhance deterrence of gun violence.

So why don't you share with us your "brilliant" plan to regulate gun ownership so as to "inhance deterrence" to gun violence? Astound us.
Shall not be infringed.....

a well-regulated militia, dum dum

The States get the right to a Militia, the People get the RKBA.

Commas mean things.

that isn't how it was written and isn't how it was intented. and every judge until scalia knew that.

but we can pretend.

either way, even wacky Heller says only total bans are outlawed.

funny how wackos think guns are more important than free speech and freedom of religion
Progressives Will never be able to interpret the Second Amendment right, it’s beyond their understanding…
In fact it mandates it.
In the Supreme Court majority opinion in the Heller case written by Justice Scalia the point is made that formal membership in the state militia is not required by the individual for that individual to secure a personal right to keep and bear arms ...because in the wording of the time "all male adults" are considered to be members of the "citizen militia " to be called upon in times of national defense. Hence, all adult citizens (women too) are members of the general citizens militia and entitled to keep and bear arms.

The plain reading of the Second Amendment " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bears arms, shall not be infringed " obviously requires a well regulated militia

Well, the general citizens militia is not "well regulated", it's hardly regulated at all!
We need general regulations of the type the state militias use such as, instruction, training, certification, review, arms storage and yes arms type. It's important to note that in the Heller decision Scalia made the expressed point that the 2nd Amendment does not prohibit regulation.

Our leaders have failed us and allowed the NRA to make a perversion of the 2nd Amendment and our daily lives a game of Russian roulette - who will be next to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Please point out the parts of the 2nd Amendment that mention anything resembling regulation. It does not say anything about the rights of the Militia its states undeniably that the rights of the people shall not be infringed.

If people like yourself want to change the 2nd then call for a Convention it would be great to see it never make it out of the Senate because you gun grabbers will never get 2/3 of them voting to take away people's rights

No need for amendment, just the understanding that all adult citizens are members of the citizens militia as Scalia said and subject to the regulations mandated by the 2nd Amendment.
I don't care what Scalia said the Constitution specifically states the right of the people and all the following writings of the framers confirm this.

The opinion of the Court is the only one that matters.
Not when it ignores Constitutional rights.
You do not, however, enjoy a "right" to an assault weapon.

Oooops, now you did'll soon have a whole cadre of the usual right wing, gun nuts asking you to "define" an assault weapon and having orgasmic episodes in them sharing all their vast knowledge of guns, calibers of ammo, etc. etc. etc. lol
Such arguments are akin to saying if you don't hold a degree in Architecture you should not comment on the collapse of the World Trade Center. Or if you don't know the correct timing sequence of a 305 small bloV-8, you should not comment on automobile safety.

They love to bog down discussin in the semantic swamp. Much as they did the debate over the last assault weapons ban. Stocks, grips and flash suppressor said are cosmetics and have no bearing on the essential problem, the rate of fire.

Except that ARs have the same rate of fire as any firearm, one trigger pull at a time.

Bull! I guarantee other semiautos fire faster.

Same reason a .22 mag doesn't fire as fast as a long rifle one.

No argument from me. I meant that the AR does not fire faster than any other semi auto, and you are right it fires slower than some that have less recoil.
You can’t have a well regulated militia without regulations

A "well regulated militia" in that quote specifically means practiced.
Just as when the federal government was given the authority to "regulate" interstate trade, that did not mean to restrict.
It meant to prevent any state from restricting it. The word "regulate" means more like to facilitate. Which is why the federal government has the responsibility to build highways, bridges, etc.
In fact it mandates it.
In the Supreme Court majority opinion in the Heller case written by Justice Scalia the point is made that formal membership in the state militia is not required by the individual for that individual to secure a personal right to keep and bear arms ...because in the wording of the time "all male adults" are considered to be members of the "citizen militia " to be called upon in times of national defense. Hence, all adult citizens (women too) are members of the general citizens militia and entitled to keep and bear arms.

The plain reading of the Second Amendment " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bears arms, shall not be infringed " obviously requires a well regulated militia

Well, the general citizens militia is not "well regulated", it's hardly regulated at all!
We need general regulations of the type the state militias use such as, instruction, training, certification, review, arms storage and yes arms type. It's important to note that in the Heller decision Scalia made the expressed point that the 2nd Amendment does not prohibit regulation.

Our leaders have failed us and allowed the NRA to make a perversion of the 2nd Amendment and our daily lives a game of Russian roulette - who will be next to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

It does not prohibit regulation and as you point out it mandates it. Well regulated.

Any and all regulation on guns is legal by the government. And the hard fact gun lickers are too ignorant to grasp is that the 2nd amendment was for a time long gone. No citizen militia, especially in the US, could ever fight our own army with only rifles. Those days ended 120 years ago. But these derps cling to this 'hero' idea like they'll be modern minutemen and grab their rifle and save the country.

It is so pathetically laughable it is as Lying Trump would say, sad. But cons cling to their myths like grim death.

The problem is assholes like you will turn regulation into de facto bans, Just like NYC does with handguns.

Stop lying.[/QUOTE
Every state that has laws against child pornography for starters.

Those extend from laws against raping and abusing children, which are crimes, and any recording or photograph of such is a product of that crime.

So is shooting someone.

Face it. If you argue guns can't be regulated because the 2nd amendment doesn't explicitly provide for that government prerogative,

then you have to apply that to the first amendment's freedom of speech and freedom of the press rights.

By not doing so, at that point your argument falls apart.

And people get prosecuted for shooting people. Hell if you own a snuff video (a real one, not a fake one) you probably will be prosecuted for that as well.

Who is arguing for NO regulation? Banning felons and mentally adjudicated people is a regulation. What we are against are regulations whose sole purpose is to prevent law abiding citizens from getting common firearms just because the government and clods like you don't think anyone should have one except government actors themselves.

Trying the all or nothing argument has been done before, it doesn't work.

You also have to consider prior restraint and actual actions taken.

You can prosecute a person for yelling "fire!" in a theater to cause panic, but you can't gag every single person going into the theater "just in case" they might yell "fire"

You can't gag everyone but you can say no guns allowed in the theater.

I'm glad you agree regulation is not only mandated but appropriate.

Now let's get on with we'll regulating the general citizens militia.

1st: Learn to use the quote function properly.

2nd: I was using an analogy, something you obviously incabable of understanding

I agree on nothing you are trying to implement, which is not regulation, but de facto bans or even de jure bans.
In fact it mandates it.
In the Supreme Court majority opinion in the Heller case written by Justice Scalia the point is made that formal membership in the state militia is not required by the individual for that individual to secure a personal right to keep and bear arms ...because in the wording of the time "all male adults" are considered to be members of the "citizen militia " to be called upon in times of national defense. Hence, all adult citizens (women too) are members of the general citizens militia and entitled to keep and bear arms.

The plain reading of the Second Amendment " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bears arms, shall not be infringed " obviously requires a well regulated militia

Well, the general citizens militia is not "well regulated", it's hardly regulated at all!
We need general regulations of the type the state militias use such as, instruction, training, certification, review, arms storage and yes arms type. It's important to note that in the Heller decision Scalia made the expressed point that the 2nd Amendment does not prohibit regulation.

Our leaders have failed us and allowed the NRA to make a perversion of the 2nd Amendment and our daily lives a game of Russian roulette - who will be next to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The problem is gun grabbers hide banning inside of regulation, and make laws that are not designed to make sure a law abiding citizen is getting the firearm, but to make the process so time consuming and expensive that people either don't try or just give up. In NYC it takes 3-6 months and $600 or so in fees just to get a revolver to keep in your own home or apartment. That is not regulation, that is infringement.

And as usually is done, you misread the 2nd amendment. The 1st part guarantees the States the rights to keep their own armed forces. It's the 2nd part, that has ZERO to do wit the States that gives the PEOPLE the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
There are no "gun grabbers," the notion is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

No one wants to take your guns.

And government in fact has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Is a 3-6 month waiting period and $600 in fees just to own a revolver to keep in your own home consistent with the 2nd amendment?
Shall not be infringed.....

a well-regulated militia, dum dum

The States get the right to a Militia, the People get the RKBA.

Commas mean things.

and every judge before Antonin said they meant the opposite of what Antonin made up.

These were the first cases involving outright blanket bans on handgun ownership by a municipality, of course there was never any real discussion about it until Heller and McDonald.
Shall not be infringed.....

a well-regulated militia, dum dum

The States get the right to a Militia, the People get the RKBA.

Commas mean things.

that isn't how it was written and isn't how it was intented. and every judge until scalia knew that.

but we can pretend.

either way, even wacky Heller says only total bans are outlawed.

funny how wackos think guns are more important than free speech and freedom of religion
Progressives Will never be able to interpret the Second Amendment right, it’s beyond their understanding…

Does the 2nd Amendment, properly interpreted, mean that 10 year olds should be able to buy Thompson submachine guns as easily as they buy a Big Mac at MacDonald's?

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