The 2nd Civil War

The US has already had it's civil war. The LIBs wanted to keep slavery the GOP wanted to abolish slavery. The LIB pro-slavery side lost.
Question to all you LIBs: Who was George Wallace? Was he a Dem. or a Rep.?
The irony is the Dems AKA Libs still refuse to 'free the slaves'. The LIBs are doing anything they can to keep the Blacks 'on the plantation' by making Blacks dependent on the LIB government with hand outs.
The next major conflict will be between Whites and Blacks. It's going to be a hot summer. All it will take is one too many simians to sucker punch an old White woman who has some relatives/friends with AK47's and a thousand rounds each and 270s with high power scopes.

You are kind of mixed up historically

I know all about the Republican meme......It was DEMOCRATS who owned slaves, REPUBLICANS freed them

But when you, as a conservative try to claim that it was Liberals owning slaves and Conservatives freeing them you are full of shit. ALL Abolitionists were Liberals. Anti-Slavery was the liberal cause of the day

States Rights was a Conservative it is today
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

GOP Slogan for 2016

Elect Republicans or we will start shooting
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

GOP Slogan for 2016

Elect Republicans or we will start shooting
Why would you think only a Republican could stop the demise of a united America? There are centrist Democrats who have the ability and conviction too.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

Good thing Obama will be confiscating the guns before then.

you must be joking, or a fool who is joking, if that son-of-a-bitch even tries to confiscate the guns of patriots, that is when the next shot fired heard round the world will happen. :up:

He's not taking the guns of any patriots. Just wack-jobs such as yourself. I got the email about it just yesterday.
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

GOP Slogan for 2016

Elect Republicans or we will start shooting
Why would you think only a Republican could stop the demise of a united America? There are centrist Democrats who have the ability and conviction too.

For the Tea Party I'm pretty sure anything that isn't hardcore conservative GOP is a far left socialist liberal.
"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting." - George Orwell

Sums up the anti-liberal, 'take back America,' gun-toting types. You're all talk and mock charges much as the animal your party uses as its' symbol.

First time someone bops you wimps in the nose you run away. And the prospect of being bopped in the nose is why you only ever talk trash and make empty threats. Want a revolution? You first.
GOP Slogan for 2016

Elect Republicans or we will start shooting
Why would you think only a Republican could stop the demise of a united America? There are centrist Democrats who have the ability and conviction too.

For the Tea Party I'm pretty sure anything that isn't hardcore conservative GOP is a far left socialist liberal.
Not all Democrats are of the loony left. There is hope still, even with another Democrat administration.
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

GOP Slogan for 2016

Elect Republicans or we will start shooting
Why would you think only a Republican could stop the demise of a united America? There are centrist Democrats who have the ability and conviction too.

Actually, there aren't
No need for war if everyone stfu, get a job, get in shape, go to church, or at least pray, be friends to everyone...

Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

So, you hope to get the oppertunity to kill fellow Americans. That is what is so appalling about people like you. You are just one small step mentally from Lanza. And more than likely have an arsenal of military type weapons in your home.

No, there will be no second Civil War. But there will continue to be the massacre of innocents by psychopaths within our society allowed access to military type weapons by the policies pushed by the gun nuts and the NRA.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

So, you hope to get the oppertunity to kill fellow Americans. That is what is so appalling about people like you. You are just one small step mentally from Lanza. And more than likely have an arsenal of military type weapons in your home.

No, there will be no second Civil War. But there will continue to be the massacre of innocents by psychopaths within our society allowed access to military type weapons by the policies pushed by the gun nuts and the NRA.

A civil "war" does not have to be violent. The breakup of the Soviet Union was largely non-violent.

This country is very divided. Many thought Obama might be a uniter, but he has only deepened the divide, and he has done it on purpose.

A non-violent secession might be the best thing for everyone. Then we could all see which system worked best.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

There will be no civil war dude. Not to say there won't be some sort of major organized effort to right a perceived wrong. But there won't be a war in the classic sense. And the major organized effort will be put down immediately.

Civil war is inevitable on the path we are on.

Every nation that's ever existed until the modern day eventually devolves into civil war or is conquored by another nation.

Yes, we had ours. There is zero chance of a classic "civil" war taking place again.
If there is a Civil War or an uprising, I don't think it'll be brother vs. brother (like the first one). It'll be citizens vs. the government.

Some citizens against the government. In no way will it involve more than 2% of the nation and in no way will 2% of the nation convince the other 98% it's time to stand up.
if the republican party was kept from cheating in elections there will be NO civil war.

stop cheating and let the people decide
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

Good thing Obama will be confiscating the guns before then.
So the kenyan, in full violation of the second amendment of the constitution, is going to go door to door and disarm the entire nation?

That's one the dumbest things I think I've ever read on here.

Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

The people with guns will be hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong
So the second largest armed standing army on the planet, the American gun owner, is just going to be "hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong?" Seriously, I can't for the life of me believe you said that as nothing more than a joke. If you meant it, then that's right up there with the dumbass statement above as one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.

There will not be a Civil War

Americans are fat and complacent. A Civil War takes commitment to a cause
The only fat and complacent people in America are the city slickers. You libroid fucks will be dead inside a couple weeks. The rest of us out here in the country are another story. No army on the planet is capable of getting us all before they crumble.

You city slickers really have no concept of what happens outside your little libtard bubble in the city do you? You're a bunch of ignorant dumb fucks.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

Good thing Obama will be confiscating the guns before then.
So the kenyan, in full violation of the second amendment of the constitution, is going to go door to door and disarm the entire nation?

That's one the dumbest things I think I've ever read on here.

The people with guns will be hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong
So the second largest armed standing army on the planet, the American gun owner, is just going to be "hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong?" Seriously, I can't for the life of me believe you said that as nothing more than a joke. If you meant it, then that's right up there with the dumbass statement above as one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.


You have a standing army?


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If there is a Civil War or an uprising, I don't think it'll be brother vs. brother (like the first one). It'll be citizens vs. the government.

And if your brother works for the government (or your daughter or mom or niece).....ya gonna shoot them?

No, that's why our military will never willfully follow orders by a tyrannical asshole in government to attack it's own people, which would include family. So those in Washington, and those here, that think our own military would turn against us, are out there in lala land. Some tyrannical moron in government might attempt the order, but the military will refuse.
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