The 2nd Civil War

How about we skip the church part and go with the rest of it? That would make for a better place to live.

Why not let each person decide on his/her own about church and religion? Its called freedom, something you libs have a hard time dealing with

I said nothing about not allowing people to worship as they choose. But you said nothing about freedom. You included going to church in the same category as the other things that "Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya".

So when you say people will either go to church or at least pray, or you can leave or be killed, don't come back to me with your bullshit claims about freedom.

I have no problem with church or with freedom. You, on the other hand, demand that everyone pray or go to church, or they should leave or be shot.

deltex said those things, not me.
Walllace was a racist. He was also a democrat. liberal and conservative do not apply.

The only reason Wallace was a democrat was because a republican couldn't win an election in Alabama until Guy Hunt did it. And he did it because of the way the dems screwed up and ignored the voters in the primary.

George Wallace was, first and foremost, a politician (one of the most successful in this country's history). And yes, it does matter whether he was liberal or conservative. If the actual facts matter, and not just some pretense that Wallace has something to do with the liberals of today.

Your problem is that you equate liberals to democrats and conservatives to republicans. its not that simple. but I know why you do it.

I do it because it is accurate. You asked the question of LIBS, and now want to equate the democrats in Alabama in the 1960s with the democrats of today. That is absolutely inaccurate.
Why not let each person decide on his/her own about church and religion? Its called freedom, something you libs have a hard time dealing with

I said nothing about not allowing people to worship as they choose. But you said nothing about freedom. You included going to church in the same category as the other things that "Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya".

So when you say people will either go to church or at least pray, or you can leave or be killed, don't come back to me with your bullshit claims about freedom.

I have no problem with church or with freedom. You, on the other hand, demand that everyone pray or go to church, or they should leave or be shot.

deltex said those things, not me.

My mistake and I apologize. Other than aiming my comments at you as the author of the post, my statement still stands.
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Previous pages of this thread have been cleaned for excessive flaming.
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Thanks and Carry on..
The only reason Wallace was a democrat was because a republican couldn't win an election in Alabama until Guy Hunt did it. And he did it because of the way the dems screwed up and ignored the voters in the primary.

George Wallace was, first and foremost, a politician (one of the most successful in this country's history). And yes, it does matter whether he was liberal or conservative. If the actual facts matter, and not just some pretense that Wallace has something to do with the liberals of today.

Your problem is that you equate liberals to democrats and conservatives to republicans. its not that simple. but I know why you do it.

I do it because it is accurate. You asked the question of LIBS, and now want to equate the democrats in Alabama in the 1960s with the democrats of today. That is absolutely inaccurate.

please pay attention to who you are responding to. I said none of that.
is the following a liberal belief?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

As someone pointed out earlier, that was a VERY liberal belief at the time.

Care to answer my question?

I really don't know if wallace was liberal or conservative on fiscal matters or international matters, taxation, and the other issues of today.

he was a racist, a democrat, and a loser. why is he relevant today?

He was conservative on almost all issues.

He is only relevant in this conversation because someone tried to claim his being a democrat shows something about the dems today.
Your problem is that you equate liberals to democrats and conservatives to republicans. its not that simple. but I know why you do it.

I do it because it is accurate. You asked the question of LIBS, and now want to equate the democrats in Alabama in the 1960s with the democrats of today. That is absolutely inaccurate.

please pay attention to who you are responding to. I said none of that.

Ok, you did not make the original post. But you are still mistaking George Wallace for someone that has any resemblance to the dems today.
Walllace was a racist. He was also a democrat. liberal and conservative do not apply.

The only reason Wallace was a democrat was because a republican couldn't win an election in Alabama until Guy Hunt did it. And he did it because of the way the dems screwed up and ignored the voters in the primary.

George Wallace was, first and foremost, a politician (one of the most successful in this country's history). And yes, it does matter whether he was liberal or conservative. If the actual facts matter, and not just some pretense that Wallace has something to do with the liberals of today.

Seems you are the one who is confused

Your problem is that you equate liberals to democrats and conservatives to republicans. its not that simple. but I know why you do it.

Which Wallace views would you consider liberal? States rights? Segregation? The rights of a business to discriminate?
if the republican party was kept from cheating in elections there will be NO civil war.

stop cheating and let the people decide

when you have to cheat in elections you will not win a civil war.

If you want one and your right leaning your wanting your own partys death
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

That would be the government.
they really think they will just kill all the people who don't agree with them.

they don't know they are the vast minority.

the republican party lies to them all day long
they really think they will just kill all the people who don't agree with them.

they don't know they are the vast minority.

the republican party lies to them all day long

They lose a couple of elections and rather than look at what they are doing wrong, they start cleaning their guns and talking about a second revolution
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

It's going to be the self aware machines of course. :eek:

[ame=]Terminator 5 Official Trailer #1 (2015) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]predator drone attacking Insurgents - YouTube[/ame]
actually it is the "people" who can make one shot, one kill.., of which i am very capable.

Thank You !! :up:

You would piss your pants if you faced US military forces

hardly, i am a former Military fighter,


i fear not, you are a fucking idiot, the U.S. Military forces will be on the side of the patriots which are the black and white conservatives who want to save this nation from you commie traitors. :up:

More bullshit. But you spell fairly well for a 15 year old.
I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.

What are you waiting for, then?
I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.

Yes, but do you have a Captain America secret decoder ring?

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