The 2nd Civil War

This is what depths to which my party has sunk. A pack of whiny pessimists, with some retards actually pining for a civil war. None of that Reaganesque sunny optimism remains. His heirs are nothing but crying toddlers sucking their thumbs and flinging poo.

Change your diapers, and man up. Start putting solutions on the table. Otherwise, you are just part of the problem.

you sound like that RINO joe scarborough (-:

Since I have never watched his show, I have no idea if you just complimented me or insulted me. :lol:

I tend to agree with you. LOL.
The people with guns will be hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong

Who's going to do the hunting?

Remember Waco?

Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

Now if the gov starts trying to "round people up" thats when the shit will hit the fan.
Who's going to do the hunting?

Remember Waco?

Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

It should have made you nervous the day the Patriot Act was signed. It should have made you nervous the day the Department of Homeland Security was created.

Those who only started bitching about our government on January 20, 2009 are not the slightest bit interested in the truth, and are not the slightest bit educated about our Constitution.

They are mere puppets of political opportunists. Rubes whose passion for preserving our Constitution and our rights will evaporate the day Republicans are restored to power so they can be the ones to abuse our rights and our Constitution again.
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Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

We are already in a civil war. The country is completely divided with one side seeking to throw the Constitution, social structure, and our economic system aside, and the other seeking to return to the civil and social structures that made this nation great.

We are not yet shooting, but this war is well underway. If the Obama faction wins, the nation bequeathed by Madisan, Jefferson, Washington, et al. will fade into history forever.
Remember Waco?

Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

It should have made you nervous the day the Patriot Act was signed. It should have made you nervous the day the Department of Homeland Security was created.

Those who only started bitching about our government on January 20, 2009 are not the slightest bit interested in the truth, and are not the slightest bit educated about our Constitution.

They are mere puppets of political opportunists. Rubes whose passion for preserving our Constitution and our rights will evaporate the day Republicans are restored to power so they can be the ones to abuse our rights and our Constitution again.

And what makes you think I supported either?
And at the time we had just been attacked,so while I didnt like it,there was at least a reason.
Dems were howling mad about it yet once they got into office they expanded the program and abused it even more. So whats up with that?

I've said it multiple times..Both sides are screwing us. They're just taking turns.
And THAT is what has me nervous.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

The Obamunists believe the military will intervene on their behalf. What they base such a fantasy on is a mystery.

No shit...Janet Napolitano calls returning vets a terrorist threat.
Yeah that'll win the military's support if the shit hits the fan.:cuckoo:
Dim witted libs.....
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

We are already in a civil war. The country is completely divided with one side seeking to throw the Constitution, social structure, and our economic system aside, and the other seeking to return to the civil and social structures that made this nation great.

We are not yet shooting, but this war is well underway. If the Obama faction wins, the nation bequeathed by Madisan, Jefferson, Washington, et al. will fade into history forever.

Did you mean to reference so many slave owners?
When these people are your recruits how can you lose.


Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

We are already in a civil war. The country is completely divided with one side seeking to throw the Constitution, social structure, and our economic system aside, and the other seeking to return to the civil and social structures that made this nation great.

We are not yet shooting, but this war is well underway. If the Obama faction wins, the nation bequeathed by Madisan, Jefferson, Washington, et al. will fade into history forever.

Did you mean to reference so many slave owners?

Sensitive about that are you? You a slave or something?
Fellas, I hate to disappoint you.... But we're not going to have a Civil War.

As much fun as using dims for moving target sounds... It ain't gonna happen.

Not as long as people think we have free and fair elections.

At this point in time, I think they're still free and fair enough. Do dimocraps cheat?

Does a fat dog fart? Does a Bear shit in the woods?

Of course dimocraps cheat. They're the scum of the Earth. They cheat, they lie, they steal, they rob they..... They're the scum of the Earth.

But here it is people.... If it ain't close, they can't cheat. Can't happen.

Like in '80 and '84.

Rather than get yourselves worked up into a lather, do us all a favor and VOTE. Get your friends to vote. Get their friends to vote. Get their relatives and their kids and your kids and your neighbors to....


There are still twice as many people in this Country who identify as Conservative as identify as liberal.

But they aren't voting. There aren't voting because they're sitting at home pouting about not getting the perfect candidate.

Romney should have won but too many people sat and pouted that he was too "RINO".

Fuck 'em.

You people who think violence is the answer don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

I've seen War. Actually, a Civil War. And NO War is more cruel, more bloody, more hideous than a Civil War.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

But, watching dims running in fear, waving their hands in the air like the little fags they are.... Makes for good day-dreaming.

But reality? Forget it. I'll have no part of it.

Vote or shut the fuck up.

I'm done here
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Our nation is more likely to face economic collapse under the weight of government entitlements than face a civil war. How far do you think Washington can continue to devalue the U.S. dollar, under the illusion of economic stability, with the weight of all this debt? That's the real looming crisis that will be the sobering wake up call for many in this country.

Which government "entitlements" are crushing America? Food stamps or "defense" spending? Social welfare or corporate welfare? Sustainable energy or constant war?

Obviously you were sleeping through the economic crisis in Greece to even remotely comprehend the definition of "entitlement". How about we just start things off with some of the big contributors: Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and prolonged dependency on government that generates no return tax revenue (such as welfare and over 6 months of Federal unemployment extensions).

If you want to try to defend your love of government entitled provisions that you don't earn, by throwing in your lack of respect for the military, I'd say the Constitution clearly and specifically outlines the need for our government to maintain a military force. Unfortunately you can't really say the same for those other added "gifts" from the government that you cherish so much, without inserting a stretch into some vague notion of interpretive language that's clearly not written or there to be found.

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