The 2nd Civil War

Our nation is more likely to face economic collapse under the weight of government entitlements than face a civil war. How far do you think Washington can continue to devalue the U.S. dollar, under the illusion of economic stability, with the weight of all this debt? That's the real looming crisis that will be the sobering wake up call for many in this country.

And what do you think will happen when the economy collapses? People will take to the streets and there will be civil war.

Only if dumbass conservatives fight on the side of the government and the bankers. Other wise the fucking bankers had better have their own country to flee to or perhaps a secret spaceship.

Exactly what value will the banks have when the United States government has devalued their currency to the point where it's worth is the same as the material it's printed on? Perhaps citizens need to be earning for themselves what they feel they are entitled to have, and stop whining about how successful everyone else is. Take some initiative, be willing to take some risk, and acquire some skilled knowledge that is attained through a little more effort and hard work.
And what do you think will happen when the economy collapses? People will take to the streets and there will be civil war.

Only if dumbass conservatives fight on the side of the government and the bankers. Other wise the fucking bankers had better have their own country to flee to or perhaps a secret spaceship.

Exactly what value will the banks have when the United States government has devalued their currency to the point where it's worth is the same as the material it's printed on? Perhaps citizens need to be earning for themselves what they feel they are entitled to have, and stop whining about how successful everyone else is. Take some initiative, be willing to take some risk, and acquire some skilled knowledge that is attained through a little more effort and hard work.

And the idea that conservatives would be on the side of Gov is just as crazy.
They'd be enemy number one. They are after all the one's who've sold us out.

I cant wrap my head around liberal logic. Shits crazy....
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

I only know who will lose if this happens.


More specifically our children and grand children.
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

I agree. it can be avoided and we should work on that. I dont think it depends on who the country elects as much as who the country becomes.
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

I agree. it can be avoided and we should work on that. I dont think it depends on who the country elects as much as who the country becomes.

It's going to be tough.
It's hard to teach someone to be independent when the gov pays for everything.
Get the gov out of the way of business to create jobs,and then cutting entitlements to the bone thereby forcing people to get off their asses and work or starve.
Civil war can still be avoided. A lot depends on who the country elects in 2016. The nation cannot abide another left-wing president because there are enough who will not stand idly by and watch a once great country devolve into a third-world cesspool.

I agree. it can be avoided and we should work on that. I dont think it depends on who the country elects as much as who the country becomes.

It's going to be tough.
It's hard to teach someone to be independent when the gov pays for everything.
Get the gov out of the way of business to create jobs,and then cutting entitlements to the bone thereby forcing people to get off their asses and work or starve.

I find that interesting. Isn't it after all the left (predominantly) who preaches from the public pulpit about evolution? Whatever happened to their chosen belief in survival of the fittest? Are they merely words of convenience?
China, Russia, and Europe wont allow a Civil War here.

We just need to ship all liberals out of my country, and it'll all be fixed.

This isn't about a civil war or anything like that. Its pure and simple. Liberals/Democrats are cockroaches who need to be exterminated. The rest will be just fine. Its not about 2 sides who both are equally strong and capable. They're scum roaches, and wont put up much of a fight. Just depends when America finally decides to deal with it.
I agree. it can be avoided and we should work on that. I dont think it depends on who the country elects as much as who the country becomes.

Open violence can be avoided, and I hope it is. But we are well into civil war. The Culture war has spread to a general war for the soul of the nation. Will we be a Constitutional Republic, constrained in power and serving the people - or will we continue or descent into an authoritarian police state where graft and pull are the measure of success and power? Where waring factions vie for favor from a corrupt ruling caste who tosses table scraps to the favored in turn for their aid in subduing their fellow citizens?

Further, is a yoke under the whip of an authoritarian overlord preferable to violence in the quest for a return to liberty? Is it not shocking that such a question is no longer a philosophical exercise?
We just need to ship all liberals out of my country, and it'll all be fixed..

Well, gosh.

We have posters who want to remove freedom of religion in the United states; now we want freedom of political thought to be removed.

What constitution?
I agree. it can be avoided and we should work on that. I dont think it depends on who the country elects as much as who the country becomes.

It's going to be tough.
It's hard to teach someone to be independent when the gov pays for everything.
Get the gov out of the way of business to create jobs,and then cutting entitlements to the bone thereby forcing people to get off their asses and work or starve.

I find that interesting. Isn't it after all the left (predominantly) who preaches from the public pulpit about evolution? Whatever happened to their chosen belief in survival of the fittest? Are they merely words of convenience?

It's another one of those quandaries the libs find themselves in but can somehow ignore.
Abortion and the death penalty is one of my favorites.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

I agree that a 2nd civil war is inevitable. Sooner or later freedom loving Americans will realize that the voting booths are not the answer.

Who will come out on top?

Ape Lincoln slaughtered 650,000 Americans back in the 1860's. So I suspect the funeral industry will come on top.

But , I really would love to see the US Constitution (1787) restored and enforced again.

evolution is not necessarily survival of the fittest, but who cares because the earth is only 6000 years old.

Oh I'm not at all concerned with the literal age of the earth, every belief is entitled to their own "creation" views. However, to push for such an evolutionary concept, yet hold to the need for greater dependency of government, does lend to a certain contradiction of standing upon the basis of one's own teaching.
Clearly, another left-wing administration which champions the so-called progressive movements of Obama will form an inevitable backlash from those who disdain oppressive government. This is no longer the realm of fantasy, rather it would be a clear and present danger to the stability of the nation.

There is a considerable population which will not easily abide the overreach of government and could take radical means to keep it in check. We cannot know what the outcome will be, but we do know that it will have consequences which could change the political landscape for years to come at the very least.

America needs a moderate. Any other scenario is likely exacerbate to the point of no return.
Who's going to do the hunting?

Remember Waco?

Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

Now if the gov starts trying to "round people up" thats when the shit will hit the fan.

The point of Waco is that they really had not bothered anyone, the ATF just wanted to make a tough cops episode and started the whole mess. Which Clinton finished for political expedience. If he and Reno will do that to save face what do you think the government will do to stop all out revolt.

The interesting thing about taxes. I am told there are those who pay no income tax. I for one do not see how they can not at least file a return. Everywhere I ever worked required that I fill out a W-4, why, because the government is going to get their cut first. So unless someone takes a lot of deductions they don't have then the feds are getting the tax.
Remember Waco?

Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

It should have made you nervous the day the Patriot Act was signed. It should have made you nervous the day the Department of Homeland Security was created.

Those who only started bitching about our government on January 20, 2009 are not the slightest bit interested in the truth, and are not the slightest bit educated about our Constitution.

They are mere puppets of political opportunists. Rubes whose passion for preserving our Constitution and our rights will evaporate the day Republicans are restored to power so they can be the ones to abuse our rights and our Constitution again.

Well at that time the democrats might become interested in the constitution.

What constitutional right have you lost?
Remember Waco?

Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

Now if the gov starts trying to "round people up" thats when the shit will hit the fan.

The point of Waco is that they really had not bothered anyone, the ATF just wanted to make a tough cops episode and started the whole mess. Which Clinton finished for political expedience. If he and Reno will do that to save face what do you think the government will do to stop all out revolt.

The interesting thing about taxes. I am told there are those who pay no income tax. I for one do not see how they can not at least file a return. Everywhere I ever worked required that I fill out a W-4, why, because the government is going to get their cut first. So unless someone takes a lot of deductions they don't have then the feds are getting the tax.

You're talking about a nut bag and 75 people including women and children.
Thats no revolt.
If we actually had a real revolt the government really couldnt do shit short of carpet bombing.
Take Houston/Harris county for instance. There are 5400 cops in the HPD. And around 3500 Harris county sheriffs.
What are they going to do if even a small fraction of the five million people decided they'd had enough? Even if we say half are women,that still leaves two and a half million.
Add the fact that a crapload of sheriff departments have already told obama to kiss ass when it comes to any shenanigans with the Constitution and the numbers get even worse....for the police.

I think we can all agree that if it ever came down to a revolt,it's going to be the tax payer and the guy who's life savings has just become worthless. Or possibly the welfare recipient who is told the cupboard is bare.

Of those two groups,the only one the gov would fear would be the tax payer who's lifes work is now worthless. The takers wouldnt get any consideration when it came time to put the hammer down. They do nothing but take and the average joe tax payer while decrying the slaughter in public,would have something different to say in private.
Obviously one religious zealot in a compound isn't going to get anywhere. Nobody cared about that guy.
If the economy collapses and it effects everyone ...? Thats a whole different story.
I dont see much of an armed revolt. Sure there may be some skirmish's initially but they wont last.
I see the people saying screw you to the gov and just stop paying taxes.

A lot of Americans are getting nervous due to the crappy economy and the govs sudden interest in homeland armies and the invasion of our privacy.
If this doesnt make you nervous you're nuts.

It should have made you nervous the day the Patriot Act was signed. It should have made you nervous the day the Department of Homeland Security was created.

Those who only started bitching about our government on January 20, 2009 are not the slightest bit interested in the truth, and are not the slightest bit educated about our Constitution.

They are mere puppets of political opportunists. Rubes whose passion for preserving our Constitution and our rights will evaporate the day Republicans are restored to power so they can be the ones to abuse our rights and our Constitution again.

Well at that time the democrats might become interested in the constitution.

Yep. They were interested in the Constitution when the GOP was in power and acting like totalitarians, and now they are disappointed Obama isn't being more totalitarian.

The wheel turns.

What constitutional right have you lost?

My fourth amendment rights. And so have you. If you didn't know that, you have not been paying attention at all!

Others have lost their first, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth.

I strongly suggest you not wait around while others are having their rights violated until your rights are being violated before raising a stink.
Survival of she more intelligent.

I agree. it can be avoided and we should work on that. I dont think it depends on who the country elects as much as who the country becomes.

It's going to be tough.
It's hard to teach someone to be independent when the gov pays for everything.
Get the gov out of the way of business to create jobs,and then cutting entitlements to the bone thereby forcing people to get off their asses and work or starve.

I find that interesting. Isn't it after all the left (predominantly) who preaches from the public pulpit about evolution? Whatever happened to their chosen belief in survival of the fittest? Are they merely words of convenience?

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