The 2nd Civil War

Good thing Obama will be confiscating the guns before then.
So the kenyan, in full violation of the second amendment of the constitution, is going to go door to door and disarm the entire nation?

That's one the dumbest things I think I've ever read on here.

The people with guns will be hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong
So the second largest armed standing army on the planet, the American gun owner, is just going to be "hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong?" Seriously, I can't for the life of me believe you said that as nothing more than a joke. If you meant it, then that's right up there with the dumbass statement above as one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.


You have a standing army?


Oh I'm sorry... did I say "the second largest army?" I meant the LARGEST ARMY ON THE PLANET...


Sorry you little city slickers have such a hard time accepting that. You'll just have to find some way to deal with. We're not going to be disarmed, we're not going to be round up, we're here to stay.
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If there is a Civil War or an uprising, I don't think it'll be brother vs. brother (like the first one). It'll be citizens vs. the government.

I may be wrong here but, I think that uprising is called, "an election".
The more extreme right tend to confuse the two things.

Its silliness to the extreme.

People we're not going to have a civil war. Not because we're too complacent or too lazy but because we're too smart and too interconnected. Put another way; it's about economics both micro and macro.

The shit-for-brains OP talks about it as if it's an option. No. For example during the times of Lee and Grant, very few businesses had multi-state offices much less had a home office in another state.

Sounds like a good idea for the morons in Alabama to take over a refinery or mfg plant in Mobile until you realize that the home office is likely in London or Paris or Aberdeen. Then what? The workers won't get paid any think they're going to join the cause?

The girl you dated or the guy you played ball with in High School likely works for the government on some level (I think the federal government employs something like 6% directly); what you going to do...gun them down unless they join you? And they're going to do that? Sure....keep dreaming.

But lets divorce ourselves from the comparatively "intelligent" idea that a separate nation will rise up somewhere in the lower 48 and challenge the seat of power in Washington and focus on what is to likely happen; an Al Queda type armed group spawned in the US attack some government buildings. Instead of religion, taxes is their cause. Doesn't exactly sound as if there would be a huge following since anyone with two brain cells knows that for any nation to succeed, taxes are a necessary part of that survival. I can see the slogan...."It's time to take back our nation and reduce your tax burden!!!" Makes you giggle...does it not?

Anyway, Osama Bin Laden's strategy was to lure the US into a fight where Uncle Sam put blood and treasure on the streets of Middle Eastern cities and the sight of the 3rd Army in Istanbul would incite followers to join his cause. If there was going to be some sort of armed insurrection of any serious nature, this would be the way to go. However, even this doesn't worry me particularly either. Who worked in the Murrah Building in OKC? It wasn't a bunch of damn was the people of Oklahoma. So you going to take over a federal building and shoot people you live next to and expect the guys on the other side of the decedent's house to join your cause? The idea that civil war is inevitable means one thing...some here want it to happen and will get positively orgasmic at the thought that they could be, for once in their lives, right about something.

It isn't going to happen folks. One percent of our nation is something like 33,000 people. Those thinking a civil war will take place should realize that 33,000 is about 2 Army divisions and some change. The divisions are usually made up of soldiers from multiple states, middle to lower economic standing, culturally and ethnically diverse and are the best trained warriors the world has ever fielded. Let me guys are going to get them to join up and fight for lower taxes. Sure....
Good thing Obama will be confiscating the guns before then.
So the kenyan, in full violation of the second amendment of the constitution, is going to go door to door and disarm the entire nation?

That's one the dumbest things I think I've ever read on here.

The people with guns will be hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong
So the second largest armed standing army on the planet, the American gun owner, is just going to be "hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong?" Seriously, I can't for the life of me believe you said that as nothing more than a joke. If you meant it, then that's right up there with the dumbass statement above as one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.


You have a standing army?



Jefferson knew where

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

So, you hope to get the oppertunity to kill fellow Americans. That is what is so appalling about people like you. You are just one small step mentally from Lanza. And more than likely have an arsenal of military type weapons in your home.

No, there will be no second Civil War. But there will continue to be the massacre of innocents by psychopaths within our society allowed access to military type weapons by the policies pushed by the gun nuts and the NRA.

A civil "war" does not have to be violent. The breakup of the Soviet Union was largely non-violent.

This country is very divided. Many thought Obama might be a uniter, but he has only deepened the divide, and he has done it on purpose.

A non-violent secession might be the best thing for everyone. Then we could all see which system worked best.

Oh shut the fuck up you idiot.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

Someone earlier said that the founders were liberals, is the above a liberal belief?
There won't be a civil war. Just a collapse. The Soviet Union fell apart without a civil war. So will we.
The US has already had it's civil war. The LIBs wanted to keep slavery the GOP wanted to abolish slavery. The LIB pro-slavery side lost.
Question to all you LIBs: Who was George Wallace? Was he a Dem. or a Rep.?
The irony is the Dems AKA Libs still refuse to 'free the slaves'. The LIBs are doing anything they can to keep the Blacks 'on the plantation' by making Blacks dependent on the LIB government with hand outs.
The next major conflict will be between Whites and Blacks. It's going to be a hot summer. All it will take is one too many simians to sucker punch an old White woman who has some relatives/friends with AK47's and a thousand rounds each and 270s with high power scopes.

Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

Someone earlier said that the founders were liberals, is the above a liberal belief?

At the time, very much so

Jefferson would also laugh at what you consider a tyranical government
The US has already had it's civil war. The LIBs wanted to keep slavery the GOP wanted to abolish slavery. The LIB pro-slavery side lost.
Question to all you LIBs: Who was George Wallace? Was he a Dem. or a Rep.?
The irony is the Dems AKA Libs still refuse to 'free the slaves'. The LIBs are doing anything they can to keep the Blacks 'on the plantation' by making Blacks dependent on the LIB government with hand outs.
The next major conflict will be between Whites and Blacks. It's going to be a hot summer. All it will take is one too many simians to sucker punch an old White woman who has some relatives/friends with AK47's and a thousand rounds each and 270s with high power scopes.

Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?

is the following a liberal belief?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
No need for war if everyone stfu, get a job, get in shape, go to church, or at least pray, be friends to everyone...

Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya.

How about we skip the church part and go with the rest of it? That would make for a better place to live.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

Someone earlier said that the founders were liberals, is the above a liberal belief?

At the time, very much so

Jefferson would also laugh at what you consider a tyranical government

What? todays liberals are calling for gun confiscation. Where is your brain, norton, leave it in the sewer?
The US has already had it's civil war. The LIBs wanted to keep slavery the GOP wanted to abolish slavery. The LIB pro-slavery side lost.
Question to all you LIBs: Who was George Wallace? Was he a Dem. or a Rep.?
The irony is the Dems AKA Libs still refuse to 'free the slaves'. The LIBs are doing anything they can to keep the Blacks 'on the plantation' by making Blacks dependent on the LIB government with hand outs.
The next major conflict will be between Whites and Blacks. It's going to be a hot summer. All it will take is one too many simians to sucker punch an old White woman who has some relatives/friends with AK47's and a thousand rounds each and 270s with high power scopes.

Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?

Walllace was a racist. He was also a democrat. liberal and conservative do not apply.
No need for war if everyone stfu, get a job, get in shape, go to church, or at least pray, be friends to everyone...

Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya.

How about we skip the church part and go with the rest of it? That would make for a better place to live.

Why not let each person decide on his/her own about church and religion? Its called freedom, something you libs have a hard time dealing with
The US has already had it's civil war. The LIBs wanted to keep slavery the GOP wanted to abolish slavery. The LIB pro-slavery side lost.
Question to all you LIBs: Who was George Wallace? Was he a Dem. or a Rep.?
The irony is the Dems AKA Libs still refuse to 'free the slaves'. The LIBs are doing anything they can to keep the Blacks 'on the plantation' by making Blacks dependent on the LIB government with hand outs.
The next major conflict will be between Whites and Blacks. It's going to be a hot summer. All it will take is one too many simians to sucker punch an old White woman who has some relatives/friends with AK47's and a thousand rounds each and 270s with high power scopes.

Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?

is the following a liberal belief?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

As someone pointed out earlier, that was a VERY liberal belief at the time.

Care to answer my question?
The US has already had it's civil war. The LIBs wanted to keep slavery the GOP wanted to abolish slavery. The LIB pro-slavery side lost.
Question to all you LIBs: Who was George Wallace? Was he a Dem. or a Rep.?
The irony is the Dems AKA Libs still refuse to 'free the slaves'. The LIBs are doing anything they can to keep the Blacks 'on the plantation' by making Blacks dependent on the LIB government with hand outs.
The next major conflict will be between Whites and Blacks. It's going to be a hot summer. All it will take is one too many simians to sucker punch an old White woman who has some relatives/friends with AK47's and a thousand rounds each and 270s with high power scopes.

Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?

Walllace was a racist. He was also a democrat. liberal and conservative do not apply.

The only reason Wallace was a democrat was because a republican couldn't win an election in Alabama until Guy Hunt did it. And he did it because of the way the dems screwed up and ignored the voters in the primary.

George Wallace was, first and foremost, a politician (one of the most successful in this country's history). And yes, it does matter whether he was liberal or conservative. If the actual facts matter, and not just some pretense that Wallace has something to do with the liberals of today.
Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?

Walllace was a racist. He was also a democrat. liberal and conservative do not apply.

The only reason Wallace was a democrat was because a republican couldn't win an election in Alabama until Guy Hunt did it. And he did it because of the way the dems screwed up and ignored the voters in the primary.

George Wallace was, first and foremost, a politician (one of the most successful in this country's history). And yes, it does matter whether he was liberal or conservative. If the actual facts matter, and not just some pretense that Wallace has something to do with the liberals of today.

Your problem is that you equate liberals to democrats and conservatives to republicans. its not that simple. but I know why you do it.
No need for war if everyone stfu, get a job, get in shape, go to church, or at least pray, be friends to everyone...

Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya.

How about we skip the church part and go with the rest of it? That would make for a better place to live.

Why not let each person decide on his/her own about church and religion? Its called freedom, something you libs have a hard time dealing with

I said nothing about not allowing people to worship as they choose. But you said nothing about freedom. You included going to church in the same category as the other things that "Don't want to do that...leave the country...or end the dirt...with bullets in ya".

So when you say people will either go to church or at least pray, or you can leave or be killed, don't come back to me with your bullshit claims about freedom.

I have no problem with church or with freedom. You, on the other hand, demand that everyone pray or go to church, or they should leave or be shot.
Your question for the "LIBS" is amusing.

The parties were quite different then.

Now let me ask you one. By today's standards, was George Wallace a liberal or a conservative?

is the following a liberal belief?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

As someone pointed out earlier, that was a VERY liberal belief at the time.

Care to answer my question?

I really don't know if wallace was liberal or conservative on fiscal matters or international matters, taxation, and the other issues of today.

he was a racist, a democrat, and a loser. why is he relevant today?

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